Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Araya-Ajoy, Yimen"
Now showing items 1-19 of 19
Causes and consequences of variation in early-life telomere length in a bird metapopulation
Pepke, Michael Le; Kvalnes, Thomas; Ranke, Peter Sjolte; Araya-Ajoy, Yimen; Wright, Jonathan; Sæther, Bernt-Erik; Jensen, Henrik; Ringsby, Thor Harald (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Environmental conditions during early-life development can have lasting effects shaping individual heterogeneity in fitness and fitness-related traits. The length of telomeres, the DNA sequences protecting chromosome ends, ... -
Characterizing morphological (co)variation using structural equation models: Body size, allometric relationships and evolvability in a house sparrow metapopulation
Araya-Ajoy, Yimen; Ranke, Peter Sjolte; Kvalnes, Thomas; Rønning, Bernt; Holand, Håkon; Myhre, Ane Marlene; Pärn, Henrik; Jensen, Henrik; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Sæther, Bernt-Erik; Wright, Jonathan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Body size plays a key role in the ecology and evolution of all organisms. Therefore, quantifying the sources of morphological (co)variation, dependent and independent of body size, is of key importance when trying to ... -
Circadian rhythms of urinary cortisol levels vary between individuals in wild male chimpanzees: A reaction norm approach
Sonnweber, Ruth; Araya-Ajoy, Yimen; Behringer, Verena; Deschner, Tobias; Tkaczynski, Patrick; Fedurek, Pawel; Preis, Anna; Samuni, Liran; Zommers, Zinta; Gomes, Cristina; Zuberbühler, Klaus; Wittig, Roman M.; Crockford, Catherine (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Investigating the repeatability of trait variation between individuals, that is the amount of individual variation in relation to overall phenotypic variation, indicates an upper level of heritability and reveals whether ... -
Demographic measures of an individual's "pace of life": fecundity rate, lifespan, generation time, or a composite variable?
Araya-Ajoy, Yimen; Bolstad, Geir Hysing; Brommer, Jon; Careau, Vincent; Dingemanse, Niels J.; Wright, Jonathan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Comparative analyses have demonstrated the existence of a ^pace-of-life^ (POL) continuum of life-history strategies, from fastreproducing short-lived species to slow-reproducing long-lived species. This idea has been ... -
Disentangling the age-dependent causal pathways affecting multiple paternity in house sparrows
Søraker, Jørgen Skavdal (Master thesis, 2022)De drivende mekanismene bak fordelingen av polygami hos sosialt monogame fuglearter har fått mye oppmerksomhet de siste tiårene. Alder og morfologi, og særlig sekundære seksuelle trekk, har ofte blitt pekt på som viktige ... -
Dispersal in a house sparrow metapopulation: An integrative case study of genetic assignment calibrated with ecological data and pedigree information
Saatoglu, Fikriye Dilan; Niskanen, Alina Katariina; Kuismin, Markku; Ranke, Peter Sjolte; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Araya-Ajoy, Yimen; Kvalnes, Thomas; Pärn, Henrik; Rønning, Bernt; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Sæther, Bernt-Erik; Husby, Arild; Sillanpää, Mikko J.; Jensen, Henrik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Dispersal has a crucial role determining ecoevolutionary dynamics through both gene flow and population size regulation. However, to study dispersal and its consequences, one must distinguish immigrants from residents. ... -
Effects of inbreeding on lay date in house sparrows (Passer domesticus)
Muller, Amandine Sophie (Master thesis, 2021)Innavlsdepresjon (en reduksjon i individuell fitness forårsaket av innavl) har blitt observert hos mange ulike arter, men mekanismene som gir innavlsdepresjon er fremdeles uklare. Innavl og innavlsdepresjon studeres vanligvis ... -
Effects of manipulated levels of predation threat on parental provisioning and nestling begging
Mutzel, Ariane; Olsen, Anne-Lise; Mathot, Kimberley J; Araya-Ajoy, Yimen; Nicolaus, Marion; Wijmenga, Jan J; Wright, Jonathan; Kempenaers, Bart; Dingemanse, Niels J. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Parental provisioning behavior is a major determinant of offspring growth and survival, but high provisioning rates might come at the cost of increased predation threat. Parents should thus adjust provisioning activity ... -
Individual variation and indirect social effects in producer-scrounger behavior in groups of house sparrows, Passer domesticus
Lilleng, Simen (Master thesis, 2019)Sosial foringsatferd involverer intraspesifikk konkurranse over begrenset mattilgjengelighet som over tid har formet evolusjonen av sosiale forings strategier. Individer er del av et dynamisk sosialt miljø som ofte avhenger ... -
