Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Korpås, Magnus"
Now showing items 1-20 of 222
A Case Study on Medium-Term Hydropower Scheduling with Sales of Capacity
Hjelmeland, Martin N.; Helseth, Arild; Korpås, Magnus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)This paper conducts a case study on hydropower scheduling considering sales of capacity reserves and impacts of detailed mod-elling. In latter years a growing demand for reserve capacity has been needed to ensure stable ... -
A Case Study on the Grid Integration of Electric Vehicles in Norway - In combination with Solar Power, Fast Charging Stations and an Electric Ferry
Aadnøy, Andreas (Master thesis, 2022)Norge er ledende i overgangen til elektriske kjøretøy, med 82,9% av alle nyregistrerte kjøretøy så langt i 2022 er elbiler. Dette høye tilskuddet av elbiler skaper utfordringer for nettoperatørene, ettersom dagens strømnett ... -
A generic framework for power system flexibility analysis using cooperative game theory
Kristiansen, Martin; Korpås, Magnus; Svendsen, Harald Georg (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Electricity grid infrastructures provides valuable flexibility in power systems with high shares of variable supply due to its ability to distribute low-cost supply to load centers (spatial), in addition to interlinking a ... -
A mechanism for allocating benefits and costs from transmission interconnections under cooperation: A case study of the North Sea offshore grid
Kristiansen, Martin; Muñoz, Francisco; Oren, Shmuel; Korpås, Magnus (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)We propose a generic mechanism for allocating the benefits and costs that result from the development of international transmission interconnections under a cooperative agreement. The mechanism is based on a planning model ... -
A Model for Techno-Economic Optimization of Wind Power Combined with Hydrogen Production in Weak Grids
Greiner, Christopher Johan; Korpås, Magnus; Gjengedal, Terje (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)This paper presents a two-step method for dimensioning and time-sequential operation of Wind-hydrogen (H2) plants operating in power markets. Step 1 involves identification of grid constraints and marginal power losses ... -
A strategic investment model for multinational transmission expansion planning - Comparing competitive and centrally planned solutions for a North Sea Offshore Grid
Risanger, Simon Indrøy (Master thesis, 2018)Proper transmission expansion planning (TEP) is important to create an efficient electricity market that provide both economic and environmental benefits. However, if the expansion planner do not consider how the market ... -
A Study of How Integration of Solar Photovoltaic Impact a Housing Cooperative in Norway
Kjenstadbakk, Emilie (Master thesis, 2020)Solenergi er den raskest voksende energikilden i verden for øyeblikket. Solenergi har i Norge tradisjonelt blitt brukt til å dekke strømbehovet til steder uten tilknytning til strømnettet, som for eksempel hytter. I løpet ... -
Accelerating electric vehicle charging investments: A real options approach to policy design
Dimanchev, Emil; Fleten, Stein-Erik; MacKenzie, Don; Korpås, Magnus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Replacing conventional cars and trucks with battery electric vehicles requires a rapid expansion of fast-charging infrastructure. However, private sector charging infrastructure investments are delayed by unfavorable project ... -
Activating the potential of decentralized flexibility and energy resources to increase the EV hosting capacity: A case study of a multi-stakeholder local electricity system in Norway
Askeland, Magnus; Backe, Stian; Bjarghov, Sigurd; Lindberg, Karen Byskov; Korpås, Magnus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The increasing amount of flexible load in the energy system represents both a challenge and an opportunity. One primary source of load growth is the electrification of the transport sector and the subsequent charging of ... -
Agent Based Modelling and Simulation of Plug-In Electric Vehicles Adoption in Norway
