Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Westermann, Ida"
Now showing items 21-40 of 70
Effect of tungsten on the precipitation kinetics and localized corrosion resistance of super duplex stainless steels
Bernås, Mia; Westermann, Ida; Johnsen, Roy; Torres Rodriguez, Cristian; Jernberg, Anders; Qvale, Atle H; Iannuzzi, Manuela (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Although extensively used in oil and gas production due to their excellent combination of mechanical properties and corrosion resistance, 25Cr super duplex stainless steels (SDSSs) are susceptible to the precipitation of ... -
Effekt av sigma fase i super duplex rustfritt stål (SDSS) studert ved in situ kaldstrekning i SEM
Broks, Runar Larsen (Master thesis, 2017)Denne masteroppgaven har tatt for seg undersøkelser av super duplex rustfritt stål ved bruk av elektronmikroskopi i kombinasjon med diffraksjon av tilbakespredte elektroner (Electron Backscatter Diffraction EBSD). Målet ... -
Electron microscopy of intermetallic phases in aluminium-steel joints
Bergh, Tina (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:168, Doctoral thesis, 2021)Joints that combine the light weight of aluminium (Al) alloys with the high strength of steels, can be beneficial in structural components. For instance, in automobiles, Al-steel joints can enable improvement of the ... -
Experimental Characterization of Two-Phase Steels
Paulsen, Christian Oen (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:275, Doctoral thesis, 2019)This thesis consists of several in-situ scanning electron microscope (SEM) tensile test studies of different two- phase steels. Three different two-phase steels have been investigated: a NVE36 plate steel, a dual-phase ... -
Heat-Treatable Aluminum Alloys: Three-Point Bending
Westermann, Ida; Gruben, Gaute (Chapter, 2018) -
High Performance Wear Resistant Bainite Steel for Agricultural Application
Schawlann, Sigurd Grydeland (Master thesis, 2021)Dette arbeidet er en del av forskningsprosjektet TailorPro, som har som formål å utvide forståelsen av varmebehandlingsprosesser av nye og eksisterende stållegeringer, i den hensikt å maksimere produkters levetid. I henhold ... -
Hydrogen Induced Stress Cracking of Additive Manufactured Components made from Alloy 625 and 25Cr Super Duplex Stainless Steel
Egeland, Mathias (Master thesis, 2022)Denne masteroppgaven har som mål å bidra til økt forståelse rundt hvordan 3D-printede komponenter produsert ved selektiv lasersmelting (SLM) blir påvirket av hydrogensprøhet (HISC). Både 25Cr super duplex rustfritt stål ... -
Hydrogen Induced Stress Cracking of Spheroidal Graphite Cast Iron
Djupvik, Veronika (Master thesis, 2020)Abstract will be available on 2023-06-17 -
Impact against X65 steel pipes - An experimental investigation
Kristoffersen, Martin; Børvik, Tore; Westermann, Ida; Langseth, Magnus; Hopperstad, Odd Sture (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Offshore pipelines subjected to accidental loads, such as impacts from trawl gear or anchors, may experience large global displacements from its initial position and large local strains. The axial forces set up during ... -
Improving Quantification of Sigma and Chi Phases in SDSS with EBSD
Østerhus, Vetle Runestad (Master thesis, 2020)Super duplex rustfrie stål (SDSS) blir på grunn av deres kombinasjon av høy korrosjonsmotstand og gode mekaniske egenskaper brukt i industrier hvor disse materialegenskapene er nødvendige, f.eks. i olje- og gassindustrien. ... -
In situ EBSD Investigations of the Nucleation and Growth of Intermetallic Phases in a SDSS
Haukali, Mona (Master thesis, 2019)Super dupleks rustfritt stål (SDSS) blir brukt i brønnar med høg temperatur og høgt trykk i olje- og gassindustrien på grunn av den gode kombinasjonen av høg korrosjonsmotstand og gode mekaniske eigenskapar. Men SDSS er ... -
In Situ Measurements of the Chemical Stability of a Cast Aluminum Alloy Embedded in a Cement Paste with a High Amount of Supplementary Cementitious Material
Runningen, Ingvild; Westermann, Ida; Furu, Trond; Justnes, Harald (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)In traditional reinforced concrete, the alkaline pore solution which passivates the steel rebars will get neutralized with time in an exposed environment. Therefore, to prevent corrosion initiation, the permeability of the ... -
In Situ Tensile Testing During Continuous EBSD Mapping of Super Duplex Stainless Steel Containing Sigma Phase
Elstad, Kim Ronny (Master thesis, 2016)Super duplex stainless steels (SDSS) are materials which comprise an extraordinary combination of mechanical properties, corrosion resistance and relatively low cost. SDSS were developed on the basis for use in the North ... -
In-situ X-ray microtomography of interface between additively manufactured aluminium bronze and H13 tool steel
Linga, Håkon; Zhang, Yubin; Brøtan, Vegard; Ren, Xiaobo; Westermann, Ida; Holmedal, Bjørn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Directed energy deposition (DED) is an additive manufacturing process category where material is melted as it is deposited, often powder melted with a focused laser. In this work aluminium bronze was deposited onto H13 ... -
Infiltration of W-Cu composites - developing a high-density material suitable for dampening systems
Meland, Nils Olav Jensløkken (Master thesis, 2020)Formålet med denne masteroppgaven er å diskutere om det infiltrerte W-Cu produktet er en levedyktig erstatning for en dempermassekomponent for bruk i dempesystemer. De mekaniske egenskapene ble testet ved bruk av strekkprøving ... -
Influence of microstructure on work-hardening and ductile fracture of aluminium alloys
Pedersen, Ketill Olav; Westermann, Ida; Furu, Trond; Børvik, Tore; Hopperstad, Odd Sture (Journal article, 2015)The effect of microstructure on the work-hardening and ductile fracture of aluminium alloys was studied using an experimental–numerical approach. Four aluminium alloys with different strength and particle content were ... -
Influence of Stacking Sequence and Intermediate Layer Thickness in AA6082-IF Steel Tri-Layered Cold Roll Bonded Composite Sheets
Arbo, Siri Marthe; Westermann, Ida; Holmedal, Bjørn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018) -
Influence of thermomechanical processing sequence on properties of AA6082-IF steel cold roll bonded composite sheet
Arbo, Siri Marthe; Bergh, Tina; Solhaug, Harald; Westermann, Ida; Holmedal, Bjørn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Cold roll bonded tri-layered composites consisting of AA6082 and IF steel have been produced. The goal was to find the optimal sequence of solutionizing, aging and rolling, for obtaining good bond strength and at the same ... -
Investigation of bond strength and intermetallic phases in roll bonded steel-aluminium laminates at 150oC - Including the use of nickel interlayers
Sverdrup, Erlend (Master thesis, 2018)This master's thesis investigates intermetallic growth and metallurgical bonding in cold roll-bonded steel-aluminium laminates. Commercially pure AA1080 aluminium alloy have been roll-bonded with two different steel types, ... -
Investigation of Embrittlement in Martensitic Machine Teeth
Anda, Sigri Aas (Master thesis, 2020)