Browsing NTNU Open by Title
Now showing items 70674-70693 of 109855
Numerical Modeling of Wave Hydrodynamics and Wave Interaction with Porous Structures with REEF3D
(Master thesis, 2016)In order to validate the wave hydrodynamics calculated in REEF3D, experiments will be carried out at the wave flume. The experiments will involve studying wave propagation and wave kinematics through the measurement of ... -
Numerical modeling to estimate the impact of built infrastructure on permafrost degradation - Case study from Ilulissat, Greenland
(Master thesis, 2023)Infrastruktur i permafrostlandskap påvirker bakkens termiske regime og kan øke permafrostens nedbrytning. Stabiliteten og brukbarheten til infrastrukturen avhenger likeledes av de termiske forholdene i undergrunnen. ... -
Numerical Modelling and Analysis of the Dynamic Motion Response of an Offshore Wind Turbine Blade during Installation by a Jack-Up Crane Vessel
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Jack-up crane vessels are commonly used to install offshore wind turbine blades and other components. A jack-up crane vessel is subjected to wind and wave loads, which cause motion at crane tip. Excessive motion at crane ... -
Numerical modelling and analysis of the interactions between the left ventricle and the mitral valve
(Master thesis, 2018)In order to develop treatments for various heart diseases, a finite element model of the left ventricle and mitral valve apparatus could be of help. The goal of this thesis was to develop a finite element model of the left ... -
Numerical Modelling and Analysis of the Left Ventricle
(Master thesis, 2015)The development of a well functioning finite element model of the left ventricle is an important step to better understand the pumping function of the human heart. This may be of interest when developing effective treatments ... -
Numerical modelling and dynamic analysis of a wind turbine rotor blade lifting operation from feeder barge using a jack-up vessel - A SIMA simulation
(Master thesis, 2023)En marin løfteoperasjon der et offshore vindturbinrotorblad løftes fra en lekter ved hjelp av et jack-up fartøy er en kompleks og vanskelig operasjon. Dette er en operasjon som Equinor ønsker at skal undersøkes med tanke ... -
Numerical Modelling and Dynamic Analysis of Offshore Wind Turbine Blade Installation
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:190, Doctoral thesis, 2019)Installing offshore wind turbine blades is very challenging and risky due to large lifting height and high required installation precision. Offshore single blade installation is frequently adopted because of small deck ... -
Numerical modelling and dynamic response analysis of a 10 MW semi-submersible floating offshore wind turbine subjected to ship collision loads
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)The number of installed offshore wind turbines is continuously growing worldwide in recent years. Offshore wind farms are generally located near the coast close to traffic lanes and are exposed to the risk of collisions ... -
Numerical modelling and dynamic response analysis of curved floating bridges with a small rise-span ratio
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)As a potential option for transportation applications in coastal areas, curved floating bridges with a same small specified rise to span ratio of 0.134, supported by multiple pontoons, are investigated in this paper. Two ... -
Numerical Modelling and Experiments on Sea Spray Icing
(Doctoral thesis at NTNU;2014:338, Doctoral thesis, 2014)Oil and gas activities in the cold seas are endangered by icing. Icing may occur when water spray or moisture is deposited on a vessel or offshore structure above sea level and the air temperatures is below the freezing ... -
Numerical Modelling and Model Reduction of Heat Flow in Robotic Welding
(Master thesis, 2007)The project includes a numerical model of heat flow in robotic welding. The modelling is done in finite element method, and afterwards exported to Matlab where the model will be linearized and model reduced. The ultimate ... -
Numerical modelling and photo-electrochemical characterization of dye sensitized solar cells
(Master thesis, 2017)Current-potential characteristics were recorded, and intensity modulated photocurrent spectroscopy (IMPS), intensity modulated photovoltage spectroscopy (IMVS), and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was performed ... -
Numerical modelling and simulation of floating oil storage tanks considering the sloshing effect
(Master thesis, 2017)This report is performed at Department of Marine Technology at Norwegian University of Technology and Science (NTNU), which would also serve as part of the master thesis at Chalmers University of Technology (CTH). This ... -
Numerical modelling and simulations for lowering of an offshore wind turbine tripod
(Master thesis, 2016)Offshore wind industry is developing very fast. Transport and installation are important aspects for reducing the life-cycle cost of offshorewind farms. In shallowwaters (10-30mof water depths), monopile foundations have ... -
Numerical Modelling for Fluid-Structure Interaction of Aquaculture Collar Structures using a Beam Model
(Master thesis, 2019)I denne oppgaven brukes en 3-dimensjonal strålemodell for fiske merd strukturen, og Newmark-metoden er vedtatt for tidintegrasjon av strukturell dynamisk analyse. For å verifisere og validere strukturløsningen utviklet i ... -
Numerical modelling of a Czochralski furnace with active cooling jacket - Optimization of quality and througput
(Master thesis, 2015)In the single crystal silicon Czochlarski process, pull rate has a great impact on its production. More and more people put their eyes on optimizing the structure of Cz furnace to increase the pull rate, but experiments ... -
Numerical modelling of a HT-BTES system in Nyhavna, Trondheim
(Master thesis, 2024)Geotermiske energibrønner og sesongbasert energilagring har økt i popularitet i Norge og resten av verden de siste årene i tråd med økende energipriser og lavere kraftoverskudd. Et sesongbasert varmelager er i grunn en ... -
Numerical Modelling of a Pile Model Test with Focus on Small-strain Stiffness
(Master thesis, 2015)This thesis investigated the dynamic characteristics of a 1:20 scale model of a monopile offshore wind turbine foundation, and performed numerical modelling of the model pile using the FEM-software PLAXIS 3D. The build-up ... -
Numerical modelling of air entrainment: In hydraulic engineering
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:62, Doctoral thesis, 2021)Air entrainment in water flows is a natural phenomenon prone to take place when energy is dissipated in flowing water. In nature, air entrainment appears as white water in waterfalls or in waves breaking on the beach. ... -
Numerical Modelling of an Innovative Conical Pile Head Breakwater
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)When moderate wave activity at the shoreline is acceptable, pile breakwaters can serve as an alternative to conventional breakwaters. Increasing the size of the pile breakwater in the vicinity of the free surface increases ...