Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Mjølsnes, Stig Frode"
Now showing items 21-40 of 100
Cryptanalysis of IEEE 802.11i TKIP
Halvorsen, Finn Michael; Haugen, Olav (Master thesis, 2009)The Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) was created to fix the weaknesses of Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP). Up until November 2008, TKIP was believed to be a secure alternative to WEP, although some weak points were ... -
Cryptanalysis of IEEE 802.11i TKIP
Halvorsen, Finn Michael; Haugen, Olav (Master thesis, 2009)The Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) was created to fix the weaknesses of Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP). Up until November 2008, TKIP was believed to be a secure alternative to WEP, although some weak points were ... -
Cryptanalysis of IEEE 802.11i TKIP.
Lodhi, Ammar (Master thesis, 2010)This thesis is based upon the work of Beck and Tews [ 24 ]. It presents and experimentally Validate the Beck and Tews attack on a network with QoS client Associated with a Non- QoS AP.This is done by Slightly extending the ... -
Leren, Eystein Huse (Master thesis, 2009)Datalagringsdirektivet EU 2006/24/EF har til hensikt å harmonisere lovgivningen som gjelder lagring av trafikkdata gjennom hele EU området, og gjennom dette gjøre medlemslandene bedre rustet til å bekjempe alvorlig ... -
Decoding GSM
Glendrange, Magnus; Hove, Kristian; Hvideberg, Espen (Master thesis, 2010)We have participated in the creation of almost two terabytes of tables aimed at cracking A5/1, the most common ciphering algorithm used in GSM. Given 114-bit of known plaintext, we are able to recover the session key with ... -
Deep Packet Inspection Bypass
Kjøglum, Thomas (Master thesis, 2015)Internet censorship is a problem, where governments and authorities restricts access to what the public can read on the Internet. They use deep packet inspection tools to conduct the censorship. An example of such a tool ... -
Denial-of-service attack resilience of the GSM access network.
Suraev, Maxim (Master thesis, 2011)GSM network capable of connecting to any operator providing SIP trunk has beenconstructed to serve as a target for controlled experiment on DoS attacks againstGSM. The usage of this network as a tool to perform DoS attack ... -
Detecting Identity Thefts In Open 802.11e Enabled Wireless Networks
Holgernes, Eirik (Master thesis, 2010)Open wireless networks are commonly deployed as a result of easy access, user-friendliness, as well as easy deployment and maintance. These networks do not implement strong security features, and clients are prone to a ... -
Detecting Intermediary Hosts by TCP Latency Measurements
Singh, Gurvinder; Eian, Martin; Willassen, Svein Yngvar; Mjølsnes, Stig Frode (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011) -
Detecting MAC Spoofing Attacks in 802.11 Networks through Fingerprinting on the MAC Layer
Idland, Christer (Master thesis, 2011)In order to provide hassle-free connection options many wireless local area network (WLAN) providers choose to have their networks completely open. In other words there is no password required in order to connect. Such ... -
Detecting Wireless Identity Spoofs in Urban Settings, Based on Received Signal Strength Measurements
Pedersen, Øystein Aas (Master thesis, 2010)The most common gateway for executing attacks in 802.11 networks are the MACspoofing attack. Current Todays Wireless IDS implements different methods todetect MAC spoofing, but are particularly interested in using methods ... -
Detection of intermediary hosts through TCP latency propagation
Singh, Gurvinder (Master thesis, 2009)Today people from all lifestyles, government officials, researchers and executives use internet. The people start to depend on internet for their daily life. However, the increased dependence comes with a great risk. The ... -
Detection of Masqueraded Wireless Access Using 802.11 MAC Layer Fingerprints
Idland, Christer; Jelle, Thomas; Mjølsnes, Stig Frode (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Many wireless Internet access operators prefer open local area network (WLAN) access because this reduces the need for user assistance for a variety of smaller devices. A 802.11 MAC spoofer masquerades as an authorized ... -
Distributed Personal Password Repository using Secret Sharing
Løland Elle, Merete; Mjølsnes, Stig Frode; Olimid, Ruxandra-Florentina (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Secret sharing based systems can provide both data secrecy and recoverability simultaneously. This is achieved by a special cryptographical splitting of the data, where the parts, called shares, are distributed among a ... -
Easy 4G/LTE IMSI Catchers for Non-Programmers
Mjølsnes, Stig Frode; Olimid, Ruxandra-Florentina (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)IMSI Catchers are tracking devices that break the privacy of the subscribers of mobile access networks, with disruptive effects to both the communication services and the trust and credibility of mobile network operators. ... -
Eavesdropping an EFC transaction using SDR
Felipe Blanco, Javier (Master thesis, 2018)The use of Electronic Fee Collection (EFC) system is widespread in Europe, to charge drivers for the use of toll roads. It is based on a wireless high-frequency communication between a tag in the car (OBU) and a device ... -
Elektronisk resept vurdert mot pasientgruppers behov
Heibø, Mari (Master thesis, 2006)Det siste tiåret har det vært lagt stadig mer vekt på elektronisk samhandling i helsesektoren. Som en del av eNorgestrategien er elektroniske resepter planlag innført innen utgangen av 2008. Arbeidet med eResept har begynt ... -
Elektronisk resept vurdert mot pasientgruppers behov
Heibø, Mari (Master thesis, 2006)Det siste tiåret har det vært lagt stadig mer vekt på elektronisk samhandling i helsesektoren. Som en del av eNorgestrategien er elektroniske resepter planlag innført innen utgangen av 2008. Arbeidet med eResept har begynt ... -
En systemanalyse av storskala identitetsforvaltning for aksesstyring
Grande, Annette (Master thesis, 2006)Internettdekningen her i landet blir stadig bedre, og mange velger å ta i bruk nettbaserte tjenester. Dette er i tråd med regjeringens ønske om å effektivisere offentlig og privat sektor ved å anvende IKT der det er mulig. ... -
En systemanalyse av storskala identitetsforvaltning for aksesstyring
Grande, Annette (Master thesis, 2006)Internettdekningen her i landet blir stadig bedre, og mange velger å ta i bruk nettbaserte tjenester. Dette er i tråd med regjeringens ønske om å effektivisere offentlig og privat sektor ved å anvende IKT der det er mulig. ...