Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Vulchanova, Mila Dimitrova"
Now showing items 21-40 of 64
Chahboun, Sobh (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2017:232, Doctoral thesis, 2017)Summary of the thesis: Figurative language is of interest in both theoretical and experimental research on language use and comprehension. Unlike other expressions, the interpretation of figurative language is non-literal ... -
Flerspråklig utredning - En litteraturstudie om utfordringer knyttet til utredning av språk-, lese- og skrivevansker hos flerspråklige elever
Antonsen, Lena Langdal (Master thesis, 2017)Temaet for denne oppgaven er utfordringer knyttet til utredning av språk-, lese- og skrivevansker hos flerspråklige elever. Kartlegging av flerspråklig elever er et område som byr på mange utfordringer, og oppleves som ... -
Gesture and Language in Autism Spectrum Disorder A Study of Pointing Patterns and Language Predictors in Typical and Atypical Development
Cabo, Sara Ramos (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:91, Doctoral thesis, 2021)Gestures are not only the most powerful communicative device for prelinguistic infants, they can also predict when they will produce their first words. Whether this predictive relation exists in children with Autism Spectrum ... -
Gesture and Language Trajectories in Early Development: An Overview From the Autism Spectrum Disorder Perspective
Ramos Cabo, Sara; Vulchanov, Valentin; Vulchanova, Mila Dimitrova (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The well-documented gesture-language relation in typical communicative development (TD) remains understudied in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Research on early communication skills shows that gesture production is a ... -
Hva vet vi virker? En studie om barn med Developmental Language Disorder
Snøfugl, Monica (Master thesis, 2018)Denne oppgaven omhandler evidensbasert intervensjon til barn med ”Developmental Language Disorder” (DLD). Senere forskning viser en sammenheng mellom tidlig språkutvikling og senere livssituasjon, hvor dårlige språkferdigheter ... -
Hvilke prosedyrer og hvilket kartleggingsmateriell brukes før henvisning til Pedagogisk-psykologisk tjeneste ved tre ulike barneskoler i en norsk bykommune i Midt Norge?
Dahl, Hege Anita (Master thesis, 2017)Sammendrag Tittel: Hvilke prosedyrer og hvilket kartleggingsmateriell brukes før henvisning til Pedagogisk-psykologisk tjeneste (PPT) ved tre ulike barneskoler i en norsk bykommune i Midt-Norge? Bakgrunn: Forskning har ... -
In the native speaker’s eye: Online processing of anomalous learner syntax
Falcon Søby, Katrine; Milburn, Evelyn Arko; Burholt Kristensen, Line; Vulchanov, Valentin; Vulchanova, Mila Dimitrova (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)How do native speakers process texts with anomalous learner syntax? Second-language learners of Norwegian, and other verb-second (V2) languages, frequently place the verb in third position (e.g., *Adverbial-Subject-Verb), ... -
Influence of the native language background on the processing of unfamiliar accents by L2 speakers of English
Senderska, Julia (Master thesis, 2023)Avhandlingen undersøkte hvis prosessering av L2 uttalt med en ukjent aksent kan fasiliteres av regelmessig kontakt med aksentvariasjoner i språkbrukernes L1. To deltakergrupper ble rekruttert, én med norsk som morsmål, for ... -
Intervensjoner for barn og unge med utviklingsmessige språkvansker. En kvalitativ kritisk analyse med fokus på målgruppe og teoretisk grunnlag
Bikmukhametova, Svetlana (Master thesis, 2019)Sammendrag Utviklingsmessige språkvansker er en risikofaktor for utvikling av lese- og skrivevansker, lav selvfølelse, psykiske vansker, atferdsproblemer og andre følgevansker. Tidlig og kvalitetssikret intervensjon vil ... -
L2 speakers’ argument structure sensitivity inferring from the participant’s eye gazes : an eye-tracking experimental study with adult Norwegian learners of English
Reine, Anders Schärer (Master thesis, 2016)Eye tracking lets us record eye gazes and the eye-movements of the participants as they are monitored and listen at spoken sentences for words that match pictures on a visual display. Typically, fixation patterns are closely ... -
Language and perception: Introduction to the special issue "Speakers and listeners in the visual world"
Vulchanova, Mila Dimitrova; Vulchanov, Valentin; Fritz, Isabella; Milburn, Evelyn Arko (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Language and perception are two central cognitive systems. Until relatively recently, however, the interaction between them has been examined only partially and not from an over-arching theoretical perspective. Yet it has ... -
‘Make Monkey hide!’ - A descriptive account of the NRDLS and the Norwegian adaptation
Saxlund, Ellen (Master thesis, 2019)The New Reynell Developmental Language Scales (NRDLS) is a test instrument intended for use in clinical contexts, primarily for detecting possible atypical language development in children. It is based on several previous ... -
Meaning before grammar: A review of ERP experiments on the neurodevelopmental origins of semantic processing
Morgan, Elena Usai; Van der Meer, Audrey; Vulchanova, Mila Dimitrova; Blasi, Damián; Baggio, Giosuè (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)According to traditional linguistic theories, the construction of complex meanings relies firmly on syntactic structure-building operations. Recently, however, new models have been proposed in which semantics is viewed as ... -
Metalinguistics and exposure as predictors of idiom comprehension in L2 users of Englsh
Aurland, Anders Hauge (Master thesis, 2016)A quantitative study was conducted with a group of twenty-six Nowegian upper secondary students and a group of twenty-six Norwegian university students. Both groups were tested for English proficiency and idiom comprehension. ... -
More mental rotation time does not imply more mental effort: Pupillary diameters do not change with angular distance
Bochynska, Agata Elzbieta; Postma, Albert; Vulchanova, Mila Dimitrova; Laeng, Bruno (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The ability to mentally rotate objects in space is a fundamental cognitive capacity. Previous studies showed that the time to rotate the image of a figure to match another increases progressively with angular disparity. ... -
Morphosyntactic Skills Influence the Written Decoding Accuracy of Italian Children With and Without Developmental Dyslexia
Casani, Emanuele; Vulchanova, Mila Dimitrova; Cardinaletti, Anna (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022) -
Naturalistic acquisition in an early language classroom
Dahl, Anne; Vulchanova, Mila Dimitrova (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)This study investigated whether it is possible to provide naturalistic second language acquisition (SLA) of vocabulary for young learners in a classroom situation without resorting to a classical immersion approach. ... -
The Notion of the Native Speaker Put to the Test: Recent Research Advances
Vulchanova, Mila Dimitrova; Vulchanov, Valentin; Sorace, Antonella; Suarez-Gomez, Cristina; Guijarro-Fuentes, Pedro (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022) -
Phonological Awareness in Young Bilingual Dyslexics in Malaysia
Sinnadurai, Sharmyn Lim (Master thesis, 2018)Research on dyslexia in Malaysia is still lacking. As a result, the general understanding of dyslexia is relatively low among teachers and parents who are not equipped with the necessary skills to provide assistance for ... -
Probing sensitivity to argument structure in two proficiency level groups - An exploratory study with Norwegian learners of English
Hammerås, Mona Langeng (Master thesis, 2017)While a great deal of research has shown that native speakers are sensitive to the argument structure of verbs in their language, minimal research has been dedicated to sensitivity to argument structure in second language ...