Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Jakobsen, Tor Georg"
Now showing items 21-40 of 56
Immigration, Integration and Ethnic Attitudes: A Study of Ethnic Relations and Policy Responses
Isaksen, Joachim Vogt (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2020:72, Doctoral thesis, 2020)The overarching topic of this thesis is ethnic attitudes in view of social and economic changes, and how this is dealt with through policy measures. The reason for writing this thesis is twofold; 1) to study ethnic attitudes ... -
Inter-Municipal Cooperation and Satisfaction with Services: Evidence from the Norwegian Citizen Study
Holum, Marthe Liss; Jakobsen, Tor Georg (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)We investigate the effects of inter-municipal cooperation on citizen satisfaction with fire services and refuse handling. While there is a growing interest in cooperation as a way of providing municipal services, little ... -
Kan departementsansatte delta i offentlig debatt? En undersøkelse om privat bruk av sosiale medier i møte med krav om lojalitet, nøytralitet og faglig uavhengighet
Alfsen, Helle Berg (Master thesis, 2019)I lys av Knut Dahl Jacobsens klassiske artikkel om forvaltningsverdier i sentraladministrasjonen fra 1960, undersøker denne masteroppgaven forholdet mellom forvaltningsverdiene lojalitet, nøytralitet og faglig uavhengighet ... -
Keynesianismens renessanse? En analyse av hvordan politiske virkemidler påvirker økonomiske svingninger
Isaksen, Joachim Vogt; Jakobsen, Tor Georg (Chapter, 2017)I dette kapitlet analyserer vi hvilken effekt myndighetenes organiseringen av økonomien har på omfanget av kriser. Er det hold i det keynesianistiske argumentet om at mangel på styring av, og intervensjon i økonomien vil ... -
Kommunestyrerepresentanters fornøydhet med kommunens tjenestetilbud: Påvirket av representanters individuelle bakgrunnsfaktorer og forholdet til administrasjonen?
Dolmseth, Elin Johanne (Master thesis, 2020)Tidligere forskning viser at kommunestyrerepresentanter i det store og hele er fornøyd med kommunens tjenesteyting. I denne oppgaven undersøker jeg om enkelte individuelle bakgrunnsfaktorer hos kommunestyrerepresentanter ... -
Korrupsjonserkjennelse på ledernivå i Trøndelag politidistrikt - en kartleggingsstudie av hvordan korrupsjonserkjennelse fører til forebygging og kontroll.
Jøssund, Kenneth; Lund, Elisabeth (Master thesis, 2023)Korrupsjon kan arte seg på mange måter. Til felles har de at samfunnets politiske, sosiale og økonomiske goder blir krenket. I denne masteroppgaven undersøker vi hvordan lederne i Trøndelag politidistrikt erkjenner risikoen ... -
Macro Factors and Public Opinion: An Investigation of Economic Left–Right Attitudes in Advanced Industrialized Democracies
Jakobsen, Tor Georg (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2011:129, Doctoral thesis, 2011) -
Makrofaktorer, opinion og næringsvirksomhet
Ressem, Magnus; Jakobsen, Tor Georg (Chapter, 2013)Dette kapitlet tar for seg samspillet mellom makrofaktorer, opinion og næringsvirksomhet og hvordan disse tre variablene opererer sammen. Et lands næringspolitikk er av stor betydning for bedrifter. Offentlig opinion ... -
Maktfaktor eller medløper? En revidering av Israel-lobbyen og amerikansk Midtøsten-politikk
Isaksen, Joachim Vogt; Jakobsen, Tor Georg (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)In 2007, Mearsheimer and Walt published The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, in which they argue that the U.S. Israel lobby has managed to front its own interests at the cost of U.S. interests. In this article we ... -
Match Experience at the Danish Women's Soccer National A-Team Matches: An Explorative Study
Kringstad, Morten; Jakobsen, Tor Georg; Olsen, Tor-Eirik; Storm, Rasmus K.; Schelde, Nikolaj (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Women’s soccer is more popular than ever, but match attendance is still relatively low. In order to develop sustainable revenue streams for women’s football, and help it grow further, it is necessary to understand what ... -
Migration and the Welfare State: Examining the Effect of Immigration on Attitudes towards Economic Redistribution
