Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Arp, Hans Peter"
Assessing and managing environmental hazards of polymers: historical development, science advances and policy options
Groh, Ksenia J.; Arp, Hans Peter; MacLeod, Matthew; Wang, Zhanyun (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Polymers are the main constituents of many materials and products in our modern world. However, their environmental safety is not assessed with the same level of detail as done for non-polymeric chemical substances. Moreover, ... -
Assessing Root Development and Porosity in Ameliorated and Revegetated Bauxite Residue from Hydro-Alunorte, Brazil, through Digital Analysis of X-ray Micro Computed Tomography Images
Aagre, Mehdi Movahed (Master thesis, 2023)Bauksittrester (BR) er en svært alkalisk, saltholdig og sodisk rest av aluminaraffinerier med lite gjenbrukspotensial og er hovedsakelig tørrstablet i landdeponeringsområder. Erosjon av BR forårsaket av vind og regn utgjør ... -
Bisfenol A i plast i en sirkulær økonomi
Rødal, Helene (Bachelor thesis, 2023)Med utgangspunkt i dagens utfordringer rundt produksjon og avfallshåndtering av plast, har det i denne oppgaven blitt undersøkt hvordan tilsetningsstoffet bisfenol A kan inngå i en sirkulær økonomi. Bisfenol A er et av de ... -
Characterisation and Studies of Microplastics in Marine Environments – Gradient from Bermuda to the Arctic and Laboratory Based Weathering.
Solheim, Synne Standal (Master thesis, 2019)Sikte med denne oppgåva var å bidra med kunnskap om mikroplast, eit nytt veksande felt. For å oppnå dette var eit tredelt føremål forma: (1) å karakterisere verkelege mikroplast partiklar frå sjøoverflata som vart sampla ... -
Comparing PFAS concentrations in non-functional recycled and post-consumer textiles: Implications for a toxic-free circular economy
Fuglås, Maren Charlott Viktoria (Master thesis, 2023)Tilstedeværelse av per- og polyfluoralkylstoffer (PFAS) i tekstiler regnes som en hinder for å oppnå materialsykluser fri for miljøgifter under ønsket om å øke resirkuleringsraten for tektiler under EU’s handlingsplan for ... -
The distribution of persistent, mobile and toxic (PMT) pharmaceuticals and personal care products monitored across Chinese water resources
Huang, Chen; Jin, Biao; Han, Min; Yu, Yang; Zhang, Gan; Arp, Hans Peter (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Hazard classifications have recently been introduced for persistent, mobile and toxic (PMT) and very persistent and very mobile (vPvM) substances, which are those that negatively impact water resources if substantially ... -
Effects of Leachates from UV-Weathered Microplastic in Cell-Based Bioassays
Rummel, Christophe Daniel; Escher, Beate I.; Sandblom, Oskar; Plassmann, Merle; Arp, Hans Peter; MacLeod, Matthew; Jahnke, Annika (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Standard ecotoxicological testing of microplastic does not provide insight into the influence that environmental weathering by, e.g., UV light has on related effects. In this study, we leached chemicals from plastic into ... -
Effects of leachates from UV-weathered microplastic on the microalgae Scenedesmus vacuolatus
Rummel, Christoph D.; Schäfer, Hannah; Jahnke, Annika; Arp, Hans Peter; Schmitt-Jansen, Mechthild (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Plastics undergo successive fragmentation and chemical leaching steps in the environment due to weathering processes such as photo-oxidation. Here, we report the effects of leachates from UV-irradiated microplastics towards ... -
Effects of Organic Carbon Origin on Hydrophobic Organic Contaminant Fate in the Baltic Sea
