Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Bantle, Michael"
Now showing items 1-20 of 31
Description of atmoshperic freeze-drying process of organic apples using thermo-physical properties
Tolstorebrov, Ignat; Eikevik, Trygve Magne; Petrova, Inna; Shokina, Yulia; Bantle, Michael (Chapter, 2018)This study discusses the influence of temperature and total moisture content on ice fraction in organic apples during atmospheric freeze-drying process. The ice formation of glass transition events were described by Clausius- ... -
Description of atmospheric freeze-drying of brown seaweeds (Saccherina Latissima) with respect to thermal properties and phase transition
Tolstorebrov, Ignat; Eikevik, Trygve Magne; Petrova, Inna; Bantle, Michael (Chapter, 2018)Thermal properties of brown seaweeds (Saccharina latissima) were determined using DSC technique in the temperature range between -150.0 and 50.0 °C. The following phase transitions were detected: glass transitions, incipient ... -
Design of a CO2 heat pump drier with dynamic modelling tools
Jokiel, Michael; Bantle, Michael; Kopp, Christian Andre; Claussen, Ingrid Camilla; Tolstorebrov, Ignat (Chapter, 2019)Drying is an energy and time intensive process which thermal energy demand is mostly provided by fossil resources. Especially in the food processing industry it is important to increase the energy efficiency of drying ... -
Development of the natural working fluid‐based refrigeration system for domestic scale freeze‐dryer
Piechnik, Edyta; Smolka, Jacek; Palacz, Michał; Tolstorebrov, Ignat; Bodys, Jakub; Ciesielska, Agnieszka; Haida, Michal; Halski, Michal; Stebel, Michal; Melka, Bartlomiej; Nowak, Andrzej J.; Eikevik, Trygve Magne; Allymehr, Ehsan; Bantle, Michael; Claussen, Ingrid Camilla; Hoinka, Krzysztof; Milejski, Adam (Chapter, 2022)In this work, the analysis of the refrigeration system designed for the FrostX 10 freeze‐dryer is presented. The main goal of this study was to experimentally investigate the reference R452a freeze‐dryer and prepare ... -
Documentation of an integrated thermal energy system for a building complex
Rohde, Daniel; Bantle, Michael; Andresen, Trond; Nord, Natasa (Chapter, 2015)In large buildings and building complexes, energy use can be reduced by efficient interaction between heating and cooling demands and thermal storage (short and long term storage). This work describes an integrated energy ... -
Energy Efficient Drying Systems for the Dried Cured Meat Industry
Kvalsvik, Karoline Husevåg (Master thesis, 2015)Production of dry-cured meat requires large amounts of energy. To reduce the running costs in the dry-cured meat industry, which are closely related to the energy needs, eight energy systems for drying of meat were simulated ... -
Evaluating plate freezing of fish using natural refrigerants and comparison with numerical freezing model
Verpe, Espen Halvorsen; Bantle, Michael; Tolstorebrov, Ignat (Chapter, 2018)This paper compares experimentally measured freezing time and predicted numerical freezing time in industrial CO2 plate freezer. The model uses a two-dimensional, heat capacity-temperature, finite difference method with ... -
Experimental evaluation of a water based high temperature heat pump with novel high pressure lift turbo compressors
Verpe, Espen Halvorsen; Schlemminger, Christian; Bantle, Michael; Ahrens, Marcel Ulrich (Chapter, 2020)This paper evaluates a water based (R718) high temperature heat pump with novel high-pressure lift turbo compressors. The first stage turbo compressor is designed for steam compression and the second stage is designed for ... -
Experimental investigation of the performance of a hydrocarbon heat pump for high temperature industrial heating
Bamigbetan, Opeyemi Olayinka; Eikevik, Trygve Magne; Nekså, Petter; Bantle, Michael; Schlemminger, Christian (Chapter, 2018)A 20 kW heat pump test rig has been built to investigate and validate heat delivery up to 110 °C using a vapour compression cycle. The heat pump is a cascade cycle with propane as the working fluid in the low temperature ... -
High temperature heat pumps in dairy industry utilizing turbo compressor
Rossvoll, Petter Olsen (Master thesis, 2016)Abstract There exist several high temperature processes in UHT plants where a great amount of heat is wasted. To avoid this can energy efficient equipment be installed, such as high temperature heat pumps, which can ... -
