Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Rye, Ståle Angen"
Internasjonal verdiskapning i Trøndelag
Olsen, Kristina Aasprong (Master thesis, 2020)Verdensøkonomien er kontinuerlig i endring og bidrar til å forme hvordan Norge tilrettelegger for innovasjon og verdiskapning i den offentlige politikken. Endringene i økonomien har ført til en tydeligere innovasjonspolitikk ... -
International development aid and young people's participation in societal development of the global south
Rye, Ståle Angen; Vold, Silje (Journal article, 2018)International development aid has in recent years sought to strengthen youths’ societal participation by cooperation between international non-governmental organisations (INGOs) and local youth associations. In this paper, ... -
Making friends with Norwegians takes too much time : the role of social capital in highly skilled temporary migrants’ aspirations and opportunities for citizenship enactment
Øverland, Mari Bore (Master thesis, 2017)In today’s globalizing world, low transport costs and ICT developments have led to a new migration setting with growing temporary migration, where migrants are temporary residents of host societies, while maintaining strong ... -
Mapping the Linguistic Realities of International Student Life: How language use fosters segregated inclusion of international Master students at non-anglophone universities
Beitzel, Lisa (Master thesis, 2019)This thesis concentrates on the mechanisms connecting language use to the integration and inclusion of international students in non-anglophone settings. As student populations are increasingly diversifying through processes ... -
Mineralutvinning i Røros
Sætervik, Lena (Bachelor thesis, 2024) -
"Moving beyond carbon" : a case-study of the move towards non-carbon objectives in the design and implementation of REDD+ in Indonesia and the Indonesian REDD+ pilot province of Central Kalimantan
Hyldmo, Håkon da Silva (Master thesis, 2015)REDD+ (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation) has been launched by its proponents as a transformative forest management mechanism with the potential to shift the rationalities of forestry actors ... -
Nettverksbygging og verdensutstillinger - Norske bedrifters relasjonsbygging gjennom Dubai Expo 2020
Kjøllesdal, Ingeborg (Master thesis, 2022)Masteroppgaven omhandler tematikken rundt nettverksbygging gjennom verdensutstillinger og industri messer. Basert på Norges paviljong ved Dubai Expo 2020 og norske bedrifter som deltok på denne verdensutstillingen. Her vil ... -
Norsk gruvedrift på havbunnen – nytt industrieventyr eller mulig katastrofe?
Gange, Finn Andreas (Bachelor thesis, 2024)Gruvedrift på havbunnen er en ny potensiell industri ment for å hjelpe Norge å nå det grønne skiftet. Oppstarten av dyphavsgruvedriften skjer i sammenheng med et økende globalt forbruk i mineraler for kommersielle, ... -
Reassembling Liquified Natural Gas Production Networks. The globalization of gas markets and the implication for energy development and politics in Southeast Asia
Dodge, Alexander Steven (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2020:5, Doctoral thesis, 2020)The center of gravity of the global energy system has shifted towards Asia. In Southeast Asia, energy demand is expected to increase nearly two-thirds by 2040. There is a large need for the development of affordable and ... -
The role of local participation in the governance of natural resource extraction
Indra Kurniawan, Nanang; Lujala, Päivi; Rye, Ståle Angen; Vela Almeida, Diana Raquel (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This article introduces the special section on "The role of local participation in the governance of natural resource extraction". It highlights the inherent conflicts between official techno-regulatory and corporate schemes ... -
Shaping Tomorrow: The Interplay of Individual Behavior and Societal Change in the Context of Degrowth
Stuenes, Ida Celine (Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven utforsker perspektivene til unge voksne sett ut fra den dynamiske relasjonen mellom individuell atferd og samfunnsendringer, spesielt gjennom diskursen om nedvekst/degrowth. Metodologien er et kvalitativt ... -
"Smarte" byer - for hvem?
Henjum, Elisabeth Dreyer (Master thesis, 2019)Byutvikling er i stor endring både på grunn av en økende grad av urbanisering, og en dreining mot bærekraft og samskapning hvor alle aktører skal involveres i utviklingen. Smarte byer har i den senere tid kommet som en ... -
Styrket rural innovasjonsevne gjennom kunnskapsmobilitet og kompetansemobilisering
Jørgensen, Ida Glørstad (Master thesis, 2021)Dette masterprosjektet skal kunne gi innblikk i kunnskaper og kompetansers betydning i styrkingen av rural innovasjonsevne. Studiet er knyttet opp mot TeRRItoria-prosjektet som undersøker potensielle koblinger mellom ... -
The urban river: A conceptual and empirical investigation of the Code river area in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Alstad, Sigrid Daae (Master thesis, 2021)Studier av vann og by tillater en utforskning av de komplekse relasjonene mellom natur og samfunn. Basert på en gjennomgang av hvordan den skiftende forståelsen av ‘natur’ innen geografi har skapt et dualistisk skille i ... -
Tourism in Belitung Island, Indonesia: Strategies and Approaches for Sustainable Development
Shrestha, Susmriti (Master thesis, 2020)Belitung Island in the east of Sumatra was previously a tin mining-based Island in Indonesia. This island is now moving towards various forms of economic activities other than tin-mining among which tourism has become one ... -
Understanding the role of place in local extractive sector transparency: Evidence from an oil-rich district of Indonesia
Putri, Primi Suharmadhi; Rye, Ståle Angen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Transparency in the extractive industries has become one approach to mitigate resource-related problems. However, many transparency policies have failed to consider the local contexts where extraction activities occur and ... -
Ungdom, Internett og samfunnsengasjement
Rye, Ståle Angen; Rye, Johan Fredrik (Journal article, 2011)Nye former for digital kommunikasjon ser ut til å endre premissene for politisk deltagelse og samfunnsengasjement blant ungdom. I denne artikkelen diskuteres dette med utgangspunkt i data fra en spørreundersøkelse blant ... -
Value Placement on Tropical Coastal Ecosystem Services and Its Implication on Collective Action: Using Social Interdependencies as a Bridge
Gupita, Diwyacitta Dirda (Master thesis, 2023)As the marine and coastal ecosystems are experiencing rapid degradation and depletion due to continuous exploitation, government agencies, academic institutions, and various organizations have been working together to ...