Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Erbe, Andreas"
Influence of test parameters on high temperature cathodic disbonding testing of fusion bonded epoxy coatings
Hillestad, Andrea (Master thesis, 2020)Fusjonsbundet epoksybelegg brukes sammen med katodisk beskyttelse for å beskytte stålrør i sjøvann mot korrosjon. Belegg i kombinasjon med katodisk beskyttelse kan føre til katodisk avbinding hvis belegget er ødelagt. ... -
Interaction of water with quartz sand surfaces studied by in situ temperature dependent diffuse reflectance IR spectroscopy
Ulvensøen, Anna (Master thesis, 2019)Kvartssand med høy renhet brukes som materiale for digler i produksjonen av monokrystallinske silisiumstøpeblokker. Støpeblokkene blir videre produsert til solceller i Czochralski (CZ)-prosessen. Hydroksyl- og vanninnholdet ... -
Investigation of uniformity in fused quartz crucibles for Czochralski silicon ingots
Warden, Gabriela Kazimiera; Ebbinghaus, Petra; Rabe, Martin; Juel, Mari; Gawel, Bartlomiej; Erbe, Andreas; Sabatino, Marisa Di (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)As there is an increased demand for monocrystalline silicon based solar cells, there is an increased interest in stronger and more durable fused quartz crucibles used in the Czochralski process. In this study we focused ... -
Limiting Current Density of Oxygen Reduction under Ultrathin Electrolyte Layers: From the Micrometer Range to Monolayers
Zhong, Xiankang; Schulz, Matthias; Wu, Chun-Hung; Rabe, Martin; Erbe, Andreas; Rohwerder, Michael (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) under ultrathin electrolyte layers is a key reaction in many processes, from atmospheric corrosion to energy conversion in fuel cells. However, the ORR current under ultrathin electrolyte ... -
Luminescent silica-based nanocomposites for detection of liquid organic compounds
Delic, Asmira (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:307, Doctoral thesis, 2021)The main aim of this thesis is to prove a concept of a novel detection method for liquid organic compounds (LOCs) based on luminescent nanoparticles (NPs) that can be used in oil-field applications. Before starting an ... -
Machine Learning for Predicting Polarization Curves and Their Features
Mats Stensrud Skui (Master thesis, 2023)Vanligvis er viktige elektrokjemiske parametere hentet fra empiriske data. Dette skyldes i stor grad at analytiske modeller, som ulike former av Butler-Volmer-ligningen, ofte kommer til kort i nøyaktig å fange de viktige ... -
Mechanism of the potential-triggered surface transformation of germanium in acidic medium studied by ATR-IR spectroscopy
Nayak, Simantini; Erbe, Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)In acidic solution, germanium surfaces undergo a transformation to hydrogen-terminated surfaces at sufficiently negative electrode potentials. Herein, we used in situ and operando attenuated total reflection infrared ... -
Mechanisms of inhibitor action - passivation and self-healing
Jevremovic, Ivana; Chen, Ying-Hsuan; Altin, Abdulrahman; Erbe, Andreas (Chapter, 2020)In this chapter, we will briefly review the systematics of corrosion inhibitors and the classical mechanisms of action of corrosion inhibitors, the latter with an emphasis on inhibitors interacting with the material surface. ... -
Mechanistic investigation of the pretreatment of AA6060 with varying Ni and Cu content
Storli, Kathrine Sletteberg (Master thesis, 2022)Aluminium er et allsidig materiale på grunn av metallets høye styrke-til-vekt-forhold, duktilitet og gode korrosjonsbestandighet. Økt bruk av resirkulert aluminium krever at det resirkulerte produktet oppnår de samme ... -
Mechanistic studies of the desmutting of AA6060 Aluminium Alloy
Skogøy, Hanna Marie (Master thesis, 2023)Resirkulering av aluminium er en viktig prosess for å redusere det globale energiforbruket og for økt bærekraft. Imidlertid kan resirkulert aluminium basert på forbrukeravfall inneholde uønskede urenheter og forurensninger ... -
Microplastics in faeces of European shags Gulosus aristotelis in central Norway
Maaseide, Birte Margrete Torp; Ofstad, Johannes; Erbe, Andreas; Jaspers, Veerle Leontina B; Monclús, Laura; Dehnhard, Nina (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Plastic pollution is an increasing problem in the marine environment, and microplastics are frequently ingested by wildlife, including seabirds. Faeces are an increasingly used matrix to quantify egested microplastics. We ... -
