Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Aachmann, Finn L."
Now showing items 1-16 of 16
An NMR investigation of lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases
Courtade, Gaston (Doctoral theses;2018:337, Doctoral thesis, 2018)Bioeconomy requires sustainable sources of biomass (e.g. chitin and cellulose) to use as energy, feed and biomaterials. In the quest of biomass conversion, lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases (LPMOs) are key enzymatic ... -
Biochemical Characterizations of Enzymes from Oil Reservoir Metagenomes
Hesthammer, Ronja Kristine (Master thesis, 2014)Microorganisms have evolved to exist in diverse environments on earth, even under the harsh conditions of oil reservoirs several kilometres below the seafloor. The environmental conditions there are extreme in several ... -
Biochemical Characterizations of Enzymes from Oil Reservoir Metagenomes
Hesthammer, Ronja Kristine (Master thesis, 2014)Microorganisms have evolved to exist in diverse environments on earth, even under the harsh conditions of oil reservoirs several kilometres below the seafloor. The environmental conditions there are extreme in several ... -
Characterisation of the mechanical properties, stability and biological potential of alginate/fucoidan hydrogels
Wæhre, Tore K. (Master thesis, 2022)Immunoisolerende terapier basert på å plassere hormonproduserende celler i beskyttende mikrokapsler har gjennom mange års forskning hatt stort potensiale som en funksjonell kur mot autoimmune sykdommer, slik som diabetes. ... -
Chitin and chitosan oligomers: Biochemical aspects and biomaterials components
Feng, Yiming (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2018:379, Doctoral thesis, 2018)Chitin and chitosan oligomer: natural products and the applications Chitin is abundant material in nature. It widely exists in the out skeleton of insects and crustaceans such as shrimps and crabs. Chitin has a long ... -
Click chemistry for block polysaccharides with dihydrazide and dioxyamine linkers - A review
Solberg, Amalie; Vikøren Mo, Ingrid; Omtvedt, Line Aa.; Strand, Berit L.; Aachmann, Finn L.; Schatz, Christophe; Christensen, Bjørn E. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Engineered block polysaccharides is a relatively new class of biomacromolecules consisting of chemical assembly of separate block structures at the chain termini. In contrast to conventional, laterally substituted ... -
Combining Functionality of Polysaccharides for Drug Delivery Applications - A Study of CyD-Grafted Alginates
Omtvedt, Line Aanerud (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:342, Doctoral thesis, 2021-11)The biopolymer alginate has a vast potential for use within biomedical applications largely due to its ability to form ionically crosslinked hydrogels under gentle conditions. Furthermore, the versatile ways the polymer ... -
Functional characterisation of AlgE1-MS and AlgE1-AR, two variants of the alginate modifying enzyme AlgE1
Sollerud, Kari Fuying Platou (Master thesis, 2023)Alginat er en linær polysakkarid bestående av to C-5 epimerer: \ce{\beta-D-mannuronat} (M) og \ce{\alpha-L-guluronat} (G). Disse er bundet sammen med $1\rightarrow4$ glykosidbindinger. Alginat kan komme i mange størrelser ... -
Investigations into Lytic Polysaccharide Monooxygenase functionalities using NMR
Christensen, Idd Andrea (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:25, Doctoral thesis, 2024)English summary Lytic Polysaccharide Monooxygenases (LPMOs) are enigmatic enzymes that oxidatively depolymerize crystalline polysaccharides like cellulose and chitin. Following their discovery in 2010, LPMOs have gained ... -
Karakterisering av norsk viltvoksende og kultivert Palmaria palmata
Bye, Anne Olea (Bachelor thesis, 2023)Tarearten Palmaria Palmata (P. palmata) er én av flere tarearter som vokser langs kysten i Norge. Verden er stadig på jakt etter nye matressurser, og med verdens nest lengste kystlinje har Norge et stort potensial for ... -
Marine Polysaccharides: Fucoidan, Alginate and Chitosan – An Investigation of Physical, Chemical and Bioactive Properties
Kopplin, Georg (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:11, Doctoral thesis, 2024)The marine polysaccharides fucoidan, alginate and chitosan are garnering significant research interest in the field of biomedical applications due to their broad range of bioactivities, compatibility with living tissues ... -
Marine sponges from the Trondheim fjord: Exploration of biomass and sulfated polysaccharides
Hannasvik, Alexander Mika (Master thesis, 2023)Svamper er fastsittende dyr som antas å være den siste felles stamfar til alle levende dyr og blant de aller første flercellede dyrene til å oppstå. Svamper inneholder unike proteoglykaner som er nødvendige for celleaggregering, ... -
Mode of action and catalytic mechanisms of alginatemodifying enzymes Insights from the mannuronan C-5 epimerases and a bifunctional epimerase/lyase from Azotobacter vinelandii
Gaardløs, Margrethe (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:200, Doctoral thesis, 2021)Enzymes are biological catalysts that work efficiently and specifically to make life possible. Among their countless tasks in living organisms, they are responsible for the diversity of material properties found in nature. ... -
Mutational study of the bifunctional C5-epimerase and alginate lyase AlgE7 from Azotobacter vinlandii
Kongsrud, Karoline (Master thesis, 2020)Alginater er en familie av lineære polysakkarider som består av 1 → 4 bundet β-D-mannuronsyre (M) og α-L-guluronsyre (G). De to sukkermolekylene er C5-epimerer, noe som betyr at de har ulik stereokjemiske konfigurasjonen ... -
NMR-Structural Analysis of Proteins from Oil Reservoir Metagenomes
Erlandsen, Hilde Opdahl (Master thesis, 2015)Microorganisms are found ubiquitously around the world, where they survive as a result of their specialized biochemical reactions and enzymes. In the extreme environment of deep sea oil reservoirs, the microbes have to ... -
Purification and characterization of design mannuronan C5-epimerases
Maya Hjørnevik (Master thesis, 2019)Alginates are a family of linear polysaccharides composed of 1,4-linked β-D-mannuronic acid (M) and α-L-guluronic acid (G) monomer units. The two sugar molecules can only be distinguished by an opposite stereochemical ...