Life-history evolution under fluctuating density-dependent selection and the adaptive alignment of pace-of-life syndromes
Wright, Jonathan; Bolstad, Geir Hysing; Araya-Ajoy, Yimen; Dingemanse, Niels J. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)We present a novel perspective on life-history evolution that combines recent theoretical advances in fluctuating density-dependent selection with the notion of pace-of-life syndromes (POLSs) in behavioural ecology. These ... -
Network analysis of genetic relatedness using population dynamic simulations
Lundin, Thorbjørn (Master thesis, 2020)Et viktig element når det gjelder å forstå økoevolusjonær dynamikk i populasjoner er genetisk slektskap. Det har nylig blitt utviklet nye metoder som innebærer å analysere slektskapsmatrisen ved hjelp av nettverksanalyse. Her ... -
Provisioning tactics of great tits (Parus major) in response to long-term brood size manipulations differ across years
Mathot, Kimberley J; Olsen, Anne-Lise; Mutzel, Ariane; Araya-Ajoy, Yimen; Nicolaus, Marion; Westneat, David F.; Wright, Jonathan; Kempenaers, Bart; Dingemanse, Niels J. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Parents provisioning their offspring can adopt different tactics to meet increases in offspring demand. In this study, we experimentally manipulated brood demand in free living great tits (Parus major) via brood size ... -
Repeatable Territorial Aggression in a Neotropical Poison Frog
Chaloupka, Sarah; Peignier, Mélissa; Stückler, Susanne; Araya-Ajoy, Yimen; Walsh, Patrick; Ringler, Max; Ringler, Eva (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Intra-specific aggressive interactions play a prominent role in the life of many animals. While studies have found evidence for repeatability in boldness, activity, and exploration in amphibians, we know relatively little ... -
Robustness of linear mixed-effects models to violations of distributional assumptions
Schielzeth, Holger; Dingemanse, Niels J.; Nakagawa, Shinichi; Westneat, David F.; Allegue, Hassen; Teplitsky, Céline; Réale, Denis; Dochtermann, Ned A.; Garamszegi, László Zsolt; Araya-Ajoy, Yimen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Linear mixed-effects models are powerful tools for analysing complex datasets with repeated or clustered observations, a common data structure in ecology and evolution. Mixed-effects models involve complex fitting procedures ... -
Sources of (co)variation in alternative siring routes available to male great tits (Parus major)
Araya-Ajoy, Yimen; Kuhn, Sylvia; Mathot, Kimberley J; Mouchet, Alexia; Mutzel, Ariane; Nicolaus, Marion; Wijmenga, Jan J; Kempenaers, Bart; Dingemanse, Niels J. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Males of socially monogamous species can increase their siring success via within-pair and extra-pair fertilizations. In this study, we focused on the different sources of (co)variation between these siring routes, and ... -
Spatial structure and dispersal dynamics in a house sparrow metapopulation
Ranke, Peter Sjolte; Araya-Ajoy, Yimen; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Pärn, Henrik; Rønning, Bernt; Jensen, Henrik; Wright, Jonathan; Sæther, Bernt-Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The effects of spatial structure on metapopulation dynamics depend upon the interaction between local population dynamics and dispersal, and how this relationship is affected by the geographical isolation and spatial ... -
Spatio-temporal variation in phenotypic selection in a metapopulation of house sparrows (Passer domesticus)
Attila, Samu (Master thesis, 2020)Romlig-tidsmessig variasjon i naturlig seleksjon kan ha viktige evolusjonære konsekvenser og innsamling av kunnskap om slik variasjon kan vise seg å være nyttig i bevaringsbiologi. Mange studier har målt romlig eller ... -
The Role of Indirect Genetic Effects in Evolutionary Rescue
O'Shea, Myranda (Master thesis, 2020)Globale miljøendringer fører til en kraftig nedgang i biodiversitet og de tilhørende økosystemtjenestene. Det å forstå mekanismene som påvirker en populasjons evne til å tilpasse seg disse miljøendringene er kritisk kunnskap ... -
Variation in generation time reveals density regulation as an important driver of pace of life in a bird metapopulation
Araya-Ajoy, Yimen; Niskanen, Alina Katariina; Froy, Hannah; Ranke, Peter Sjolte; Kvalnes, Thomas; Rønning, Bernt; Pepke, Michael Le; Jensen, Henrik; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Sæther, Bernt-Erik; Wright, Jonathan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Generation time determines the pace of key demographic and evolutionary processes. Quantified as the weighted mean age at reproduction, it can be studied as a life-history trait that varies within and among populations and ...