Isaksen, Joachim Vogt; Jakobsen, Tor Georg (Chapter, 2016)Is ethnic diversity associated with negative attitudes toward economic redistribution? To address this issue we employ a theoretical perspective to explain patterns in individual attitudes toward the welfare state. We ... -
National Pride, Sporting Success and Event Hosting: An Analysis of Intangible Effects Related to Major Athletic Tournaments
Storm, Rasmus K.; Jakobsen, Tor Georg (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Contemporary research into the impact of major sports events shows that the widely used (and popular) claim of economic benefits associated with hosting them is misleading or – at best – overrated. In this paper, we aim ... -
National Pride, Sporting Success and Event Hosting: An Analysis of Intangible Effects Related to Major Athletic Tournaments
Storm, Rasmus K.; Jakobsen, Tor Georg (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Contemporary research into the impact of major sports events shows that the widely used (and popular) claim of economic benefits associated with hosting them is misleading or – at best – overrated. In this paper, we aim ... -
Når NATO ikke er nok: En analyse av Norges indre sikkerhetspolitiske behov
Brøndbo, Eivin; Sandstad, Bjørnar (Master thesis, 2018)Norge står i dag overfor sikkerhetspolitiske utfordringer vi ikke hadde for 30 år siden. Klimaendringer, økende migrasjon, cyberoperasjoner og internasjonal terror er alle nye sikkerhetspolitiske fokusområder for staten ... -
Rewards of reforms: Can economic freedom and reforms in developing countries reduce the brain drain?
Aarhus, Jarand H.; Jakobsen, Tor Georg (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The objective of this paper is to investigate the impact of economic freedom on brain drain from developing countries to rich countries. Previous literature on brain drain has examined social, political and economic ... -
The rising fear of terrorism and the emergence of a European security governance space: citizen perceptions and EU counterterrorism cooperation
Henökl, Thomas; Jakobsen, Tor Georg (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Among a wide range of challenges, EU member states have been facing a growing threat from terrorism in the recent years. The primary responsibility for combating terrorism lies with each individual member state, although ... -
Samhandlingsreformens effekt på kvaliteten på sykehjem - på rett sted til rett tid?
Aasum, Kristine (Master thesis, 2020)Den 1. januar 2012 ble samhandlingsreformen innført i Norge, noe som førte til forandringer for helse- og omsorgstjenestene. Samhandlingsreformen skulle være en reforme som skulle gi innbyggerne «rett behandling -på rett ... -
Spectator Interest in Attending Future Danish Men’s National Soccer Team Matches: A Study of Demand
Storm, Rasmus K.; Jakobsen, Tor Georg; Schelde, Nikolaj (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Existing research on spectator demand tends to focus primarily on elite club sport. This paper aims to expand on the literature by applying regression models to a large and unique set of survey data collected from Danish ... -
Sport Plus the Shooting: An Examination of International Sporting Success and Event Hostship's Impact on the National Willingness to Fight
Storm, Rasmus K.; Jakobsen, Tor Georg; Jakobsen, Jo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Research has long aimed to identify the effects of international sporting success or event hostship on nations. Overall findings suggest that tangible benefits are marginal at best. Still, some studies find that sport may ... -
Stadium Experience and Word-of-Mouth: A Panel Data Analysis of National A-Team Men’s Football Matches in Denmark, 2013–17
Jakobsen, Tor Georg; Storm, Rasmus K.; Schelde, Nikolaj (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)In this paper we utilize unique spectator level data from fifteen Danish national men’s A-team football matches in the period 2013–17. We test both fixed effects models where we investigate the within-variation in persons ...