Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Rundmo, Torbjørn"
Samhandlingsmodellen: Ansattes vurderinger av et heldøgns habilitering- og rehabiliteringstilbud for tilbakeføring av ungdom til skole og arbeidsliv
Sørensen,Vibeke (Master thesis, 2023)Sammendrag Ungdom som faller ut av skole og arbeid er et økende problem i Norge. Stadig flere ungdommer i alderen 25-29 år blir uføre. NAV og det offentlige har mange tiltak for å hjelpe unge voksne med å komme ut i utdanning ... -
School absenteeism; factors affecting long-term absence from school
Paulsen, Thea (Master thesis, 2019)Aim: The thesis aimed to examine the following; (1) differences in social support, selfefficacy, empowerment, social anxiety and judgement of present and future prospects in relation to sex and age; (2) effects of the ... -
Social factors and substance use among Norwegian adolescents
Høgetveit, Line (Master thesis, 2013)Main aims of the current study were to investigate associations between antisocial behavior, significant others substance use, leisure activities, gender, and school level on the one hand, and adolescent substance use on ... -
Stressors, social support and military performance in a modern war scenario.
Moldjord, Christian; Laberg, Jon Christian; Rundmo, Torbjørn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)The present study examined differences in stressors, coping strategies, and military performance in two groups deployed in the same war scenario, but with operative and psychologically different challenges. A total of 173 ... -
The role of cultural differences in making and breaking the therapeutic alliance : a qualitative study of immigrant patients' encounters with Norwegian therapists
Hansen, Özel Despina (Master thesis, 2016)The purpose of this study is to examine the role of culture in therapy when patient and therapist come from different cultures, with a focus on the experiences as reported by the patient. Five non-Western immigrants who ... -
The role of social cognition in perceived thresholds for transport mode change
Nordfjærn, Trond; Lind, Hans Brende; Simsekoglu, Ozlem; Jørgensen, Stig Halvard; Lund, Ingunn Olea; Rundmo, Torbjørn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This article is based on a study that investigated social cognitive psychological factors associated with economic thresholds related to using public or other sustainable transport modes. A survey was conducted using a ... -
Transport risk evaluations associated with past exposure to adverse security events in public transport
Nordfjærn, Trond; Rundmo, Torbjørn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The current study aims to examine differences in risk evaluations according to whether individuals have been exposed to adverse security events in transport during the last five years. In addition, a path model is tested ... -
User Evaluations, Self-Efficacy and Factors Related to Relapse in Substance Addiction Treatment
Øien, Katrin (Master thesis, 2010) -
User Evaluations, Self-Efficacy and Factors Related to Relapse in Substance Addiction Treatment
Øien, Katrin (Master thesis, 2010) -
Using the Natural Environment for Emotion Regulation Conceptual and Empirical Explorations
Johnsen, Svein Åge Kjøs (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2014:280, Doctoral thesis, 2014)The topic of this thesis is the use of natural environments for regulating emotions. This is investigated through a theoretical analysis, a field study, an experimental study, and a survey study. In the theoretical analysis, ... -
Å bli sterkere sammen - En kvalitativ undersøkelse av mestringstreff for pårørende
Østli, Anna Sophie Justad (Master thesis, 2020)Formål. Formålet med denne oppgaven er både å gi en overordnet forståelse for hvordan det er å være pårørende, og å evaluere et mestringstreff for pårørende utviklet av Trondheim kommune. Evalueringen av mestringstreffet ... -
Å justere sin atferd under ulike forhold, i jaget etter profitt - en kvalitativ studie av individuelle opplevelser rundt tema sikkerhet offshore
Nilsen, Even (Master thesis, 2018)Med denne masteroppgaven gis et innblikk hvordan en gitt praksis i en oljerelatert offshore organisasjon er blitt erfart med henblikk på sikkerhet som tema. Opplevelse og erfaringer beskriver således en verden og en hverdag ... -
Å ta ungdommen på alvor - En kvalitativ studie av lavterskeltilbudet ''En som lytter'' i Trondheim
Lervåg, Natalie (Master thesis, 2018)Forekomsten av psykiske vansker blant unge mennesker ser stadig ut til å øke, og behovet for effektive tiltak er stort. Lavterskeltilbud er et eksempel på et tiltak som har som mål å forhindre at psykiske plager utvikler ...