Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Øiseth, Ole Andre"
Now showing items 21-40 of 96
Development and Application of a Vision-Based System for Structural Monitoring of Railway Catenary System
Jiang, Tengjiao (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:280, Doctoral thesis, 2021)With the continuous increase of train speed and the expansion of the railway network, health monitoring and predictive maintenance of railway infrastructure are becoming increasingly important. The increasing investments ... -
Dynamic behaviour of cablesupported bridges subjected to strong natural wind
Øiseth, Ole Andre (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2011:315, Doctoral thesis, 2011)This thesis discusses wind-induced dynamic response of slender cable-supported bridges. The focus has been on prediction of the flutter stability limit and the buffeting response in strong winds. The thesis consists of ... -
Dynamic buckling of end anchored floating bridges
Østby, Ingvild Kristine Haug; Storheim, Ørjan (Master thesis, 2018)The Bjørnafjord bridge is a floating bridge planned to be a part of The Norwegian Public Roads Administrations ferry-free road project along E39. This thesis looks into the dynamic behavior of this bridge, focusing of ... -
Dynamic response of a multi-span suspension bridge with floating pylons
Mjaaland, Anders Lessø; Øvstebø, Audun Mathias (Master thesis, 2017)The Norwegian Public Roads Administration is currently investigating the possibility of crossing the 500 m deep and 5 km wide fjord, Bjørnafjorden, located in Norway. Several concepts have been developed on behalf of the ... -
Dynamic Response of an End-Supported Pontoon Bridge due to Wave Excitation: Numerical Predictions versus Measurements
Kvåle, Knut Andreas; Øiseth, Ole Andre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Herein, numerical predictions of the dynamic response of an existing floating pontoon bridge are compared with the measured dynamic response. Hydrodynamic coefficients that describe the fluid-structure interaction and the ... -
Dynamic Response of Suspension Bridge with floating Towers
Halden, Sondre (Master thesis, 2016)The Norwegian Public Road Administration has been investigating the possibilities of crossing the fjords on the west coast of Norway for the coastal highway E39 project. For the 5 km wide Bjørnafjorden a floating three ... -
Dynamic Response of Suspension Bridge with Floating Towers
Gong, Shun Wei (Master thesis, 2016)The Norwegian Public Road Administration has been investigating the possibilities ofcrossing the fjords on the west coast of Norway for the coastal highway E39 project.For the 5 km wide Bjørnafjorden ... -
Effect of Stockbridge Dampers on the Vibration Response of Suspension Bridge Hangers
Solheim, Ingvild Mariannedatter (Master thesis, 2022)Vibrasjoner i hengestengene på Hålogalandsbrua forårsaket av virvelavløsning ble observert under byggingen av broen. Vibrasjonsdempere ble installert for å redusere amplituden til vibrasjonene, men flere av demperne ble ... -
Efficient Long-Term Extreme Response Analysis of Floating Bridges Using Multiple Timescale Spectral Analysis
Fenerci, Aksel; Geuzaine, Margaux; Denoël, Vincent; Øiseth, Ole Andre (Chapter, 2022)Floating pontoon bridges offer viable alternatives to cable-supported bridges when crossing long straits. Design of such large floating structures requires estimation of long-term load effects (e.g. 100years) under stochastic ... -
Efficient prediction of wind and wave induced long-term extreme load effects of floating suspension bridges using artificial neural networks and support vector machines
Xu, Yuwang; Fenerci, Aksel; Øiseth, Ole Andre; Moan, Torgeir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Long-term extreme load effects are one of the primary concerns in the design of civil and offshore structures. Such load effects can be evaluated using the accurate but computationally demanding full long-term method or ... -
