Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Berker, Thomas"
Energy-related occupant behavior in buildings: Approaches for monitoring and modelling
Annaqeeb, Masab Khalid (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:171, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Buildings have become one of the most energy-intensive sectors globally, contributing to about one-third of the worldwide energy consumption. The response to growing global concerns regarding energy-use has prompted the ... -
Et hjem eller kun et tak over hodet?
Stjerne-Overby, Charlotte (Master thesis, 2020)Sammendrag I Norge eier omtrent tre av fire husholdninger den boligen de bor i. Eierlinja i norsk boligpolitikk kan sees som et velferdsmål i seg selv, men hvordan påvirker dette sterke fokuset på boligeie tilbudet til de ... -
Everyday Politics of Circular Futures
Ortega Alvarado, Isaac Arturo (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:159, Doctoral thesis, 2023)This thesis deals primarily with the ideas about a circular economy (CE). A branch of critical studies about CE has emerged in recent years. These critical studies take the nexus of consumption and production as its point ... -
Fagis på Dragis - Studentareal og samproduksjon av tilhørighet
Lysø, Emilie Hybersten (Master thesis, 2021)Denne oppgaven utforsker hvordan studenter har tatt i bruk det nye studentarealet Fagland ved NTNU campus Dragvoll gjennom problemstillingen hvordan tar studenter i bruk det nye studentarealet Fagland, og hva betyr arealet ... -
Faglig ekspertise og politiske beslutninger i bybanekontroveren – Kollektivtransportkontrovers som omhandler en verdensarvstatus.
Viken Rio, Trym-Tobias (Master thesis, 2024)I denne masteroppgaven innenfor Studier av kunnskap, teknologi og samfunn (STS) undersøkes kontroversen rundt bybaneutbyggingen i Bergen. I oppgaven har to bybanealternativer, over og ved verdensarvstatusen Bryggen, blitt ... -
FM perceptions on occupant impact and the shaping of occupant engagement practice
Valle Kinloch, Cristian Roberto; Verhulst, Elli; Pettersen, Ida Nilstad; Junghans, Antje; Berker, Thomas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Purpose This paper aims to apply frame analysis to explore the mental models by which building managers interpret the impact of building occupants on energy use and rationalize their approach to occupant engagement. De ... -
Frontline Innovation - How frontline care professionals innovate welfare technology and services
Bergschöld, Jenny M (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2018:279, Doctoral thesis, 2018) -
Greenhouse gas balances in Zero Emission Buildings – Electricity conversion factors revisited
Andresen, Inger; Lien, Kristian Myklebust; Berker, Thomas; Sartori, Igor (ZEB Project report;, Research report, 2017) -
Homelife in a Norwegian forest: a rural approach to the sustainable transition
Woods, Ruth; Berker, Thomas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The introduction of technical solutions and the phasing out of unsustainable technologies in Elverum, a small town in the middle of the Norwegian forest, is the starting point for this discussion about homelife and why it ... -
Identifying and addressing reverse salients in infrastructural change. The case of a small zero emission campus in Southern Norway
Berker, Thomas; Woods, Ruth (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the relevance and use of the concept “reverse salient” in ambitious infrastructural change. Thomas Hughes, in his seminal study of socio-technical system building, ... -
“In the morning I just need a long, hot shower:” a sociological exploration of energy sensibilities in Norwegian bathrooms
Berker, Thomas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)This article proposes a new area of research centered on the study of how energy sensibilities—in terms of esthesia which is understood as responsiveness and awareness—are distributed and redistributed. Energy is approached ... -
Infrastructures by the users for users: Motivations, constraints, and consequences of user-driven infrastructuring of mobile phones
Berker, Thomas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Users adapt infrastructures materially to fit their needs, they engage in maintenance and repair, and they learn about the inner workings of infrastructures. Different degrees of user engagement with infrastructures are ... -
Internett og radikalisering
Chaudhry, Haroon A. (Master thesis, 2019)Radikalisering har blitt en økende bekymring i både Norge og internasjonalt. I de senere årene har flere påpekt internett som en viktig kilde til radikalisering. Regjeringen lanserte i 2014 en handlingsplan mot radikalisering ... -
Introducing the MINDER research project: Methodologies for Improvement of Non-residential buildings' Daily Energy Efficiency Reliability
Berker, Thomas; Gansmo, Helen Jøsok; Junghans, Antje (Journal article, 2014)In the Norwegian building sector, we are currently witnessing the transition from a realization gap - the gap between availability of solutions and their implementation - to a reliability gap: the gap between the building's ... -
Jeg håper jo å være frisk så lenge jeg lever
Christoffersen, Lone Bergland (Master thesis, 2023)Denne masteroppgaven tar utgangspunkt i eldres tanker om nåværende og fremtidig bosituasjon. I denne oppgaven er eldre personer definert som personer mellom 64-80 år bosatt i Larvik kommune. Empirien i denne oppgaven viser ... -
Kunnskaping for en bedre verden? En kvalitativ studie av samarbeid mellom akademia og næringsliv
Aas, Sigri (Master thesis, 2018)I de senere årene har teknologi og et innovasjonspreget partnerskap mellom akademia og næringsliv tilsynelatende blitt stadig viktigere. Med dette har det fulgt et fokus på tverrfaglighet, en ny kunnskapsøkonomi, og vi har ... -
Living labs in a zero emission neighbourhood context
Woods, Ruth; Berker, Thomas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The Research Centre for Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart cities has established a concept for living labs. Central to the concept is an experimental format that offers some control over the social and physical ... -
Mellom halm og teknologi - En kvalitativ studie av brukere av grønne boliger
Lyngstad, Line Elisabeth Vikhagen (Master thesis, 2017)Det grønne skiftet er et grep for å redusere de globale menneskeskapte klimaendringene. For byggindustrien i Norge ble denne omveltningen definert som krav mot passivhusnivå som nå i 2017 er gjeldende. Kravene skapte en ... -
Negotiating research norms between academic and industrial research. The case of a research centre on zero emission buildings in Norway
Berker, Thomas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Occupant engagement in the office environment: role assumptions about the building manager
Valle, Roberto; Boks, Casper; Berker, Thomas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Purpose This paper aims to put the building manager (BM) as the professional responsible for implementing occupant engagement initiatives (OEIs) in the work environment and discusses the challenges they may experience in ...