Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Ai, Yun"
On Physical Layer Security of Double Rayleigh Fading Channels for Vehicular Communications
Ai, Yun; Cheffena, Michael; Mathur, Aashish; Lei, Hongjiang (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)In this letter, we study the physical layer secrecy performance of the classic Wyner's wiretap model over double Rayleigh fading channels for vehicular communications links. We derive novel and closed-form expressions for ... -
On Physical Layer Security of α-η-κ-μ Fading Channels
Mathur, Aashish; Ai, Yun; Bhatnagar, Manav R.; Cheffena, Michael; Ohtsuki, Tomoaki (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)In this letter, we study the secrecy performance of the classic Wyner’s wiretap model, where the main and eavesdropper channels are modeled by a general and versatile α-η-κ-µ fading model. Novel and exact expressions of ... -
An overview of generic tools for information-theoretic secrecy performance analysis over wiretap fading channels
Kong, Long; Ai, Yun; Lei, Lei; Kaddoum, Georges; Chatzinotas, Symeon; Ottersten, Björn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Physical layer security (PLS) has been proposed to afford an extra layer of security on top of the conventional cryptographic techniques. Unlike the conventional complexity-based cryptographic techniques at the upper layers, ... -
Path-Loss Prediction for an Industrial Indoor Environment Based on Room Electromagnetics
Ai, Yun; Andersen, Jørgen Bach; Cheffena, Michael (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)A simple approach of path-loss and root mean square delay spread prediction for indoor propagation environment is developed based on the room electromagnetics theory. The indoor room environment is interpreted as a lossy ... -
Performance Analysis of a Dual-Hop Wireless-Power Line Mixed Cooperative System
Mathur, Aashish; Bhatnagar, Manav R.; Ai, Yun; Cheffena, Michael (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Wireless communications and power line communications (PLC) are essential components for smart grid communications. This paper analyses the performance of a dual-hop wireless-power line mixed communication setup employing ... -
Performance Analysis of Hybrid-ARQ over Full-Duplex Relaying Network Subject to Loop Interference under Nakagami- Fading Channels
Ai, Yun; Cheffena, Michael (Chapter, 2017)In this paper, the outage performance of hybrid automatic repeat request (hybrid-ARQ) over a full- duplex decode-and-forward relay network is analyzed. Nakagami-m distribution is assumed for fading channels such that the ... -
Performance Analysis of Hybrid-ARQ with Chase Combining over Cooperative Relay Network with Asymmetric Fading Channels
Ai, Yun; Cheffena, Michael (Chapter, 2016)This paper investigates the performance of cooperative relay networks in the presence of hybrid automatic repeat request (ARQ) with delay constraint. It analyzes the scenarios where the relay channels are asymmetric (i.e., ... -
Performance Analysis of PLC over Fading Channels with Colored Nakagami- Background Noise
Ai, Yun; Ohtsuki, Tomoaki; Cheffena, Michael (Chapter, 2017)Power line communication (PLC) is an emerging technology for the realization of smart grid and home automation. It utilizes existing power line infrastructure for data communication in addition to the transmission of power. ... -
Performance of Hybrid ARQ over Power Line Communications Channels
Mathur, Aashish; Ai, Yun; Cheffena, Michael; Bhatnagar, Manav (Chapter, 2020)Power line communications (PLC) system performance is severely affected by the presence of impulsive noise and channel gain. Many communication systems employ a combination of forward error correction and automatic repeat ... -
Physical Layer Security of Hybrid Satellite-FSO Cooperative Systems
Ai, Yun; Mathur, Aashish; Cheffena, Michael; Bhatnagar, Manav R.; Lei, Hongjiang (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)In this paper, we study the physical layer secrecy performance of a hybrid satellite and free-space optical (FSO) cooperative system. The satellite links are assumed to follow the Shadowed-Rician fading distribution; and ... -
Power delay profile analysis and modeling of industrial indoor channels
Ai, Yun; Cheffena, Michael; Li, Qihao (Chapter, 2015)In this paper, power delay profile (PDP) measurements of three different industrial indoor environments are presented. The measurements were performed in the frequency range of 800 MHz to 2.7 GHz using a vector network ... -
Radio frequency measurements and capacity analysis for industrial indoor environments
Ai, Yun; Cheffena, Michael; Li, Qihao (Chapter, 2015)In this study, path-loss and shadowing measurement results for three different industrial indoor environments at 900, 1600, and 2450 MHz are presented. The results show that the one-slope model fits the measured path-loss ... -
Rain Attenuation Measurements and Analysis at 73 GHz E-Band Link in Tropical Region
Al-Samman, Ahmed; Mohamed, Marshed Kassim; Ai, Yun; Cheffena, Michael; Azmi, Marwan Hadri; Rahman, Tharek (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This letter presents the rainfall intensity and rain attenuation analysis in tropical region based on a one-year measurement using the 73.5 GHz E-band link of 1.8 km with three rain gauges installed along the path. The ... -
Secrecy enhancement of RF backhaul system with parallel FSO communication link
Ai, Yun; Mathur, Aashish; Lei, Hongjiang; Cheffena, Michael; Imran Shafique, Ansari (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This paper analyses the physical layer secrecy (PLS) performance of a hybrid free space optical and radio frequency (FSO/RF) communication system under a modified selection combining scheme. The transmission scheme takes ... -
Secrecy outage analysis of double shadowed Rician channels
Ai, Yun; Kong, Long; Cheffena, Michael (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The double shadowed Rician model was recently proposed to describe some realistic physical signal propagation phenomena, where a Rician faded signal is impacted by cascaded shadowing processes. In this letter, we study the ... -
Secrecy Performance Analysis of Wireless Sensor Networks
Ai, Yun; Cheffena, Michael; Ohtsuki, Tomoaki; Zhuang, He (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Wireless sensor network (WSN) plays a fundamentally important role in the realization of Internet of Things and Industry 4.0. In this letter, we study the physical layer security performance of a large-scale ad hoc and ... -
Secrecy Performance of Correlated α-μ Fading Channels
Mathur, Aashish; Ai, Yun; Cheffena, Michael; Kaddoum, Georges (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This paper investigates the secrecy performance of the classical Wyner’s wiretap model, where the main channel and eavesdropper channel experience correlated α-μ fading. Novel and exact expressions for the average secrecy ... -
Secrecy performance of FSO communication systems with non-zero boresight pointing errors
Verma, Gyan Deep; Mathur, Aashish; Ai, Yun; Cheffena, Michael (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Free space optical (FSO) communication is a promising candidate for the next generation(5G and beyond) wireless communication systems, due to its merits (i.e. low latency, high data rate, and license-free band, among ... -
Secure Outage Analysis of FSO Communications Over Arbitrarily Correlated Málaga Turbulence Channels
Ai, Yun; Mathur, Aashish; Kong, Long; Cheffena, Michael (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)In this paper, we analyze the secrecy outage performance for more realistic eavesdropping scenario of free-space optical (FSO) communications, where the main and wiretap links are correlated. The FSO fading channels are ... -
Secure Vehicular Communications through Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces
Ai, Yun; Figueiredo, Felipe A. P. De; Kong, Long; Chatzinotas, Symeon; Ottersten, Björn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS) is considered as a revolutionary technique to improve the wireless system performance by reconfiguring the radio wave propagation environment artificially. Motivated by the potential ...