Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Molinas, Marta"
Control of Multi-terminal VSC-HVDC Systems
Haileselassie, Temesgen Mulugeta (Master thesis, 2008)The North Sea has a vast amount of wind energy with largest energy per area densities located about 100-300Km of distance from shore. Should this energy be tapped by offshore wind farms, HVDC transmission would be the more ... -
Control of Voltage Source Converters for Power System Applications
Kalitjuka, Tatjana (Master thesis, 2011)The research work is aimed on the investigation of possible modeling and control schemes for the dc-link of VSC, with the purpose of identifying the impact of such modeling and control on the dynamics of the conversion ... -
Control of VSC-HVDC for wind power
Bajracharya, Chandra (Master thesis, 2008)With the recent developments in semiconductors and control equipment, Voltage Source Converter based High Voltage Direct Current (VSC-HVDC) has attracted the growing interest of researchers. The use of VSC technology and ... -
Control of Wave Energy Converter with constrained electric Power Take Off
Bjørnstad, Eiril (Master thesis, 2011)Because of ocean waves' high energy density and substantial, global technical potential wave energy might become a significant contributor to supply the world's increasing energy demand. The nature of ocean waves is strongly ... -
Coping with Harmonics in Smart Grid: variable speed driveswith Back-to-Back Voltage Source Converter versus the matrix converter
Ali, Imran (Master thesis, 2013)In this master thesis it has been investigated to utilize the matrix as a shunt active power filter and an adjustable speed drive and then compare the matrix converter with the Back-to-Back voltage source converter in terms ... -
Data augmentation using GANs in EEG-based biometric systems
Molvik, Nikolai (Master thesis, 2022)Hjernebølger, målt med electroencephalography(EEG) har mange applikasjoner. Historisk sett har EEG hovedsaklig blitt brukt i medisin, men ved bruk av state of the art teknologi, kan EEG brukes i biometriske systemer, noe ... -
Decoding Human Emotions From Video-Elicited EEG Responses With Simple Machine Learning Techniques
Neverlien, Embla Celine Stengel (Master thesis, 2023)Potensialet til EEG-basert automatisk gjenkjenning av følelser er enormt, fra å kunne forbedre behandlingen av mentale lidelser og utvide kunnskapen om følelsesprossesering hos mennesker til fremskritt innen underholdning ... -
Design and evaluation of an automated stress detection system using Electroencephalography (EEG) signals
Andreassen, Ida Marie (Master thesis, 2023)I en verden som opplever en uforutsigbar bølge av nedadgående mental helse, er det viktigere enn noensinne å sikre tidlig påvisning og forebygging av skadelig stress. Et voksende studiefelt inkluderer kombinasjonen av ... -
Design of a Microgrid for a Desalination Plant in Pozo Colorado, Paraguay
Waatevik, Johannes (Master thesis, 2014)The village of Pozo Colorado in Paraguay suffers lackluster access to potable water. A desalination plant using a process known as reverse osmosis, the groundwater can be converted into freshwater, and thus solve the ... -
Dynamic Control of Static Converters: Dynamic Control Methods for a Static Converter Model in PSCAD for a Traction Power System
Van Der Linden, Tim (Master thesis, 2012)The Norwegian traction power system is a 15 kV single-phase 16 2/3 Hz power system. The traction power system is mainly supplied by rotary frequency converters that convert three-phase 50 Hz power from the utility grid to ... -
EEG-Based Alcohol Detection System with AI Techniques: Towards the Design of BCI Systems for Driver Monitoring
Nordstrøm-Hauge, Iselin Johanna; Vassbotn, Molly (Master thesis, 2023)Denne masteroppgaven undersøker muligheten for å detektere tilstedeværelsen av alkohol i elektroencefalografi (EEG)-signaler. I dag er alkoholpåvirket kjøring et verdensomspennende problem. Målet med dette prosjektet er å ... -
EEG-Based Alcohol Detection System with AI Techniques: Towards the Design of BCI Systems for Driver Monitoring.
Nordstrøm-Hauge, Iselin Johanna; Vassbotn, Molly (Master thesis, 2023)Denne masteroppgaven undersøker muligheten for å detektere tilstedeværelsen av alkohol i elektroencefalografi (EEG)-signaler. I dag er alkoholpåvirket kjøring et verdensomspennende problem. Målet med dette prosjektet er å ... -
EEG-based Brain Computer Interface for Controlling a Drone - using machine learning, optimized for a battery powered device
Ribe, Adrian; Krohn, Kristian Husevåg (Master thesis, 2018)Brain Computer Interfaces enable the use of brain waves to control computer-based external devices. It can, however, be difficult to trigger a specific brain wave, and it might not be repetitive enough to be used in such ... -
EEG-Based Emotion Experiment: Automatic Recognition with Machine Learning
Lu, Rose (Master thesis, 2023)Følelser er en viktig del av livet og har en stor innvirkning i vårt daglige liv. Det å forstå og kunne kontrollere følelser kan for noen føre til bedre selvbevissthet, empati og livskvalitet. Tradisjonelle metoder for ... -
Effect of a Non-Ideal Power Take-Off System on the Electrical Power Output of a Wave Energy Converter under Passive Control
Pettersen, Martine Furnes (Master thesis, 2020)Fysiske havbølger er ikke-stasjonære av natur, noe som gir en utfordring når en bølgeomformer skal konstrueres og kontrolleres. Gjennom tidene er det foreslått mange forskjellige kontrollstrategier for å kunne øke mengden ... -
Electric Traction Power System Stability: Low-frequency interaction between advanced rail vehicles and a rotary frequency converter
Danielsen, Steinar (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2010:56, Doctoral thesis, 2010)Low-frequency instability in AC electric traction power systems has come to be a concern in recent years. Power oscillations in the range of 10-30 % of the system’s fundamental frequency are reported from all over the world ... -
Enhancing Sleep-Wake Detection Using Deep Learning and Optimal Channel Selection from High-Density EEG
Herleiksplass, Karoline Seljevoll (Master thesis, 2023)Denne masteroppgaven utforsker den utfordrende men viktige oppgaven med å klassifisere våkenhet fra søvn ved bruk av elektroencefalografi (EEG) data, som er viktig i både kliniske og hjemmemiljøer. Ettersom søvnforstyrrelser ... -
Explainable Deep Learning for an EEG-based Alcohol Detection System
Freyer, Sunniva Langhelle (Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven bidrar til utviklingen av et hjerne-datamaskin-grensesnitt (BCI) system for alkoholpåvisning ved hjelp av elektroencefalografi (EEG) og dyplæring. Systemet er ment for integrasjon i kjøretøy for å ... -
Exploring the Properties of a Modular Multilevel Converter Based HVDC Link: With Focus on Voltage Capability, Power System Relations, and Control System
Abildgaard, Elisabeth Nøkleby (Master thesis, 2012)The properties of a Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC) are investigated. This is a new and promising converter type for High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) applications. A case with a MMC connected to a stiff grid through ... -
Extremum-Seeking Control for Harmonic Mitigation in Electrical Grids of Marine Vessels
Haring, Mark; Skjong, Espen; Johansen, Tor Arne; Molinas, Marta (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This paper focuses on the minimization of the harmonic distortion in multibus electrical grids of marine vessels using a single active power filter. An active power filter is commonly used for local harmonic mitigation. ...