Browsing NTNU Open by Title
Now showing items 70634-70653 of 109855
Numerical Methods for Nonholonomic Rigid Body Dynamics
(Master thesis, 2011)We discuss general nonholonomic systems on manifolds in the setting of both continousand discrete mechanics, before focusing on systems with symmetry that enable a reduction of the equations of motion to a quotient space ... -
Numerical Methods for Optical Interference Filters
(Master thesis, 2009)We present the physics behind general optical interference filters and the design of dielectric anti-reflective filters. These can be anti-reflective at a single wavelength or in an interval. We solve the first case exactly ... -
Numerical methods for solving complex heat exchanger models in transient operation
(Master thesis, 2014)Heat exchangers are important in many industrial systems. In order to maximizeheat transfer while fulfilling requirements to size and weight, it is crucial to havegood numerical tools available. Sintef has developed a ... -
Numerical Methods for the Benjamin-Ono Equation
(Master thesis, 2013)In this thesis, we compare four numerical methods for solving the Benjamin-Ono equation. The numerical methods are presented in detail, and we compare them for different test problems. We derive the Hirota bilinear form ... -
Numerical Methods for Two-Phase Flow with Contact Lines
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2012:164, Doctoral thesis, 2012)This thesis focuses on numerical methods for two-phase ows, and especially ows with a moving contact line. Moving contact lines occur where the interface between two uids is in contact with a solid wall. At the location ... -
Numerical Methods for Valuation and Optimal Operation of Natural Gas Storage
(Master thesis, 2015)The thesis describes different approaches for solving numerically a PDE model for the valuation and optimal operation of a natural gas storage facility, characterized as a Hamilton Jacobi Bellman (HJB) equation. The HJB ... -
Numerical model for dynamic installation of large diameter monopiles
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This paper presents the numerical code VibPile for simulation of the nonlinear dynamic response of large monopiles under harmonic loading and installation by vibration or impact driving. VibPile is based on a nonlinear FE ... -
A numerical model for the simulation of oil-ice interaction
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Accurate modeling of the interaction between oil and sea ice is essential for predicting oil spill fate and transport in ice-infested waters. A three-dimensional numerical model based on the smoothed particle hydrodynamics ... -
Numerical model of moment resisting connection using threaded rods and steel coupling parts in tall timber building
(Master thesis, 2023)WoodSol er et forskningsprosjekt av Sintef og NTNU, hvor målet er å utvikle nye og miljøvennlige løsninger for høye bygninger utført av trekonstruksjoner. Et av delprosjektene er å utvikle rammekonstruksjoner av tre med ... -
Numerical Modeling and Analysis of a Semi-submersible Fish-cage
(Master thesis, 2018)The concept of rigid fish-farm was raised to overcome the space limitation of traditional fish-farm. To ensure that the structure has the ability to withstand the harsh sea environment, this report investigates a rigid ... -
Numerical Modeling and Analysis of the Combined Wind and Wave Energy Concept SFC
(Master thesis, 2016)This thesis work primarily aims to achieve a good understanding of the basic principle of the frequency domain and time domain analysis methods for response analysis of combined wind and wave energy concept SFC. SFC is a ... -
Numerical Modeling and Dynamic Analysis of a Floating Bridge Subjected to Wind, Wave, and Current Loads
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Designing reliable and cost-effective floating bridges for wide and deep fjords is very challenging. The floating bridge is subjected to various environmental loads, such as wind, wave, and current loads. All these loads ... -
Numerical Modeling and History Matching of Super-Wet Combustion Tube Test
(Master thesis, 2014)A number of laboratory experiments are defined and implemented to reveal the in situ combustion behavior on core samples drilled from heavy oil reservoirs under specifically designed conditions. The accelerating rate ... -
Numerical modeling and parametric study of an innovative solar oven
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)A unique design of a double glazed box-type solar oven with flat foldable external reflectors at the top and front and an internal reflector beneath the L-shaped absorber plate is numerically and parametrically studied. ... -
Numerical Modeling and Simulation of the Single Blade Installation for a Spar Wind Turbine Inside a Floating Dock
(Master thesis, 2022)Ønsket om å redusere CO2-utslipp og avhengighet av fossil energi har vakt betydelig interesse i markedet for vindkraft til havs. Den økende størrelsen på vindturbinene og vindparkene har presset utbyggingen inn i nye farvann ... -
Numerical Modeling Framework for Wind Turbine Analysis & Atmospheric Boundary Layer Interaction
(Chapter, 2017)Prevailing atmospheric conditions can have a significant impact on the performance of large mega-watt wind turbines. A purely experimental evaluation of this impact is currently not possible and hence numerical techniques ... -
Numerical modeling of a potential CO2-supplied enhanced geothermal system (CO2-EGS) in the Åsgard field, Norway
(Journal article, 2024)The principle of Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) technology is that water injected at a sufficiently high pressure will lead to the fracturing of naturally impermeable rocks, and as a result, this will create hydraulic ... -
Numerical modeling of breaking wave induced seawall scour
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)cour is recognised as one of the major causes of seawall failure. This paper presents numerical modelling of seawall scour due to wave impact on a vertical seawall. The modelling of waves hydrodynamics is based on the ... -
Numerical Modeling of Combined Hydraulics and Infiltration in Grassed Swales
(Master thesis, 2014)The aim of this thesis is to establish a numerical model capable of simulating combined infiltration and hydraulic discharge through grassed swales. The model is intended for making assessments of the hydraulics within ... -
Numerical Modeling of Cyclic Loading on Clay
(Master thesis, 2014)Soil`s behavior, when subjected to cyclic loading, may often be reduced stiffness giving large deformations. For undrained conditions a possible pore pressure build-up will reduce the capacity even further. This may affect ...