Harbo, Sondre; Zaferanlouei, Salman; Korpås, Magnus (Chapter, 2018)This paper looks into the consumption side of the power balance, and more specifically on the effects of utilizing an increasingly larger fleet of Plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) for personal transportation. To asses this, ... -
Aggregation Methods for modelling hydropower and its implications for a highly decarbonised energy system in Europe
Härtel, Philipp; Korpås, Magnus (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Given the pursuit of long-term decarbonisation targets, future power systems face the task of integrating the renewable power and providing flexible backup production capacity. Due to its general ability to be dispatched, ... -
Allocation of Spinning Reserves in Autonomous Grids Considering Frequency Stability Constraints and Short-Term Solar Power Variations
Alves, Erick Fernando; Polleux, Louis; Guerassimoff, Gilles; Korpås, Magnus; Tedeschi, Elisabetta (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Low-inertia, isolated power systems face the problem of resiliency to active power variations. The integration of variable renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar photovoltaic, pushes the boundaries of this issue ... -
An Integrated Assessment of the Environmental and Economic Impact of Offshore Oil Platform Electrification
Riboldi, Luca; Völler, Steve; Korpås, Magnus; Nord, Lars O. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Electrification of offshore oil and gas installations on the Norwegian continental shelf is one of several options to decrease the CO2 emitted from these installations. However, there is an ongoing debate regarding how the ... -
Analyse av startbetingelser og vannverdier for en stokastisk korttidsmodell
Hansen, Håvard (Master thesis, 2015)Denne oppgaven har forsøkt, ved hjelp av SINTEFs SHARM-modell, å finne betingelser hvor en stokastisk fremgangsmåte for produksjonsplanlegging av vannkraft vil gi målbare fordeler fremfor en deterministisk fremgangsmåte. En ... -
Analyse av ulike anmeldingsmetodikkar i spotmarkedet
Schjølberg, Anders (Master thesis, 2017)Formålet med energidisponering er å utnytte energiressursane, i vårt tilfelle vatnet, for å maksimere inntektene og/eller minimere kostnadane. Analysemodellar med ulik tidshorisont blir brukt til å optimalisere kraftsystemet ... -
Analysing the Impact of 30 GW Offshore Wind Power in Norway using the Market Model FanSi
Medhus, Kari (Master thesis, 2023)I mai 2022 la den norske regjeringen frem en plan om å identifisere områder for 30 GW havvind innen 2040. Det ambisiøse havvind-initiativet vil betydelig øke Norges grønne energiproduksjon, noe som vil resultere i en mer ... -
Analysis of CO2-emissions and power market consequences from electrification of offshore petroleum installations
Haugse, Haavard (Master thesis, 2017)Electrification of Utsira is planned with a start-up in 2022 and will greatly increase the power demand in the southern part of Norway. By simulating the future Nordic power system, the aim of this thesis is to analyze the ... -
Analysis of Dynamic Pricing to utilise Spatial Flexibility in Heavy-Duty Electric Vehicle Charging Demand
Fjær, Kyrre Kirkbakk (Master thesis, 2021)De kommende elektriske lastebilene for tungtransport forventes å kreve ladeeffekter mellom 400 kW og 1600 kW. En overgang til elektriske lastebiler kan dermed føre til utfordringer for strømnettet til å levere ladekraften ... -
Analysis of Power System Scenarios for Norway 2030 using the Fundamental Market Model FanSi
Ljøkjel, Mathilde Klungland; Jeyaseelarajah, Amaleen (Master thesis, 2022)Det siste tiåret har Norges rolle i det Europeiske kraftmarkedet vært omdiskutert. Det har vært en enorm økning i Norske strømpriser det siste året grunnet lave vannstander i magasinene i tillegg til at Norge er koblet på ... -
Analysis of Power System Scenarios for Norway 2030 using the Fundamental Market Model FanSi
Jeyaseelarajah, Amaleen; Ljøkjel, Mathilde Klungland (Master thesis, 2022)Det siste tiåret har Norges rolle i det Europeiske kraftmarkedet vært omdiskutert. Det har vært en enorm økning i Norske strømpriser det siste året grunnet lave vannstander i magasinene i tillegg til at Norge er koblet på ...