Browsing NTNU Open by Subject "youth"
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
«But I Don't Want to Touch the Cow Poop!» A Study of the Generational Differences in the Interpretation of Rites of Passages among the Newars of Kathmandu Valley
(Master thesis, 2018)Among the Newars, the indigenous inhabitants of Kathmandu valley, rites of passage are a central part of society. Through this thesis I will explore the differences between youth and adults in the interpretation of rites ... -
Ungdom og psykisk helsefremmende kompetanse - en kvalitativ validering av mental health literacy skala
(Master thesis, 2018)Bakgrunn: Forskning viser at til tross for at flesteparten av dagens ungdom er fornøyde med tilværelsen sliter fortsatt en høy andel av ungdomsgenerasjonen daglig med psykiske helseproblemer i større eller mindre grad. ... -
Youth and political participation in Venezuela : a case study of the Venezuelan student movement
(Master thesis, 2014)Youth’s political participation in Venezuela has become very important in the last fourteen years due to the unstable economic, social and political context of the country. Youth have come together as a student movement ...