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Oseberg in situ
(Master thesis, 2012) -
Osimertinib in non-small cell lung cancer with uncommon EGFR-mutations: a post-hoc subgroup analysis with pooled data from two phase II clinical trials
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background: Osimertinib is standard of care for EGFR-mutated non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. The efficacy of the drug in patients with mutations other than the common deletion in exon 19 and L858R in exon 21 ... -
Osimertinib in T790M-positive and -negative patients with EGFR-mutated advanced non-small cell lung cancer (the TREM-study)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Objectives In non-small cell lung cancer patients with acquired resistance to first- or second-generation EGFR-TKIs, osimertinib is approved in the presence of the T790 M resistance mutation. We assessed the efficacy of ... -
OSL dating of Weichselian ice-free periods at Skorgenes, Western Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)During recent years, many sites with sediments pre-dating the Last Glacial Maximum have been identified in formerly glaciated areas. As more and better dates are presented from these sites, the dynamic behaviour of the ... -
Oslo - Liv og levnet
(Master thesis, 2024)Oslo har en rik historie som strekker seg tilbake over 1000 år, til tidlig norsk middelalder. I tiden fra da til nå har historiske epoker kommet og gått, og etterlatt spor for oss å tolke. Denne oppgaven utforsker hvordan ... -
Oslo Food Lab
(Master thesis, 2012) -
Oslo for whom? Navigating the Complexity of Perspectives on Public Spaces in Grønland and Tøyen
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)Grønland og Tøyen, to områder innenfor bydelen Gamle Oslo i Oslo, Norge, har vært mål for områdeløft. Byrom er i stadig endring og utvikling, og for å forstå dette kan man ta en sosio-romlig tilnærming for å undersøke ... -
Oslo housing market, a bubble?
(Master thesis, 2017)The housing market in Oslo has experienced high price growth the recent years. House prices have risen nationwide but the price growth in Oslo has been exceptional. Several people have pointed out that it is an unhealthy ... -
Oslo Hyperloop
(Master thesis, 2017) -
Oslo Røde Kors Besøkstjeneste: En kvalitativ studie av besøksvenners situasjon
(Master thesis, 2010) -
OsloTUC - Natural Language Bus Oracle for a new City - An Evaluation of BusTUC's Extensibility
(Master thesis, 2015)The recent years have seen an increased demand for smart phones and other handheld devices. This gives producers of applications or content an excellent opportunity to reach out to a larger audience than before, and it ... -
Osmotic membrane pressure actuator
(Master thesis, 2011)This master thesis has focused on the membrane for the osmotic membrane pressure actuator (OMPA). The OMPA is an autonomous inflow control device for intended use in oil and gas wells. Its function is to prevent water from ... -
Oss og de – eller vi?: Forestillinger om innvandring og norskhet blant elever i den videregående skole
(Master thesis, 2013)Denne oppgaven er basert på seks kvalitative intervjuer med elever i den videregående skole, utført våren 2012. Mens tre av elevene er født i Norge av norskfødte foreldre, er de tre andre født utenfor Norge av utenlandskfødte ... -
Oss og dem - En diskursanalytisk studie av norsk innvandringsdebatt 1970-1999
(Master thesis, 2017) -
"Oss" og "De andre"
(Master thesis, 2024)Bakgrunnen for oppgaven er basert på tanker rundt hverdagsrasisme og underliggende holdninger i samfunnet, med fokus på mangfold, et begrep som er sentralt i Læreplanverket fra 2020, men som er komplekst og omfattende. For ... -
Osteocyte-Like Cells Differentiated From Primary Osteoblasts in an Artificial Human Bone Tissue Model
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)In vitro models of primary human osteocytes embedded in natural mineralized matrix without artificial scaffolds are lacking. We have established cell culture conditions that favored the natural 3D orientation of the bone ... -
Osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells in mineralized alginate matrices
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Mineralized biomaterials are promising for use in bone tissue engineering. Culturing osteogenic cells in such materials will potentially generate biological bone grafts that may even further augment bone healing. Here, ... -
The osteogenic properties of additive manufactured Titanium-6Aluminium-4Vanadium with focus on 3D geometry and surface topography
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:77, Doctoral thesis, 2023) -
Osteogenic properties of human mesenchymal stem cells cultured on additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V samples
(Master thesis, 2020)Annually, hundreds of thousands of hip replacements are performed in the United States alone. This number is expected to increase with an increasing number of motor vehicle accidents and an increasingly active aging ... -
Osteoporosis and Covid-19: Detected similarities in bone lacunar-level alterations via combined AI and advanced synchrotron testing
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)While advanced imaging strategies have improved the diagnosis of bone-related pathologies, early signs of bone alterations remain difficult to detect. The Covid-19 pandemic has brought attention to the need for a better ...