Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Hole, Torstein"
Intravenous Iron Treatment in the Prevention of Iron Deficiency and Anaemia After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
Sandvik, Jorunn; Hole, Torstein; Kløckner, Christian; Kulseng, Bård Eirik; Wibe, Arne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background Iron absorption is disturbed after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) and iron deficiency with or without anaemia affects almost half of all patients. Intravenous iron is an option when per oral iron is insufficient ... -
Long-term results after surgical treatment for severe obesity
Sandvik, Jorunn (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2020:199, Doctoral thesis, 2020)Ny kunnskap om utvikling av alvorlig fedme har erstattet oppfatningen av at av fedme er en individuell selvforskyldt tilstand med en forståelse av at fedme er en kronisk progressiv sykdom med sammensatte årsaksfaktorer. ... -
Medical students’ learning experience and participation in communities of practice at municipal emergency care units in the primary health care system: a qualitative study
Giske, Solveig; Kvangarsnes, Marit; Landstad, Bodil; Hole, Torstein; Dahl, Berit Misund (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background Medical education has been criticised for not adapting to changes in society, health care and technology. Internationally, it is necessary to strengthen primary health care services to accommodate the growing ... -
Myocardial Function in Infants During Postnatal Transition and With Further Maturation: A longitudinal echocardiographic study in preterm and term infants
Eriksen, Beate Horsberg (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2014:279, Doctoral thesis, 2014)Assessment of the neonatal circulation has traditionally been based on indirect clinical signs such as blood pressure, skin perfusion, body temperature, capillary refill time and biochemical markers. However, applying these ... -
Myocardial function in premature infants: a longitudinal observational study
Eriksen, Beate Horsberg; Nestaas, Eirik; Hole, Torstein; Liestøl, Knut; Støylen, Asbjørn; Fugelseth, Drude (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Objectives: Gestational and chronological age may have an impact on myocardial function. We studied the longitudinal changes of the atrioventricular tissue Doppler velocities in premature infants through the neonatal ... -
Nephrologists’ experiences with patient participation when long-term dialysis is required
Andersen-Hollekim, Tone Elisabeth; Landstad, Bodil; Solbjør, Marit; Kvangarsnes, Marit; Hole, Torstein (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background For individuals in need of dialysis, patient participation is important when determining care goals and in decision making regarding dialysis modality. Nephrologists hold a key role in delivering evidence-based ... -
Nurses' experiences of compassionate care in the palliative pathway
Tarberg, Anett Skorpen; Landstad, Bodil J.; Hole, Torstein; Thronæs, Morten; Kvangarsnes, Marit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Aims and objectives The aim was to explore how nurses experience compassionate care for patients with cancer and family caregivers in different phases of the palliative pathway. Background Compassion is fundamental ... -
Nurses' perceptions of patient participation in the myocardial infarction pathway
Bårdsgjerde, Elise Kvalsund; Landstad, Bodil; Hole, Torstein; Nylenna, Magne; Gjeilo, Kari Hanne; Kvangarsnes, Marit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Aim To explore nurses' perceptions of patient participation in different phases of the myocardial infarction pathway. Design Qualitative design with a hermeneutical approach. Methods Five focus groups were ... -
Nursing qualifications needed in municipal emergency inpatient units. A qualitative study
Landstad, Bodil; Hole, Torstein; Strand, Aasta Marie Sveino; Kvangarsnes, Marit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background: Providing care to older individuals with complex needs and patients with chronic illness is a concern worldwide. In Norway, this situation led to the transfer of responsibility for care and treatment to the ... -
Pasientmedverknad ved akutt sjukdom – ein metasyntese av pasient- og helsepersonellerfaringar
Kvangarsnes, Marit; Hole, Torstein; Bårdsgjerde, Elise Kvalsund; Landstad, Bodil (Chapter, 2020)Ein metasyntese syner at pasientmedverknad under akutt sjukdom kan variere frå at pasienten tek autonome val til at pasientane blir møtt med paternalistiske haldningar. Når livreddande behandling må gjennomførast, er det ... -