Microwave-assisted in situ laser dye incorporation into high sensitivity whispering gallery mode microresonators
Mondragón-Ochoa, Jesús S.; González-Rivera, José; Toparli, Cigdem; Khanum, Rizwana; Moirangthem, Rakesh S.; Duce, Celia; Ferrari, Carlo; Barillaro, Giuseppe; Erbe, Andreas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Optical whispering gallery mode microresonators (WGM-µRs) are powerful sensitive components with many analytical applications. Here, spherical WGM-µRs have been synthesised in a single-step microwave (MW)-assisted heterophase ... -
Modeling of Galvanic Corrosion - in Presence of External Direct and Alternating Currents
Wessel, Frederick Andre (Master thesis, 2022)Det har blitt observert økte korrosjonsrater på skip koblet til landstrøm. En mulig forklaring er dannelsen av en galvanisk kobling mellom defekter i malingsbelegget på skipsskroget (karbonstål) og jordingsanlegget på land ... -
Molybdate and phosphate cross-linked chitosan films for corrosion protection of hot-dip galvanised steel
Fernandez-Solis, Christian; Keil, Patrick; Erbe, Andreas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Environmentally friendly and sustainable methods to protect hot-dip galvanized (HDG) steel from corrosion are extensively studied. Films of the biopolymer polyelectrolyte chitosan were ionically cross-linked in this work ... -
Nanostructured thin filmse - background, preparation and relation to the technological revolution of the 21st century
Benelmekki, Maria; Erbe, Andreas (Chapter, 2019)Thin film technology is a mature field encompassing a wide range of applications such as electronics, optical communications, and biosystems. The list of potential applications is practically endless with an impact in ... -
Operando studies of Mn oxide based electrocatalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction
Erbe, Andreas; Tesch, Marc Frederic; Rüdiger, Olaf; Kaiser, Bernhard; DeBeer, Serena; Rabe, Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Inspired by photosystem II (PS II), Mn oxide based electrocatalysts have been repeatedly investigated as catalysts for the electrochemical oxygen evolution reaction (OER), the anodic reaction in water electrolysis. However, ... -
Optimisation of Zn-Mn co-electrodeposition on aluminium utilising direct- and pulse current in alkaline and acidic electrolyte
Nordengen, Håkon (Master thesis, 2019)Aluminium som blir brukt i varmevekslere er utsatt for korrosjon i spesielt aggressive omgivelser. Beskyttelse av aluminiumoverflaten er viktig for å beholde mekaniske og kjemiske kvaliteter i prosessene den blir brukt ... -
Optimizing multiple beam interferometry in the surface forces apparatus: Novel optics, reflection mode modeling, metal layer thicknesses, birefringence, and rotation of anisotropic layers
Schwenzfeier, Kai; Erbe, Andreas; Bilotto, Pierluigi; Lengauer, Maximilian; Merola, Claudia; Cheng, Hsiu-Wei; Mears, Laura L. E.; Valtiner, Markus (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Multiple beam interferometry (MBI) evolved as a powerful tool for the simultaneous evaluation of thin film thicknesses and refractive indices in Surface Forces Apparatus (SFA) measurements. However, analysis has relied on ... -
Oxide – organic heterostructures: a case study of charge displacement absence at a SnO2 – copper phthalocyanine buried interface
Krzywiecki, Maciej; Grządziel, Lucyna; Powroźnik, Paulina; Kwoka, Monika; Rechmann, Julian; Erbe, Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Reduced tin dioxide/copper phthalocyanine (SnOx/CuPc) heterojunctions recently gained much attention in hybrid electronics due to their defect structure, allowing tuning of the electronic properties at the interface towards ... -
Photocorrosion of metals - A study on the corrosion process and the interaction between oxide-covered metals and light
Wilson, Håvard (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:228, Doctoral thesis, 2021)This work investigates how light may affect corrosion of metals. The purpose of this thesis is to answer the question: How does light influence the corrosion process? And more specifically, how corrosion of important ...