Browsing NTNU Open by Title
Now showing items 105149-105168 of 108807
Vehicle Detection and Landing as an Addition to Package Delivery Drones
(Master thesis, 2019)De nylige utviklingene i autonome pakkeleveransedroner gir lovende resultater, men har potensiellt begrensninger når det gjelder maksimal avstand de kan dra. I denne oppgaven skal jeg ta for meg muligheten til å bruke ... -
Vehicle Dynamics Simulation for setting up a Four-Wheel Independent Drive Electric Race Car
(Master thesis, 2017)This thesis covers aspects of parameterization of a four wheel independent drive electric race car, with help of the vehicle modelling tool CarMaker combined with Matlab/Simulink. Detailed descriptions of suspension, tires ... -
Vehicle Dynamics Simulation for setting up a Four-Wheel Independent Drive Electric Race Car
(Master thesis, 2017)This thesis covers aspects of parameterization of a four wheel independent drive electric race car, with help of the vehicle modelling tool CarMaker combined with Matlab/Simulink. Detailed descriptions of suspension, tires ... -
Vehicle fuel from biogas with carbon membranes; a comparison between simulation predictions and actual field demonstration
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The energy contents of biogas could be significantly enhanced by upgrading it to vehicle fuel quality. A pilot-scale separation plant based on carbon hollow fiber membranes for upgrading biogas to vehicle fuel quality was ... -
Vehicle Guidance with Control Action Computed by a Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter
(Chapter, 2017)Particle filters can be used in navigation and state estimation problems. They can approximate arbitrary posterior distributions and do not require assumptions of Gaussianity or linearizations. This paper suggests to use ... -
A Vehicle Reframed?: Culture, Materiality and Making of Meaning on the Road Towards Electric Automobility
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:31, Doctoral thesis, 2024)In light of progressively worrying signs of climate devastation, increased attention has been directed towards solving the environmental challenges posed by privatised individual mobility. Over the past 20 years, not only ... -
Vehicle routing with endogenous learning: Application to offshore plug and abandonment campaign planning
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)When a particular service is performed many times, the duration of the service might reduce due to the effect of learning from similar tasks that have been performed before. In this article, we present an approach to account ... -
Vehicle Safety of the Velocity Obstacle Algorithm
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This paper presents a mathematical analysis of the velocity obstacle algorithm applied to a nonholonomic vehicle for avoiding a moving obstacle in the plane. The velocity obstacle algorithm can be used for local navigation ... -
Vehicle speed prediction models for consideration of energy demand within road design
(Master thesis, 2017)The energy consumption within the transport sector was responsible for 23% of the world s total CO2 emissions in 2014, and road traffic was found to be the largest contributor both in Norway and Europe. This testifies a ... -
Vehicle velocity estimation on non-flat roads
(Master thesis, 2007)The main purpose of this report, is to evaluate feasibility of using The Global Positioning System as an aiding tool for vehicle state estimation based on nonlinear techniques, and to develop a potential solution to the ... -
Vehicle Weight in Gipps' Car-Following Model
(Master thesis, 2013)Car-following models are mathematical models, which describe the situation where vehicles drive behind each other on a single lane road section with no overtaking possibilities. The purpose of the models is to estimate how ... -
Vehicle-assisted bridge damage assessment using deep learning
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:209, Doctoral thesis, 2023)This thesis introduces innovative methodologies for vehicle-assisted bridge health monitoring, aiming to improve maintenance procedures of ageing infrastructure, a critical concern for transport network owners. By taking ... -
Vehicular Fog/Edge Computing to improve dependability and performance
(Master thesis, 2020)We have more and more objects connected to the network. These objects need local information increasingly. This means that cloud computing is not suitable in some applications. This is also due to the high latency that it ... -
Veidekkemodellen – nøkkelen til suksess?
(Master thesis, 2014)Rammene rundt prosjektene i byggebransjen har de siste årene endret seg drastisk. Teknologisk utvikling og endring av regelverk har ført til en stor utvikling i måter å gjennomføre et prosjekt på. Dette fører med seg nye ... -
Veien blir til mens man går – en studie om flyktningers opplevelse av MFY – prøveforsøket
(Master thesis, 2022)Sammendrag Det moderne samfunnet forutsetter at mennesker har en kompetanse som møter beho-vene i arbeidslivet. Innvandrere, særlig flyktninger, som kommer fra den asiatiske delen av verdenen, er en sårbar gruppe på grunn ... -
Veien fra avstemming til åpen dialog
(Master thesis, 2020)Sammendrag Denne studien har tatt sikte på å få innblikk i hva ledere selv opplever de bidrar med og påvirker i utviklingsprosesser. Problemstillingen var: Hvordan opplever ledere at de bidrar til og skaper gode utdannings- ... -
Veien fra naturlig til kunstig intelligens i byggenæringen - Kartlegging av digitale løsninger i virksomhetsstyring
(Master thesis, 2021)I forhold til forventningene, er digitale løsninger lite utnyttet i norsk byggenæring. Studier på bruk og implementering av digitale hjelpemidler viser at byggenæringen henger etter relativt til andre produksjonsnæringer ... -
Veien fra traumebevisst teori til praksis på barnevernsinstitusjoner
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)Denne oppgaven har som hensikt å utforske om traumebevisst omsorg egner seg som metode på barnevernsinstitusjoner, med særlig vekt på rollen som miljøterapeut. Oppgaven er en litteraturstudie, som da vil si at gjennom et ... -
Veien fra verdiskapning til sikkerhetspolitikk - norske myndigheters begrunnelser for mineralutvinning
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)Denne oppgaven analyserer norske myndigheters begrunnelser for mineralutvinning. Dette er en politisk historisk studie av regjering, Storting, fagmiljøer, og opposisjonspartier syn på norsk mineralpolitikk. Med mineraler ...