Patient participation in haemodialysis care - a qualitative study of patient and professional experiences
Andersen-Hollekim, Tone (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:142, Doctoral thesis, 2021)Patient participation represents a shift in the health care system from the previous paternalistic models towards a more democratically oriented practice. This includes value based interaction models in which the patient ... -
Patient participation in the clinical pathway – nurses' perceptions of adults' involvement in haemodialysis
Andersen-Hollekim, Tone Elisabeth; Kvangarsnes, Marit; Landstad, Bodil; Talseth-Palmer, Bente Anita; Hole, Torstein (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Aim To develop knowledge of nurses’ perceptions of participation for patients treated with haemodialysis and their next of kin. Design A qualitative study with a hermeneutic approach. Methods The data were collected ... -
Patient participation, family involvement, and compassionate care in palliative cancer care: Health personnel and family caregiver`s experiences
Tarberg, Anett Skorpen (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:69, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Samandrag Hensikta med denne avhandlinga var å utvikle kunnskap om pasientmedverknad, familieinvolvering og “compassionate care” i dei ulike fasane av det palliative forløpet sett frå perspektiva til pårørande og ... -
Patients’ narratives of their participation in the myocardial infarction pathway
Bårdsgjerde, Elise Kvalsund; Kvangarsnes, Marit; Landstad, Bodil; Nylenna, Magne; Hole, Torstein (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018) -
Patients’ narratives of their participation in the myocardial infarction pathway
Bårdsgjerde, Elise Kvalsund; Kvangarsnes, Marit; Landstad, Bodil; Nylenna, Magne; Hole, Torstein (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Aim To explore how patients in areas without local percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) facilities experience patient participation in different phases of the myocardial infarction pathway. Background Acute treatment ... -
Perceptions of patient participation in the myocardial infarction pathway among patients and healthcare professionals
Bårdsgjerde, Elise Kvalsund (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:28, Doctoral thesis, 2022)SAMMENDRAG Bakgrunn Akutt hjerteinfarkt er en av de vanligste og alvorligste sykdommene globalt. Sykdommen har ofte en akutt debut, men er forårsaket av kronisk underliggende aterosklerose som medfører forkalkninger og ... -
Physicians' perceptions of patient participation and the involvement of family caregivers in the palliative care pathway
Tarberg, Anett Skorpen; Thronæs, Morten; Landstad, Bodil; Kvangarsnes, Marit; Hole, Torstein (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Introduction Patient participation is essential for quality palliative care, and physicians play a crucial role in promoting participation. This study explores physicians' perceptions of patients and family caregivers' ... -
Risk profile, antithrombotic treatment and clinical outcomes of patients in Nordic countries with atrial fibrillation–results from the GARFIELD-AF registry
Pope, Marita K; Atar, Dan; Svilaas, Arne B; Hole, Torstein; Nielsen, Jørn Dalsgaard; Hintze, Ulrik; Crisby, Milita; Raatikainen, Pekka; Airaksinen, K.E. Juhani; Virdone, Saverio; Pieper, Karen; Kayani, Gloria; Le Heuzey, Jean-Yves; Steffel, Jan; Stepinska, Janina; Bassand, Jean-Pierre; Camm, A. John (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Aims The objective was to evaluate the clinical characteristics, management and two-year outcomes of patients with newly diagnosed non-valvular atrial fibrillation at risk for stroke in Nordic countries. Methods We ... -
Silent voices: Family caregivers' narratives of involvement in palliative care
Tarberg, Anett Skorpen; Kvangarsnes, Marit; Hole, Torstein; Thronæs, Morten; Madssen, Torfinn Støve; Landstad, Bodil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Aim To explore how family caregivers experience involvement in palliative care. Design A qualitative design with a narrative approach was used. Methods Purposive sampling and narrative interviews were conducted. Eleven ... -
Transthoracic Doppler echocardiography for the detection of coronary artery stenoses and microvascular coronary dysfunction
Holte, Espen (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2017:322, Doctoral thesis, 2017)Bruk av transtorakal ekkokardiografi for påvisning av kransårestenoser og mikrovaskulær kransåresykdom. I den vestlige verden, er kransåresykdom en av de hyppigste årsakene til sykdom og død. Ved symptomer som gir mistanke ...