Nybom, Inna; Horlitz, Gisela; Gilbert, Dorothea; Berrojalbiz, Naiara; Martens, Jannik; Arp, Hans Peter; Sobek, Anna (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The transport and fate of hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs) in the marine environment are closely linked to organic carbon (OC) cycling processes. We investigated the influence of marine versus terrestrial OC origin ... -
Evaluation of Biochar Produced from the Thermal Treatment of Organic Waste to Decrease the Mobility and Bioavailability of PFAS
Bagheri, Amir (Master thesis, 2023)Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), commonly referred to as "Forever chemicals," are characterized by their enduring persistence and wide distribution due to their chemical properties and extensive usage. Elevated ... -
Excavated vs novel in situ soil washing as a remediation strategy for sandy soils impacted with per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances from aqueous film forming foams
Høisæter, Åse; Arp, Hans Peter; Slinde, Gøril; Knutsen, Heidi; Hale, Sarah; Breedveld, Gijs D.; Hansen, Mona Cecilie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)In situ soil washing at the field scale has not yet been investigated as a remediation strategy for soils impacted by per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). This remediation strategy is a promising low-cost alternative ... -
Facilitating microplastic quantification through the introduction of a cellulose dissolution step prior to oxidation: Proof-of-concept and demonstration using diverse samples from the Inner Oslofjord, Norway
Olsen, Linn Merethe Brekke; Knutsen, Heidi; Mahat, Sabnam; Wade, Emma Jane; Arp, Hans Peter (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Identifying and quantifying microplastic in marine samples can be facilitated by removing natural organic matter (NOM). Cellulosic material, like chitin, however, are a type of NOM that is resistant to chemical digestion, ... -
The Fate and Transport of Chlorinated Polyfluorinated Ether Sulfonates and Other PFAS through Industrial Wastewater Treatment Facilities in China
Liu, Shiyang; Jin, Biao; Arp, Hans Peter; Chen, Wenwen; Liu, Yi; Zhang, Gan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Wastewater from certain industrial processes can be primary emission sources of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and fluorinated alternatives like chlorinated polyfluorinated ether sulfonates (Cl-PFESA). Two such ... -
Getting in control of persistent, mobile and toxic (PMT) and very persistent and very mobile (vPvM) substances to protect water resources: strategies from diverse perspectives
Hale, Sarah; Neumann, Michael; Schliebner, Ivo; Schulze, Jona; Averbeck, Frauke S.; Castell-Exner, Claudia; Collard, Marie; Drmač, Dunja; Hartmann, Julia; Hofman-Caris, Roberta; Hollender, Juliane; de Jonge, Martin; Kullick, Thomas; Lennquist, Anna; Letzel, Thomas; Nödler, Karsten; Pawlowski, Sascha; Reineke, Ninja; Rorije, Emiel; Scheurer, Marco; Sigmund, Gabriel; Timmer, Harrie; Trier, Xenia; Verbruggen, Eric; Arp, Hans Peter (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background Safe and clean drinking water is essential for human life. Persistent, mobile and toxic (PMT) substances and/or very persistent and very mobile (vPvM) substances are an important group of substances for which ... -
How do different nitrogen application levels and irrigation practices impact biological nitrogen fixation and its distribution in paddy system?
Zhang, Yanhui; Hu, Tianlong; Wang, Hui; Jin, Haiyang; Liu, Qi; Lin, Zhibin; Liu, Benjuan; Liu, Hongtao; Chen, Zhe; Lin, Xinwu; Wang, Xiaojie; Ma, Jing; Sun, Delin; Sun, Xiaoli; Tang, Haoye; Bei, Qicheng; Cherubini, Francesco; Arp, Hans Peter; Xie, Zubin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background and aims Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) in paddy systems is impacted by nitrogen application levels and irrigation strategies, but the extent to which these factors influence BNF and its distribution in ... -
