Browsing NTNU Open by Title
Now showing items 105985-106004 of 107930
Waste heat recovery from a data center at CERN
(Master thesis, 2023)Målet i denne rapporten er å undersøke, foreslå og utvikle varmesystemer basert på gjenvinning av spillvarme, med formålet å levere varmeenergi til byggene på CERNs campusområdet mer effektivt og mer miljøvennlig. De ... -
Waste heat to Hydrogen using Reverse Electrodialysis
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;22021:169, Doctoral thesis, 2021)In current times the research across the globe is focused on carbon-free energy sources that can drive the economy in future. One of the promising ways to achieve this is to have demand-based sustainable energy storage ... -
Waste in Construction Projects Today's - Practice and Potential
(Master thesis, 2018)This master-thesis is done in cooperation with the SINTEF R&D-project Speed Up. The main goal for the Speed Up project is to increase the efficiency and quality for construction projects. This thesis addresses the possibility ... -
Waste incineration: Optimal control of process dominated by delay and uncertainty
(Master thesis, 2020)Forbrenning av restavfall2 er en ganske kompleks prosess, som er preget av å ha både lange og korte tidskonstanter, flere refferanser som skal følges samtidig, i tillegg til ikke-minimum fase-responser og store forstyrrelser ... -
Waste Management in Norway - A study of possible application of "ISO 37120 Sustainable Development in Communities - Indicators for city services and quality of life"
(Master thesis, 2016)As a contribution in reaching the UN SDGs and towards a circular economy ISO 37120:2014, Sustainable Development in Communities Indicators for city services and quality of life, has been explored to assess its possibility ... -
Waste Plant Safety Integrity Level
(Master thesis, 2008)This report is a safety analysis of the Isle of Wight waste plant in England. Energos AS prepared a Hazard and Safety analysis in connection with this project. In the analysis Energos AS has defined Safety Integrity Level ... -
Waste prevention, energy recovery or recycling - Directions for household food waste management in light of Circular Economy policy
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Waste amounts are growing with increasing wealth and population. To curb this trend and reduce adverse environmental impacts, food waste reduction has been sat on the political agenda, together with ambitious material ... -
Waste to energy in Kathmandu Nepal—A way toward achieving sustainable development goals
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) explicitly focus on responsible use of resources, production, and consumption, which comprises sensible waste management includes SDG 3, 7, 11, and 12. Yet, gaps between policies and ... -
Waste tyre gasification Processes: A bibliometric Analysis and comprehensive review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Waste tyres are a significant environmental problem due to their large volume and the difficulty of disposing of them safely. Waste tyre gasification is one of the key thermochemical routes for converting waste tyres into ... -
Wasteflow - Mobilapplikasjon for avfallshenting
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)I Norge er det en økende trend i mengden husholdningsavfall som produseres, og en synkende trend i avfallsmengden som blir gjenvunnet. Kommunene i landet har ansvaret for innsamling og behandling av husholdningsavfall. ... -
Wasting of Fresh-Packed Bread by Consumers—Influence of Shopping Behavior, Storing, Handling, and Consumer Preferences
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)There are few scientific papers dealing with the packaging of fresh bread and consumer preferences as to the packaging. There are also few scientific papers on consumer behavior regarding shopping routines, storing, and ... -
Watch Out! Theatre Is Anywhere – Redistributing the Ethics of Arts Education and Applied Theatre
(Chapter, 2021)The intention with this study is to examine and develop the discourse of arts in education and applied drama/theatre in relation to democracy, in particular the concept of “post-democracy” (Crouch, 2004, 2016; Mouffe, 2009; ... -
Watching Nature Videos Promotes Physiological Restoration: Evidence From the Modulation of Alpha Waves in Electroencephalography
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022) -
Water absorption and dielectric properties of Epoxy insulation
(Master thesis, 2008)Characterization of Epoxy (diglycidyl ether of Bis-phenol A cured with Tri ethylene Tetra amine) without fillers was done. The Water absorption test at 95°C shows that at saturation the epoxy contains a water concentration ... -
Water adsorption on surfaces of calcium aluminosilicate crystal phase of stone wool: a DFT study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Water adsorption on surfaces of calcium aluminosilicate crystal phase of stone wool: a DFT study -
Water Alternating Gas in Stratified Reservoirs - A Sensitivity Study of WAG Parameters
(Master thesis, 2015)Water alternating gas (WAG) injection is an EOR method where water and gas is injected in cycles. The process exploits the microscopic displacement advantages of gas while using subsequent water slugs for mobility control. ... -
Water as a monomer: synthesis of an aliphatic polyethersulfone from divinyl sulfone and water
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Using water as a monomer in polymerization reactions presents a unique and exquisite strategy towards more sustainable chemistry. Herein, the feasibility thereof is demonstrated by the introduction of the oxa-Michael ... -
Water as key to activity and selectivity in Co Fischer-Tropsch synthesis: γ-alumina based structure-performance relationships
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Thirteen γ-alumina supports with different pore sizes and pore size distributions have been impregnated with cobalt and rhenium. The catalysts were tested for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (FTS) under dry and enhanced water ... -
The water assisted vinylene mechanism for cobalt Fischer-Tropsch synthesis assessed by multi-catalyst modelling of kinetics and deactivation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The paper describes development of a mechanism and a consistent rate expression for Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthesis over cobalt-based catalysts. The developed mechanism relies on a two-step hydrogen assisted activation of ...