Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Andersen, Tonje Grønning"
Changes in Affect Integration and Internalizing Symptoms After Time-Limited Intersubjective Child Psychotherapy—A Pilot Study
Fiskum, Charlotte; Andersen, Tonje Grønning; Johns, Unni Tanum; Jacobsen, Karl (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Time-limited intersubjective child-psychotherapy (TIC) is an intensive, structured right-brain oriented therapeutic approach for children and caregivers aimed at both symptom reduction and strengthening core developmental ... -
Differences in affect integration in children with and without internalizing difficulties
Fiskum, Charlotte; Andersen, Tonje Grønning; Johns, Unni Tanum; Jacobsen, Karl (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background: Affect represents an important source of information about our internal state and the external world that can motivate and vitalize us. When affect is poorly integrated, this can lead to problems with self-regulation ... -
En analyse av hvordan diskurser om psykopatologi påvirker terapiprosesser
Torbergsen, Karl Kristian (Master thesis, 2016)I denne oppgaven analyseres teorigrunnlagene for psykoterapimetodene Tidsavgrenset intersubjektiv barneterapi (TIB) og Intensiv psykodynamisk korttidsterapi (ISTDP) fra et diskursivt perspektiv for å belyse hvilke dominerende ... -
En kasusstudie av endring i affektbevissthet gjennom et terapiforløp - Sinnets Kraft
Hanisch, Erika Sletten (Master thesis, 2019)Denne kasusstudiens formål er å forstå endringer i affektbevissthet som følge av et terapiforløp, hos ei jente med internaliserende vansker. Tidsavgrenset intersubjektiv barneterapi (TIB) ble brukt som behandlingsmetode, ... -
Implementeringen av Edinburgh-metoden i norske helsestasjoner: Implikasjoner i et sosialkonstruksjonistisk perspektiv
Andersen, Tonje Grønning (Master thesis, 2011)Kompetanseheving i psykisk helsearbeid i førstelinjetjenesten fremheves fra offentlig hold som en viktig satsing for å redusere økende psykososiale problemer i samfunnet. Som et ledd i denne satsingen har Edinburgh-metoden ... -
Inhibitory Control Moderates the Effect of Anxiety on Vagally Mediated Heart Rate Variability: Findings from a Community Sample of Young School-Aged Children
Andersen, Tonje Grønning; Fiskum, Charlotte; Jacobsen, Karl; Lydersen, Stian; Wichstrøm, Lars (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background Individuals with anxiety disorders show both excessive and blunted vagally mediated heart rate variability (vmHRV) reactivity to stress. Scholars have suggested that differences in cognitive control could ... -
Internalizing problems and attentional control: Effects on cardiac autonomic responses after the induction of negative affect
Andersen, Tonje Grønning; Fiskum, Charlotte; Aslaksen, Per M; Flaten, Magne Arve; Jacobsen, Karl Henry (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Abstract. Individuals with internalizing problems differ in levels of attentional control (AC), and this heterogeneity could be associated with differences in autonomic arousal. The present study investigated whether AC ... -
Non-linear heart rate variability as a discriminator of internalizing psychopathology and negative affect in children with internalizing problems and healthy controls
Fiskum, Charlotte; Andersen, Tonje Grønning; Bornas, Xavier; Aslaksen, Per M; Flaten, Magne; Jacobsen, Karl Henry (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Background: Internalizing psychopathology and dysregulated negative affect are characterized by dysregulation in the autonomic nervous system and reduced heart rate variability (HRV) due to increases in sympathetic activity ... -
Parents' Experiences of Change in Developmental and Transactional Processes After Time-Limited Intersubjective Child Psychotherapy -A Qualitative Study
Fiskum, Charlotte; Johns, Unni Tanum; Andersen, Tonje Grønning; Jacobsen, Karl (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Psychopathology in children cannot be understood without considering developmental processes and transactional relationships, particularly the relationship with caregivers. Time-limited intersubjective child psychotherapy ... -
Reactive Heart Rate Variability and Cardiac Entropy in Children with Internalizing Disorder and Healthy Controls
Fiskum, Charlotte; Andersen, Tonje Grønning; Flaten, Magne Arve; Aslaksen, Per M; Bornas, Xavier; Jacobsen, Karl Henry (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Atypical vagal reactivity has been linked to internalizing psychopathology and less adaptive emotion regulation, but reactive cardiac entropy is largely unexplored. Therefore, this study investigated reactive vagally-mediated ... -
Variation in Cognitive Control and Cardiac Autonomic Reactivity Among Children with Internalizing Problems. Implications for the Understanding and Treatment of Internalizing Disorders
Andersen, Tonje Grønning (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:152, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Norsk sammedrag Variasjon i kroppslig aktivering blant barn med internaliserende vansker Individer med internaliserende vansker, som omfatter symptomer på angst og depresjon, viser stor variasjon i kroppslig aktivering ...