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Growing gold nanostructures for shape-selective cellular uptake
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)With development in the synthesis of shape- and size-dependent gold (Au) nanostructures (NSs) and their applications in nanomedicine, one of the biggest challenges is to understand the interaction of these shapes with ... -
Growing new ventures at the base of the pyramid: Unleashing the potential of renewable energy for off-grid electrification
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:390, Doctoral thesis, 2021)This dissertation examines the growth of new ventures established to serve base of the pyramid markets (BoP). Entrepreneurial ventures are seen as having an increasingly important role in bringing essential services to ... -
Growing Pains: A Study of SME Growth
(Master thesis, 2016)Growth in small- and medium sized business (SMEs) is often seen as a sign of entrepreneurial success, and is important for employment and national economies. However, it is acknowledged that growth also leads to challenges ... -
Growing up HIV-positive in Uganda: "psychological immunodeficiency"? A qualitative study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Background: This study is part of a longitudinal study among children and adolescents with HIV in both urban and rural Uganda: ‘Mental health among HIV infected CHildren and Adolescents in KAmpala and Masaka, Uganda (CHAKA)’. ... -
Growing up in a changing climate: how temperature affects the development of morphological, behavioral and physiological traits of a marsupial mammal
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Climate change is likely to affect many mammalian phenotypes, yet little is known whether and how phenotypic plasticity is involved in responding to thermal challenges during mammalian development. We investigated the ... -
Growing up in a children's home: the perceptions and experience of young children living in a children's home Cape town, South-Africa
(Master thesis, 2019)During the last few decades, there has been a growing interest in the experiences and perceptions of young children. Yet, young children are among the ones often left unheard. Young children who are living in children’s ... -
Growing up in Poverty in Ethiopia: A Life Course Perspective
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2016:286, Doctoral thesis, 2016)This thesis, entailed Growing up in Poverty in Ethiopia: A Life Course Perspective, explores the experiences of cohort children living in poverty in specific communities in Ethiopia. By adopting the life course perspective ... -
Growing up well despite a horrific past: A qualitative narrative research on the life experience of Bangladeshi transgender individuals with experience of childhood sexual abuse.
(Master thesis, 2023)ABSTRAKT Seksuelle overgrep mot barn (CSA) er en av de hyppigste typene vold mot barn, assosiert med en rekke negative effekter på overlevendes helse og velvære. CSA er et globalt helseproblem, og tidligere litteratur har ... -
Growing up with disability in Ethiopia : the perspectives and experiences of physically disabled children
(Master thesis, 2016)Although disabled children have long been subject of research and policy attention, their situation in the Global South including Ethiopia largely remained unimproved. Societal attitudes about disabled children have been ... -
Growing with the flow: Exploring the link between mindset, flow, and gender
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)Denne oppgaven undersøker forbindelsen mellom tankegang (Eng Mindset), flyt (Eng Flow) og kjønn, med fokus på deres betydning for å forbedre velvære og ytelse. Med en kvantitativ tilnærming undersøker studien individets ... -
Growth and Aggregation Phenomena in Precipitation of Calcium Carbonate
(Dr. ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2001:49, Doctoral thesis, 2001)Particle size-enlargement processes in precipitation of calcium carbonate have been investigated by focusing on determination of crystal growth rates and aggregation rates of the metastable polymorph vaterite. This was ... -
Growth and behaviour of blue mussels, a re-emerging polar resident, follow a strong annual rhythm shaped by the extreme high Arctic light regime: Mussels' growth and behavior in Arctic
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Polar regions are currently warming at a rate above the global average. One issue of concern is the consequences on biodiversity in relation to the Northward latitudinal shift in distribution of temperate species. In the ... -
Growth and Biochemical Composition of Cultivated Mixed Biofilm on Wastewater from Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS)
(Master thesis, 2023)Bruken av Resirkulerende akvakultursystemer (RAS) for å produsere atlantisk laksesmolt (Salmo salar) har økt de siste årene. Med økningen har det imidlertid også blitt uttrykt bekymringer angående miljøforurensningen knyttet ... -
Growth and Characterization of Germanium Quantum Dots and Crystalline Silicon
(Master thesis, 2011)Germanium quantum dots in a silicon matrix can be used in so-called intermediate band solar cells. Such solar cells have efficiency limits exceeding that of the conventional single junction solar cells. In this master ... -
Growth and Characterization of Self- Catalyzed GaAsSb Nanowires for Optoelectronic Applications
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2017:136, Doctoral thesis, 2017) -
Growth and Characterization of Silicon Nanowires for Solar Cell Applications
(Master thesis, 2011)Si-nanowires are being introduced as an attempt to decrease the high recombination rate present in silicon based thin-film solar cells by employing radial pn-junctions instead of conventional planar pn-junctions. Previous ... -
Growth and characterization of ZnO thin films to be utilized inorganic/inorganic solar cells
(Master thesis, 2009) -
Growth and Energy Utilization Under Different Temperature Regimes in Early Life-Stages of the Copepod Calanus finmarchicus
(Master thesis, 2015)The calanoid copepod Calanus finmarchicus (Gunnerus) dominates the biomass and is considered a key species in the North Atlantic pelagic ecosystem. The species is found close to oil production fields along the Norwegian ... -
Growth and metabolism of adult polar cod (Boreogadus saida) in response to dietary crude oil
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The increasing human presence in the Arctic shelf seas, with the expansion of oil and gas industries and maritime shipping, poses a risk for Arctic marine organisms such as the key species polar cod (Boreogadus saida). The ... -
Growth and Movement in Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) in two Norwegian Rivers
(Master thesis, 2012)In the present study, using stream-dwelling brown trout (Salmo trutta) as a model species, movement through the summer and autumn in two large Norwegian rivers, River Glomma and River Gudbrandsdalslågen, was observed. ...