Identifying persistent, mobile and toxic (PMT) organic compounds detected in shale gas wastewater
Huang, Chen; Jin, Biao; Han, Min; Zhang, Gan; Arp, Hans Peter (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Shale gas exploitation is a water-intensive process, generating flowback and produced water (FPW) with complex chemical compositions. Reuse, disposal and treatment of FPW are of increasing concern, because of the potential ... -
Leachate emissions of short- and long-chain perand polyfluoralkyl substances (PFASs) from various Norwegian landfills
Knutsen, Heidi; Mæhlum, Trond; Haarstad, Ketil; Slinde, Gøril Aasen; Arp, Hans Peter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Restrictions on the use of long-chain per- and polyfluoralkyl substances (PFASs) has led to substitutions with short-chain PFASs. This study investigated the presence of four short-chain PFASs and twenty-four long-chain ... -
Microplastic accumulation by tube-dwelling, suspension feeding polychaetes from the sediment surface: A case study from the Norwegian Continental Shelf
Knutsen, Heidi; Cyvin, Jakob Bonnevie; Totland, Christian; Wade, Emma Jane; Castro, Veronica; Pettersen, Arne; Laugesen, Jens; Møskeland, Thomas; Arp, Hans Peter; Lilleeng, Øyvind (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Sediment samples (0–1 cm) and tube-dwelling polychaetes from the Norwegian Continental Shelf and the Barents Sea were collected, including areas close to oil and gas installations and remote locations. Microplastics (≥45 μm) ... -
The NORMAN Suspect List Exchange (NORMAN-SLE): facilitating European and worldwide collaboration on suspect screening in high resolution mass spectrometry
Mohammed Taha, Hiba; Aalizadeh, Reza; Alygizakis, Nikiforos; Antignac, Jean-Philippe; Arp, Hans Peter; Bade, Richard; Baker, Nancy; Belova, Lidia; Bijlsma, Lubertus; Bolton, Evan E.; Brack, Werner; Celma, Alberto; Chen, Wen-Ling; Cheng, Tiejun; Chirsir, Parviel; Čirka, Ľuboš; D’Agostino, Lisa A.; Djoumbou Feunang, Yannick; Dulio, Valeria; Fischer, Stellan; Gago-Ferrero, Pablo; Galani, Aikaterini; Geueke, Birgit; Głowacka, Natalia; Glüge, Juliane; Groh, Ksenia; Grosse, Sylvia; Haglund, Peter; Hakkinen, Pertti J.; Hale, Sarah; Hernandez, Felix; Janssen, Elisabeth M.-L.; Jonkers, Tim; Kiefer, Karin; Kirchner, Michal; Koschorreck, Jan; Krauss, Martin; Krier, Jessy; Lamoree, Marja H.; Letzel, Marion; Letzel, Thomas; Li, Qingliang; Little, James; Liu, Yanna; Lunderberg, David M.; Martin, Jonathan W.; McEachran, Andrew D.; McLean, John A.; Meier, Christiane; Meijer, Jeroen; Menger, Frank; Merino, Carla; Muncke, Jane; Muschket, Matthias; Neumann, Michael; Neveu, Vanessa; Ng, Kelsey; Oberacher, Herbert; O’Brien, Jake; Oswald, Peter; Oswaldova, Martina; Picache, Jaqueline A.; Postigo, Cristina; Ramirez, Noelia; Reemtsma, Thorsten; Renaud, Justin; Rostkowski, Pawel; Rüdel, Heinz; Salek, Reza M.; Samanipour, Saer; Scheringer, Martin; Schliebner, Ivo; Schulz, Wolfgang; Schulze, Tobias; Sengl, Manfred; Shoemaker, Benjamin A.; Sims, Kerry; Singer, Heinz; Singh, Randolph R.; Sumarah, Mark; Thiessen, Paul A.; Thomas, Kevin V; Torres, Sonia; Trier, Xenia; van Wezel, Annemarie P.; Vermeulen, Roel C. H.; Vlaanderen, Jelle J.; von der Ohe, Peter C.; Wang, Zhanyun; Williams, Antony J.; Willighagen, Egon L.; Wishart, David S.; Zhang, Jian; Thomaidis, Nikolaos S.; Hollender, Juliane; Slobodnik, Jaroslav; Schymanski, Emma L. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background The NORMAN Association ( initiated the NORMAN Suspect List Exchange (NORMAN-SLE; in 2015, following the NORMAN collaborative trial on ... -
Occurence of bisphenols and benzophenone UV-filters in plastic waste: A circular economy perspective
Stavland, Vanja Thorbjørnsen (Master thesis, 2021)Abstract will be available on 2024-07-01