Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Eide, Egil"
Now showing items 21-40 of 45
Development of a Dynamic Positioning System for the ReVolt Model Ship
Alfheim, Henrik; Muggerud, Kjetil (Master thesis, 2017)Autonomous surface vehicles are still in the early stages of development, and show great potential. These vessels can be used in different scientific and commercial operations, outperforming manned vessels in safety, ... -
Effective Channel Hardening in an Indoor Multiband Scenario
Ghiaasi, Golsa; Abraham, Jens; Eide, Egil; Ekman, Torbjörn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)We evaluate channel hardening for a large scale antenna system by means of indoor channel measurements over four frequency bands, 1.472 GHz, 2.6 GHz, 3.82 GHz and 4.16 GHz. NTNU’s Reconfgurable Radio Network Platform has ... -
Electromagnetic Fault Injection impact on a Printed Circuit Board
Teppan, Erik (Master thesis, 2024)Elektromagnetisk feilinjeksjon (EMFI) bruker induktiv kobling for å injisere feil på integrerte kretser. Det kan skape mange forskjellige feil, som å forårsake hopp over instruksjoner til å endre verdier i minnet. Denne ... -
Energy Harvesting for Ambient Backscatter Communications
Runde Bolli, Jørgen (Master thesis, 2021)I denne avhandlingen blir designet av en 50 Ohm patch antenne og et radiofrekvens energihøstings system egnet for en sannsynelig ambient backscatter kommunikasjons enhet forklart. Systemet er montert på et FR-4 substrat ... -
GNSS Reflectometry for spaceborne remote sensing
Fagerås, Sverre (Master thesis, 2024)Global Navigation Satellite Systems Reflectometry (GNSS-R) er en fortsatt voksende og underutnyttet teknologi for fjernmåling, miljøovervåking og katastroferisikoreduksjon. Hensikten med denne oppgaven er å legge det ... -
Harbor Surveillance with a K-best, Track Terminating, Hypothesis-Oriented MHT
Pedersen, Jesper (Master thesis, 2018)A high activity harbor environment could present several problems for a tracking system. The observable area may be small, targets may be closely spaced, move in formation and disappear close to where other appears. ... -
In-orbit Radio Measurements using Software-Defined Radios in Small Satellites
Diaz, Gara Quintana (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:117, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Environmental monitoring of the oceans and the Arctic is important to understand the impact of global warming and climate change. The use of different types of assets, such as satellites and autonomous agents, can contribute ... -
Integrating Agile Systems Engineering and Project Management in Small Satellites Development
Honoré-Livermore, Evelyn (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:126, Doctoral thesis, 2022)This dissertation aims to improve our understanding of applied research projects in academia, in particular, how the integration of Systems Engineering (SE) and Project Management (PM) activities can support these projects. ... -
Localizing Sheep using a Bluetooth Low Energy enabled Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Round-trip Time of Arrival-based Multilateriation
Nyholm, Henrik (Master thesis, 2020)Lokalisering av frittgående sau i vidstrakte kulturlandskap er en tidkrevende og vanskelig oppgave. Innsatsen som kreves kan imidlertid reduseres ved å ta i bruk moderne sporing- og lokaliseringsteknikker. Det største ... -
Long-Range Low Frequency (LF) Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) For detecting individual animals identity in wearable Internet of Things (IoT) devices
Avdem, Einar (Master thesis, 2022)Det er et økende marked for Internet of Things (IoT), innen landbruket. IoT produkter i denne industrien er ofte rettet mot husdyr, hvor vanlige bruksomr ̊ader kan være: kartlegging av dyrenes bevegelser, kartlegging av ... -
Maritime Object Detection in LWIR-images using Deep Learning methods with Data Augmentation
Kjønås, Ingunn (Master thesis, 2021)Konteksten for denne oppgaven er bruk av multisensor målfølging av flere mål for et autonomt overflatefartøy i et havneområde. Hensikten med forskningen er å lokalisere og målfølge en autonom ferge kombinert med andre mål ... -
milliAmpere: An Autonomous Ferry Prototype
Brekke, Edmund Førland; Eide, Egil; Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung; Wilthil, Erik Falmår; Breivik, Morten; Skjellaug, Even; Helgesen, Øystein Kaarstad; Lekkas, Anastasios M.; Martinsen, Andreas Bell; Thyri, Emil Hjelseth; Torben, Tobias Valentin Rye; Veitch, Erik Aleksander; Alsos, Ole Andreas; Johansen, Tor Arne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)In this paper, we summarize the experiences with the autonomous passenger ferry development prototype milliAmpere, which has been used as a test platform in several research projects at the Norwegian University of Science ... -
Modelling and Test Setup for Sandwich Radomes
Lien, Fredrik (Master thesis, 2014)Sandwich radomes are structures providing communication- and radar antennas with protection from the environment. The sandwich materials are designed to affect the electromagnetic radiation as little as possible with respect ... -
Multiband UWB Antenna design for WiFi, LTE and 5G
Løvaas, Håvard Grundtvig Dahle (Master thesis, 2017)In this thesis, a new design of an ultra-wideband planar slot antenna is presented. The antenna is made on FR4 and the design is compact with a size of 109.2 mm × 156 mm. The bandwidth of the antenna was measured to be 7.5 ... -
NTNU Shore Control Lab: Designing shore control centres in the age of autonomous ships
Alsos, Ole Andreas; Veitch, Erik Aleksander; Pantelatos, Leander Spyridon; Vasstein, Kjetil; Eide, Egil; Petermann, Felix-Marcel; Breivik, Morten (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)As highly automated ships become unmanned, their operators will move into shore-based control centers. In the last years, NTNU has built an advanced and flexible research infrastructure for performing research on autonomous ... -
Passasjerhåndteringssystem for den autonome urbane passasjerfergen milliAmpere2
Berg, Eline; Johansen, Morgan Boe; Langsåvold, Lars Erik; Vik, Andreas Dollis (Bachelor thesis, 2023)Denne bacheloroppgaven dokumenterer utviklingen og tankegangen for et passasjerhåndteringssystem for milliAmpere2 i Autoferry-prosjektet til Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU). Dette omfatter design, ... -
Position Monitoring of Floating Objects Using a Marine Radar
Kippernes, Truls (Master thesis, 2021) -
Radar Detection, Tracking and Warning of Avian Targets at Airports - Reporting of potentially hazardous bird presence at airports using low cost magnetron Moving Target Detector (MTD) radar
Brattebø, John-Olav (Master thesis, 2014)During the last years, Radian AS has been working on new methods for improving the detection capability of the standard civil marine radar. A coherent-on-receive radar demonstrator with a PC-based platform has been developed ... -
Real-Time Vessel Detection and Velocity Estimation in Trondheim Harbor using FMCW Radar
Olimb, Sondre (Master thesis, 2023)Dette masteroppgaveprosjektet fokuserer på å utvikle et sanntids radar system for fartøy-deteksjon og hastighetsestimering i Trondheim havn. Målet er å løse utfordringene med å gi nøyaktig hastighet tilbakemelding til ... -
Software Tool for Analysis and Design of Antenna Arrays for Small Satellites
Birkeland, Even (Master thesis, 2017)The Norwegian Space Centre wants a commitment to national nano- and micro-satellite projects to cover strategical national interests. AISSat-1 was launched in 2010, and AISSat-2 in 2014. AIS operates on 160 MHz, and on a ...