Now showing items 21-31 of 31

    • NIME Prototyping in Teams: A Participatory Approach to Teaching Physical Computing 

      Xambo Sedo, Anna; Saue, Sigurd; Jensenius, Alexander Refsum; Støckert, Robin; Brandtsegg, Øyvind (Chapter, 2019)
      In this paper, we present a workshop of physical computing applied to NIME design based on science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) education. The workshop is designed for master students with ...
    • Oversettelse fra lyd til MIDI ved hjelp av spektralanalyse 

      Jensen, Hallvard (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      MIDI brukes mye i moderne musikkproduksjon, men spilles som oftest inn ved hjelp av keyboard. Denne oppgaven ser nærmere på hvordan man kan bruke andre instrumenter til dette formålet ved å konvertere lydsignaler til MIDI. ...
    • RoboCapo: A Digitally Controlled Actuated Capo for Enhanced Guitar Playing 

      Bojja, Lindsay Charles (Master thesis, 2022)
      This thesis presents a novel tool, RoboCapo; an augmentation device for the guitar, a digitally controlled actuated capo mechanism that explores the emergence of new complex and meaningful modes of musical interaction. The ...
    • The Shape of Concerts to Come 

      Westerhus, Stian Voldseth (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:80, Doctoral thesis, 2021)
      Sammendrag I Shape of Concerts to Come (SCC) har Stian Westerhus sett på forholdet mellom utøver og instrument, og hva bevisstheten rundt hvor musikk oppstår har å si for det å aktivt skape musikk og forstå kreative ...
    • {Shape: an adaptive musical interface that optimizes the correlation between gesture and sound 

      Brandtsegg, Øyvind; Tidemann, Axel (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The development of musical interfaces has moved from static to malleable, where the interaction mode can be designed by the user. However, the user still has to specify which input parameters to adjust, and inherently how ...
    • Shoegaze: En musikalsk utforskning av gitarens posisjon i sjangeren 

      Eggan, Erlend (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      I dette prosjektet har jeg utforsket gitarens sentrale posisjon og bruk i sjangeren shoegaze. Dette har jeg gjort gjennom utforsking av sjangerens historie og diskografi, gjennom forsøk på å gjenskape viktige estetiske ...
    • Software Architecture of the Algorithmic Music System ImproSculpt 

      Semb, Thor Arne Gald; Småge, Audun (Master thesis, 2006)
      This document investigates how real-time algorithmic music composition software constrains and shapes software architecture. To accomplish this, we have employed a method known as Action Research on the software system ...
    • The Aesthetics of Demoscene Tracker Music 

      Skjegstad, Sander Jacobsson (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      In this project I have worked towards the production of an EP, focused on replicating and understanding the musical aesthetics found within the computer art subculture of the 80s and 90s known as the demoscene. In order ...
    • Using Genetic Algorithms to Find and Evaluate Parameters for Adaptive Digital Audio Effects 

      Eldhuset, Anders Wold (Master thesis, 2016)
      Cross-adaptive audio effects are audio effects whose parameters are controlled or influenced by features of audio signals other than the one being affected. In other words, there is a mapping from one or several analyzed ...
    • Utfordringer med bruken av flere Asio-lydkort i samme programvare 

      Fjellanger, Håkon F. (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Målet for dette prosjektet er å kartlegge de teknologiske utfordringene en kombinert lyddriver for Asio-lydkort må ta høyde for. Hensikten med dette arbeidet er å bidra i målet om å skape et pålitelig Asio-aggregat for ...
    • Working methods and instrument design for cross-adaptive sessions 

      Brandtsegg, Øyvind; Engum, Trond; Wærstad, Bernt Isak (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      This paper explores working methods and instrument design for musical performance sessions (studio and live) where cross-adaptive techniques for audio processing are utilized. Cross-adaptive processing uses feature extraction ...