Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Angelo, Elin"
Now showing items 1-20 of 33
Artist or Crafts(wo)man?
Varkøy, Øivind; Angelo, Elin; Rolle, Christian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Are orchestral musicians artists or crafts(wo)men? This article offers a principaldiscussion of the concepts of artist and crafts(wo)man, as well as the relation betweenthese concepts, from a philosophical point of view. ... -
The Craftsmanship that Disappeared? Investigating the Role of the Principal Instrument in Music Teacher Education Programs
Eidsvaag, Fritz Flåmo; Angelo, Elin (Chapter, 2021) -
Discourse analysis of health providers’ experiences using service design
Eines, Trude Fløystad; Angelo, Elin; Vatne, Solfrid (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Background: Municipal healthcare organizations are facing increasing challenges to developing more cost‐effective organizations and services, particularly in nursing homes. The background for this article is an attempt in ... -
The Discursive Terms of Music/Teacher Education at Four Higher Educational Institutions
Angelo, Elin; Knigge, Jens; Sæther, Morten; Waagen, Wenche (Chapter, 2021)In this chapter, we examine how music/teacher education is represented on the websites of four Norwegian institutions that offer diverse kinds of music/teacher education at the BA, MA, and PhD levels and that offer ... -
Disrupting the White monologue in arts education through pluralist proximity – A study in possibilities and challenges of plurality in Nordic Community Schools of Music and Arts Education
Ulrichsen, Gry Olsen (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:107, Doctoral thesis, 2024)The Community Schools of Music and Arts (CSMA) is described as first stop in the exclusionary cycle of the Scandinavian cultural sector. However, discussions about the presence of racism in arts education has been confined ... -
Eleven og musikken
Angelo, Elin; Sæther, Morten (Book, 2017) -
En dokumentanalyse om hvordan profesjonsutdanningen forbereder musikkterapeuter til å ivareta de effektene musikkterapi synes å ha i rusbehandlingen
Juberg, Anita (Master thesis, 2024)Sammendrag I denne masteroppgaven har jeg utforsket hvordan profesjonsutdanningen for musikkterapeuter forbereder dem til å kunne ivareta de spesifikke behovene til mennesker med rusavhengighet. Gjennom å se nærmere ... -
Filosofiske perspektiver som igangsettende impulser for å utvikle forståelser om norsk musikklærerutdanning
Øien, Ola Buan; Angelo, Elin (Chapter, 2023)I en verden med økende kompleksitet og usikkerhet på en rekke områder må barn og unge, lærere og skoleledere lære seg å leve med uforutsigbarhet. For å hindre handlingslammelse, må kunnskap, læring og utdanning omformes ... -
A French horn pedagogue’s professional understanding French horn didactopographer teaching students from beginner to expert, with teacher education as an ending point
Angelo, Elin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)This article is based on a qualitative study of a Norwegian French horn pedagogue’sprofessional understanding. Through thematic narrative analysis of observations of herteaching practice, interviews and a survey form, the ... -
Higher Education as Context for Music Pedagogy Research
Angelo, Elin; Knigge, Jens; Sæther, Morten; Waagen, Wenche (Chapter, 2021) -
Introduction: Making History Through Music Performance and Education
Rolfhamre, Robin; Angelo, Elin (Chapter, 2022) -
Kulturskole: bredde//dybde
Viken, Andreas (Master thesis, 2019)Denne masteroppgaven er en kvalitativ analyse av den norske kulturskolens rammeplan, Mangfold og fordypning, og to modeller, IRIS-prosjektet og Trondheimspyramiden, som representerer kulturskolevirksomhet som har lyktes ... -
Kulturskolens mange samarbeidskonstellasjoner som verdidrevne sammenvevde avhengighetsrelasjoner
Emstad, Anne Berit; Angelo, Elin (Chapter, 2021)Denne antologien presenterer forskningsprosjekter som undersøker kvaliteter og spenninger i ulike former for samarbeid om utdanning i og mellom forskjellige kunstfag, kunstformer og utdanninger. Bidragsyterne er lærere, ... -
LITT MER CHAMPAGNE I MELLOMGULVET! Sangmetaforer i spennet mellom kropp og språk.
Sjaastad, Hanne Terese (Master thesis, 2020)Denne studien er en undersøkelse av metaforer i sangundervisning i høyere utdanning i lys av kognitiv og diskursorientert metaforteori. Med et sosialkonstruksjonistisk utgangspunkt, hvor språket ikke bare er speilende, men ... -
Lærerutdannerens profesjonsforståelse: en innfallsvinkel til å profesjonalisere lærerutdannerfeltet
Angelo, Elin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Hva er lærerutdannerens ekspertise og mandat – og hvem avgjør det? I denne artikkelen foreslås profesjonsforståelse som en tilnærming til å kvalifisere og profesjonalisere lærerutdannerpraksis, og som et refleksjonsverktøy ... -
Music Education as a Dialogue Between the Outer and the Inner. A Jazz Pedagogue's Philosophy of Music Education
Angelo, Elin (Chapter, 2015)This chapter discusses the philosophy of work of a renowned Norwegian jazz pedagogue and its embodiment in practice as a dialogue between inner and outer aspects of music and human beings. Music, here, is conceived as ... -
Music educators' expertise and mandate: Who decides, based on what?
Angelo, Elin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Who should define music educators’ expertise and mandate, and on what basis? Is this for example individual music educators, diverse collectives, employment institutions or political frameworks? How can one discuss ... -
Music Technology in Education – Channeling and Challenging Perspectives
Eiksund, Øyvind Johan; Angelo, Elin; Knigge, Jens (Book, 2020)This anthology presents research projects that examine the intersection between music, technology and education from a variety of perspectives. The contributors are from a range of educational programs within traditional ... -
Music Technology in Education – Channeling and Challenging Perspectives.
Eiksund, Øyvind Johan; Angelo, Elin; Knigge, Jens (Chapter, 2020) -
Notions of Mandate, Knowledge and Research in Norwegian Classical Music Performance Studies
Angelo, Elin; Varkøy, Øivind; Georgii-Hemming, Eva (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Policy changes and higher education reforms challenge performing musician programmes across Europe. The academisation of arts education means that classical performance programmes are now marked by strong expectations of ...