Environmental contours for wind-resistant bridge design in complex terrain
Fernandez Castellon, Dario Rafael; Fenerci, Aksel; Øiseth, Ole Andre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Accurate estimation of the extreme wind fields is crucial for long-span bridge design. The current practice is focused on estimating the extreme mean wind speed, neglecting the inherent uncertainty in the turbulence model ... -
Estimation of Aerodynamic Admittance Functions for a Twin-box Bridge
Haldorsen, Serine Ripman; Herud, Thea Jahren (Master thesis, 2020)Aerodynamiske frekvensresponsfunksjonene er et viktig verktøy for å predikere buffeting krefter. De er derfor en av de viktigste faktorene for å evaluere buffetingrespons. Hovedfokuset i denne oppgaven er å estimere ... -
Estimation of Aerodynamic Admittance Functions for a Twin-box Bridge
Haldorsen, Serine Ripman; Herud, Thea Jahren (Master thesis, 2020)Aerodynamiske frekvensresponsfunksjonene er et viktig verktøy for å predikere buffeting krefter. De er derfor en av de viktigste faktorene for å evaluere buffetingrespons. Hovedfokuset i denne oppgaven er å estimere ... -
Estimation of Aerodynamic Admittance Functions for a Twin-box Suspension Bridge Crossing the Halsafjord
Leirvåg, Marthe Elise; Trondsen, Alida Malén (Master thesis, 2022)Flere hengebruer med lange spenn er planlagt som en del av Norges "Fergefri E39''- prosjekt, inkludert en bru over Halsafjorden. Fjorden er omtrent 2 kilometer bred, og det lange spennet og de røffe værforholdene gjør ... -
Estimation of Aerodynamic Admittance Functions for a Twin-box Suspension Bridge Crossing the Halsafjord
Leirvåg, Marthe Elise; Trondsen, Alida Malén (Master thesis, 2022)Flere hengebruer med lange spenn er planlagt som en del av Norges «Fergefri E39»- prosjekt, inkludert en bru over Halsafjorden. Fjorden er omtrent 2 kilometer bred, og det lange spennet og de røffe værforholdene gjør ... -
Estimation of Aerodynamic Admittance Using Pressure Tap Measurements - Wind Tunnel Testing of the Hardanger Bridge Deck
Høydal, Johannes Hov; Birkeland, Vilde Åsnes (Master thesis, 2017)The studies done in this master thesis focused on building a Hardanger Bridge deck section model and developing an experimental method using pressure tap measurements for finding aerodynamic properties. The measuring ... -
Estimation of Aerodynamic Forces on a Railway Contact Wire and Their Effect on Galloping Instability - Wind Tunnel Testing of an AC-120 Contact Wire
Elvebakken, Andrea Rokke (Master thesis, 2018)The objective of this master thesis was to determine the static aerodynamic forces on a contact wire, presented as static coefficients and the Strouhal number. The static coefficients were used in a galloping analysis on ... -
Estimation of Fatigue Damage due to Buffeting of Suspension Bridges
Anfinsen, Håvard Hatling; Waaler, Mads Kristoffer (Master thesis, 2021)I løpet av de siste 50 årene har mange frekvensbaserte metoder for å estimere utmattingsskader blitt presentert. Hovedmålet med denne avhandlingen er å sammenligne noen av de mest populære frekvensbaserte metodene mot ... -
Estimation of Fatigue Damage due to Buffeting of Suspension Bridges
Anfinsen, Håvard Hatling; Waaler, Mads Kristoffer (Master thesis, 2021)I løpet av de siste 50 årene har mange frekvensbaserte metoder for å estimere utmattingsskader blitt presentert. Hovedmålet med denne avhandlingen er å sammenligne noen av de mest populære frekvensbaserte metodene mot ... -
Estimation of Long-Term Extreme Response of Floating Bridges
Tecle, Meron Tesfamariam; Tjugum, Tor Briseid (Master thesis, 2021)Ved beregning av langtids ekstremrespons for en gitt konstruksjon er som oftest metoden kalt Full Integrasjon anerkjent som den mest nøyaktige. Enkelte utfordringer kan likevel oppstå når komplekse konstruksjoner slik som ...