Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Andersson, Henrik"
A Column Generation Heuristic for the Dynamic Rebalancing Problem in Bike Sharing Systems
Hagen, Kristine; Gleditsch, Marte Dybendal (Master thesis, 2018)This thesis examines the dynamic rebalancing of a bike sharing system (BSS). A BSS is a service where bicycles are made available to users on a short-term basis. However, imbalanced systems is a significant challenge and ... -
A Hybrid Optimization Approach for the School Layout Problem
Hermanrud, Ingrid Emilie; Lystad, Carl Fredrik; Narvhus, Petter Jørgensen (Master thesis, 2020)Å designe planløsningen til en skole er en kompleks oppgave, og krever at arkitektfirmaer bruker hundrevis av timer på å utvikle et planløsningsforslag. Kompleksiteten kommer av antall rom, ulike romstørrelser, spesifikke ... -
A Logic Branch and Bound Algorithm for Petroleum Production Optimization Based on Generalized Disjunctive Programming
Hansen-Tangen, Jakob G.; Sangnes, Sindre Dombu (Master thesis, 2013)A new solution method for solving the real time production optimization (RTPO) problem for a petroleum production system is presented in this thesis. The objective function of the problem maximizes oil production and the ... -
A Maritime Inventory Routing Problem: Discrete Time Formulations and Valid Inequalities
Agra, Agostinho; Andersson, Henrik; Christiansen, Marielle; Wolsey, L (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)A single-product maritime inventory routing problem (MIRP) is studied in which the production and consumption rates vary over the planning horizon. The problem involves a heterogeneous fleet and multiple production and ... -
A Matheuristic for a Perishable Distribution Problem with Time Windows
Hjeltnes, Agnes Gehrken; Kirkeby, Marthe (Master thesis, 2023)Denne oppgaven omhandler det nasjonale distribusjonsproblemet til Bama, en stor norsk grossist av frukt og grønt. Frukt og grønt er ferskvarer, noe som betyr at kvaliteten deres forringes over tid. Målet er derfor å levere ... -
A matheuristic for the inventory routing problem with divisible pickup and delivery
Aastveit, Einar; Staver, Tuva Toftdahl; Vadseth, Simen Tung (Master thesis, 2018)The management of reverse logistics has received growing attention in recent years due to new regulations, environmental aspects and an eagerness to obtain further operational benefits. Reverse logistics can be modeled as ... -
A New Optimization-based Algorithm for a Maritime Inventory Routing Problem
Myklebust, Trine Nord; Foss, Elise (Master thesis, 2016)Maritime transportation has a long tradition of taking a dominant role in the global trade. Remarkable improvements in the efficiency of maritime transportation have been made in the last 50 years, but still significant ... -
A Strategic Tool for Competence Building within the Health Sector: With the Use of Nurse Rerostering
Lilleby, Hilde Elise Sæther (Master thesis, 2012)Implementing a model of competence building in the XpressMP and building a case based on a simplified version of a hospital gave room for computational studies. A lower amount of nurse rotation lead to lower cost of external ... -
Advancements in exact solution methods for the inventory routing problem
Skålnes, Jørgen (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:307, Doctoral thesis, 2024)English summary This thesis presents the results of four years of research on exact solution methods for the inventory routing problem (IRP) within the field of Operations Research. The IRP is a combined routing and ... -
An Adaptive Genetic Algorithm for the Hybrid Flexible Flowshop Scheduling Problem With Sequence-Dependent Set-up Times
Gravdal, Henrik Irgens; Weidemann, Jørgen (Master thesis, 2022)Over de siste tiårene har produksjonsbedrifter flyttet store deler av sin produksjon til lavkostnadsland. I tillegg har store produsenter benyttet seg av strømlinjeformede produksjonsinstallasjoner og høye produksjonsvolum ... -
An Adaptive Large Neighbourhood Search Heuristic for a Dial-a-Ride Problem with Real-Time Disruptions
