Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Søraa, Roger Andre"
Now showing items 21-38 of 38
Framing Intelligent Transport Systems in the Arctic: Reindeer, Fish and the Engineered Road
Haugland, Bård Torvetjønn; Ryghaug, Marianne; Søraa, Roger Andre (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The article explores the relationship between humans and other animals, technology, and engineering practices in a project testing Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in the arctic. Generally, roads are engineered to promote ... -
Gendering algorithms in social media
Fosch-Villaronga, Eduard; Poulsen, Adam; Søraa, Roger Andre; Custers, Bart (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Social media platforms employ inferential analytics methods to guess user preferences and may include sensitive attributes such as race, gender, sexual orientation, and political opinions. These methods are often opaque, ... -
Konnichiwa robot, sayonara human? - Construction and domestication of robots in Japan
Søraa, Roger Andre (Master thesis, 2014)This thesis explores the robots of Japan in a historical and cultural context, to see how they are co-produced among a wide variety of actors in a network. It is seen both from the creators' side, through their scripting ... -
Kravet til evig omstilling - En kvalitativ studie av helsepersonellets erfaringer med implementering av velferdsteknologi ved offentlige sykehjem i Norge
Mehren, Ida Anette (Master thesis, 2022)I Norge står vi i årene fremover overfor demografiske endringer i form av en aldrende befolkning som lever lengre. Dette har stor påvirkning på hvordan helse- og omsorgssektoren jobber. I takt med økende digitalisering og ... -
A little bird told me your gender: Gender inferences in social media
Fosch-Villaronga, Eduard; Poulsen, A; Søraa, Roger Andre; Custers, B.H.M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Online and social media platforms employ automated recognition methods to presume user preferences, sensitive attributes such as race, gender, sexual orientation, and opinions. These opaque methods can predict behaviors ... -
Mecha-Media: How Are Androids, Cyborgs, and Robots Presented and Received Through the Media?
Søraa, Roger Andre (Chapter, 2017)How are robots, androids and cyborgs presented and received in the media? This chapter applies a social media analysis to this question by using empirical research on news stories that feature robotic technologies to see ... -
Mechanical genders: how do humans gender robots?
Søraa, Roger Andre (Journal article, 2017)This paper discusses the concept of ‘mechanical genders’ by using robots as a case. Different aspects of robotic gender, or the lack of it are described, showing how some robots have an ‘anything is fine’ gender, where the ... -
Mitigating isolation and loneliness with technology through emotional care by social robots in remote
Søraa, Roger Andre; Fosch-Villaronga, Eduard; Quintas, Joao; Dias, Jorge; Tøndel, Gunhild; Sørgaard, Jon; Nyvoll, Pernille; Nap, Henk Herman; Serrano, Artur (Chapter, 2020)This book chapter explores how experiences of isolation and loneliness in remote areas can be mitigated through social robots’ emotional care. We first discuss the concept of being social and how that notion is changing ... -
Post-Gendered Bodies and Relational Gender in Knights of Sidonia
Søraa, Roger Andre (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Abstract: This paper analyses representations of non-binary bodies in the animated television series Knights of Sidonia. For some time, posthumanist and gender studies have used the gendered body of the future in television ... -
"Replika og meg": En brukerstudie av en sosial chatbot
Bruijning, Nienke (Master thesis, 2022)Denne masteroppgaven innen studier av kunnskap, teknologi og samfunn (STS) utforsker sosiale chatbots fra et brukerperspektiv. Den sosiale chatboten «Replika» har blitt brukt som case for prosjektet. Problemstillingen til ... -
The secret lives of Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) at a Norwegian hospital
Søraa, Roger Andre; Fostervold, Marianne E. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This paper explores how robots that are not designed for being social can still act and be perceived as social and what form this social interaction takes. We look at Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) at a Norwegian hospital ... -
Smart teknologi for et bærekraftig landbruk
Vik, Jostein; Stræte, Egil Petter; Søraa, Roger Andre; Finstad, Terje; Melås, Anders Mahlum; Gjefsen, Mads Dahl; Langørgen, Odd Roger; Fuglestad, Eirik Magnus; Hårstad, Renate Marie Butli (Rapport Norsk senter for bygdeforskning;, Research report, 2021)Denne rapporten oppsummerer hovedresultater og anbefalinger fra det tre-årige prosjektet Smart teknologi for et bærekraftig landbruk (SmaT, 2018-2021). Prosjektet har vært et samarbeid mellom Felleskjøpet Agri, Norsk ... -
The social dimension of domesticating technology: Interactions between older adults, caregivers, and robots in the home
Søraa, Roger Andre; Nyvoll, Pernille; Tøndel, Gunhild; Fosch-Villaronga, Eduard; Serrano, Artur (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)In this article we look at the home as an arena for care by exploring how care robots and technological care-systems can become part of older adults’ lives. We investigate the domestication of robot technology in the context ... -
Societal Readiness Plan for Robotics4EU
Kharas, Mark William; Søraa, Roger Andre; Moratti, Sofia (Research report, 2021)This document presents the Societal Readiness Plan for the Horizon Europe funded Coordination and Support Action project Robotics4EU (2020-2023). The plan includes both project-internal and stakeholder-external frameworks ... -
Testing Emergent Technologies in the Arctic: How Attention to Place Contributes to Visions of Autonomous Vehicles
Ryghaug, Marianne; Haugland, Bård Torvetjønn; Søraa, Roger Andre; Skjølsvold, Tomas Moe (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)There are great expectations around the future of autonomous vehicles (AVs). Such visions often picture vehicles that work everywhere without human interference. In this article we use empirical data from a pilot project ... -
Velferdsteknologi: Fra store forventninger til kommunale realiteter
Tøndel, Gunhild; Søraa, Roger Andre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
What do Older Adults Want from Social Robots? A Qualitative Research Approach to Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) Studies
Søraa, Roger Andre; Tøndel, Gunhild; Kharas, Mark William; Serrano, Artur (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This study investigates what older adults want from social robots. Older adults are often presented with social robots designed based on developers’ assumptions that only vaguely address their actual needs. By lacking an ... -
Why energy retrofitting in private dwellings is difficult in Norway: Coordinating the framing practices of government, craftspeople and homeowners
Fyhn, Håkon; Søraa, Roger Andre; Solli, Jøran (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Retrofitting private homes to meet strict energy demands is a prioritised goal in climate mitigation policy. In this article we approach the challenge by analysing how retrofitting is framed differently by the government, ...