Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Andersen, Gøran Troseth"
Clinical Aspects in Translational Research on Gastric Tumorigenesis and Development of New Treatments
Andersen, Gøran Troseth (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:360, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Kliniske aspekter ved translasjonsforskning på magekreft og utvikling av nye behandlinger Bakgrunn/mål: Medisinsk translasjonsforskning er en toveis prosess for å redusere avstanden fra laboratoriet til sykesengen ved å ... -
Computational Drug Repositioning and Experimental Validation of Ivermectin in Treatment of Gastric Cancer
Rabben, Hanne-Line; Andersen, Gøran Troseth; Ianevski, Aleksandr; Olsen, Magnus Kringstad; Kainov, Denis; Grønbech, Jon Erik; Wang, Timothy Cragin; Chen, Duan; Zhao, Chun-Mei (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Objective: The aim of the present study was repositioning of ivermectin in treatment of gastric cancer (GC) by computational prediction based on gene expression profiles of human and mouse model of GC and validations with ... -
Neural signaling modulates metabolism of gastric cancer
Rabben, Hanne-Line; Andersen, Gøran Troseth; Olsen, Magnus Kringstad; Øverby, Anders; Ianevski, Aleksandr; Kainov, Denis; Wang, Timothy Cragin; Lundgren, Steinar; Grønbech, Jon Erik; Chen, Duan; Zhao, Chun-Mei (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Tumors comprise cancer cells and the associated stromal and immune/inflammatory cells, i.e., tumor microenvironment (TME). Here, we identify a metabolic signature of human and mouse model of gastric cancer and show that ...