Brenna, Maria Lundin; Ellestad, Amalie Omholt; Lunde, Anna Sofie (Master thesis, 2022)Denne oppgaven utforsker dial-a-ride problemet (DARP) til Ruter Aldersvennlig Transport (RAT), en dør til dør transporttjeneste for eldre i Oslo. DARP dreier seg om å designe ruteplaner for transport av passasjerer mellom ... -
An effective heuristic for solving a combined cargo and inventory routing problem in tramp shipping
Hemmati, Ahmad; Stålhane, Magnus; Hvattum, Lars Magnus; Andersson, Henrik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)In this paper a vendor managed inventory (VMI) service in tramp shipping is considered. VMI takes advantage of introducing flexibility in delivery time and cargo quantities by transferring inventory management and ordering ... -
An exploration of sequence models using multi-task learning for multiphase flow rate estimation in oil and gas wells
Heggland, Morgan Feet; Kjærran, Patrik (Master thesis, 2022)Å estimere mengden flerfasestrøm som strømmer gjennom olje- og gassbrønner er avgjørende for å kunne ta informerte beslutninger angående operasjonelle aktiviteter relatert til offshore olje- og gassproduksjon, som for ... -
An Optimization-Based Approach to Facility Layout Planning in Hospitals
Kvillum, Vilde Nielsen; Vigerust, Anne Marit Rørholt (Master thesis, 2018)There are several major decisions involved when building a hospital. The purpose of the hospital needs to be established, and the associated departments that will constitute the hospital need to be determined. Also, the ... -
An Optimization-Based Approach to the School Prioritization Problem in Trondheim Municipality
Aslaksen, Sofie Rønvik; Norum, Michel Aleksander Evensen (Master thesis, 2020)En av de viktigste oppgavene til norske kommuner er å tilby innbyggerne sine et godt organisert skolesystem. Raskt økende innbyggertall og kontinuerlig slitasje av skolebygninger gjør dette til en stor utfordring for flere ... -
Applying Optimization to the Tactical Planning in the Home Health Care
Lynås, Matre Lina; Van de Pontseele, Helena Irene Maria (Master thesis, 2020)Hjemmetjenesten har som mål å tilrettelegge for mennesker med psykiske eller fysiske behov, slik at de kan bo hjemme så lenge som mulig. Norge står overfor en eldrebølge, og den norske hjemmesyketjenesten opplever en økt ... -
Arc Routing with Precedence Constraints: An Application to Snow Plowing Operations
Gundersen, Anders Holmen; Johansen, Magnus; Kjær, Benjamin; Andersson, Henrik; Stålhane, Magnus (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)In this paper we present an arc routing problem with precedence constraints, with a focus on its application to snow plowing operations in Norway. The problem studied considers the clearing of snow from a network of roads, ... -
A Branch-and-Price Algorithm for the Liner Shipping Network Design Problem
Thun, Kristian; Andersson, Henrik; Stålhane, Magnus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Maritime transportation is the backbone of the global economy and one of its most important segments is liner shipping. To design a liner shipping network is notoriously difficult but also very important since an efficient ... -
A column generation heuristic for the dynamic bicycle rebalancing problem
Gleditsch, Marte; Kristine, Hagen; Bakker, Steffen J.; Andersson, Henrik; Fagerholt, Kjetil (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Public bicycle sharing systems are becoming an essential part of the future urban mobility system. Real-time monitoring of the system state through sensors on bicycles and/or stations gives possibilities for advanced ... -
Data Driven Real-Time Petroleum Production Planning Using Optimization and Neural Networks
Malvik, Arnt Gunnar; Witzøe, Bendik (Master thesis, 2018)Real-time optimization (RTO) of petroleum production is concerned with maximizing daily oil production by suggesting minor adjustments to the system and frequently re-solving the optimization model. A central part of the ...