High temperature industrial heat pumps utilising natural working fluids
Nekså, Petter; Bantle, Michael; Schlemminger, Christian; Bamigbetan, Opeyemi Olayinka (Chapter, 2019)There is a large demand for heat typically in the temperature range 100-200⁰C in different industries. This is today often covered by fossil fuel burning or direct use of electricity. Heat pumps has to a lesser extent been ... -
Höchtemperatur-Wärmepumpen mit natürlichen Kältemitteln : Fallstudien zur HTWP-Integration für industrielle Kälte- und Prozessheisswasserherstellung
Schlemminger, Christian; Ahrens, Marcel Ulrich; Foslie, Sverre Stefanussen; Moen, Ole Marius; Bantle, Michael; Hafner, Armin; Jenssen, Sigmund (Chapter, 2021)Thermische Prozesse in der Nahrungsmittelindustrie, wie z. B. Molkereien sind oftmals eine Kombination aus Erwärmung und Abkühlung eines Produktes. Prozesskühlung wird dabei meistens mittels einer Wärmepumpe erzielt, wobei ... -
Influence of the low temperature drying process on optical alternations of organic apple slices
Bantle, Michael; Kopp, Christian Andre; Claussen, Ingrid Camilla; Tolstorebrov, Ignat (Chapter, 2018)Drying conditions for convective driers are often based on empirical approaches in which the final product quality is evaluated post processing. Modern sensor technology and data processing enable second-by-second quality ... -
Integrated high temperature heat pumps and thermal storage tanks for combined heating and cooling in the industry
Ahrens, Marcel Ulrich; Foslie, Sverre Stefanussen; Moen, Ole Marius; Bantle, Michael; Eikevik, Trygve Magne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This study investigates the integrated heat pump system of a green-field dairy located in Bergen, Norway. The purpose of the study is to determine the energy consumption and system performance. The dairy features a novel ... -
Investigation of a hybrid compression absorption heat pump system for high temperatures
Wersland, Maria Byrkjedal (Master thesis, 2017)The industrial sector is a large consumer of high temperature heat. Usually this heat is provided by resources that consume primary energy. At the same time there is a vast amount of low-grade surplus heat available that ... -
Investigation of influence of pre-treatment and low-temperature on drying kinetics, sorption properties, shrinkage and color of brown seaweeds (Saccharina Latissima)
Tolstorebrov, Ignat; Eikevik, Trygve Magne; Petrova, Inna; Shokina, Yulia; Bantle, Michael (Chapter, 2018)Drying kinetics of Saccharina latissima (raw and blanched) at low temperatures (10.0, 25.0 and 38.0 °C) was studied. The effective moisture diffusivity coefficient varied due to temperature alterations in the range between ... -
Investigation on heat recovery strategies from low temperature food processing plants: Energy analysis and system comparison
Ahrens, Marcel Ulrich; Selvnes, Håkon; Henke, Leon Hendrik; Bantle, Michael; Hafner, Armin (Chapter, 2021)Industrial food processing plants often have significant thermal requirements at both low and high temperatures. These plants can produce a variety of products including frozen, chilled and grilled/steamed foodstuff, ... -
Kennfeld und Leistungsanalyse einer zweistufigen Turbokompressor-Brüdenverdichtung
Bantle, Michael; Schlemminger, Christian; Ahrens, Marcel Ulrich; Evenmo, Kjetil (Chapter, 2018)Die mechanische Brüdenverdichtung ist eine Spezialform der Wärmepumpentechnologie. Überschüssiger Dampf aus industriellen Prozessen (R718) wird verdichtet und die Kondensationswärme genutzt um den Prozess zu hei-zen. ... -
Low temperature drying and thermo-physical Properties of Brown seaweeds (Saccharina latissima)
Tolstorebrov, Ignat; Eikevik, Trygve Magne; Bantle, Michael (Chapter, 2017)The drying kinetics of brown seaweed Sacharina Latissima with and without blanching were investigated in temperature range between 10.0 and 38.0 °C. The drying process is more rapid for raw seaweeds. The effective moisture ... -
Performance analysis of high temperature heat pumps and thermal energy storages for a dairy
Ahrens, Marcel Ulrich; Brækken, August; Foslie, Sverre Stefanussen; Moen, Ole Marius; Lovas, Kim Andre; Bantle, Michael; Hafner, Armin; Eikevik, Trygve Magne (Chapter, 2022)This paper analyses the performance of the integrated energy system of an existing dairy in Bergen, Norway. The investigated dairy has an innovative solution for the thermal process supply by using only heat pumps and ...