Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Erbe, Andreas"
10 nm deep, sub-nanoliter fluidic nanochannels on germanium for attenuated total reflection infrared (ATR-IR) spectroscopy
Sriram, K.K.; Nayak, Simantini; Pengel, Stefanie; Chou, Chia-Fu; Erbe, Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The fabrication of sub-nanoliter fluidic channels is demonstrated, with merely 10 nm depth on germanium, using conventional semiconductor device fabrication methods and a polymer assisted room-temperature sealing method. ... -
A New Electrolyte for the Aluminum Ion Battery
Birkeland, Daniel Johan Gustafsson (Master thesis, 2024)Det pågår for tiden et kappløp om å finne nye og sårt tiltrengte batteriteknologier for å redusere det høye og stadig økende forbruket av litiumionebatterier. Aluminiumionbatteriet, og mer spesifikt aluminiumkarbonbatteriet, ... -
A Novel Experimental Setup for Measuring Corrosion Under Insulation with Electrochemical Noise Monitoring
Ulrichsen, Christian (Master thesis, 2024)Corrosion is a prominent field of interest across many industries, and corrosion under insulation (CUI) can be particularly challenging to detect and assess. Not only is visible detection hindered by the insulation material ... -
Alkaline manganese electrochemistry studied by in situ and operando spectropscopic methods - metal dissolution, oxide formation and oxygen evolution
Rabe, Martin; Toparli, Cigdem; Chen, Ying-Hsuan; Kasian, Olga; Mayrhofer, Karl J.J.; Erbe, Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Manganese-based systems are considered as candidate electrocatalysts for the electrochemical oxygen evolution reaction (OER), because of their abundance in biochemical oxygen producing catalyst systems. In this work, the ... -
Atomic level bonding mechanism in steel/aluminum joints produced by cold pressure welding
Peter, Nicolas J.; Gerlitzky, Christiane; Altin, Abdulrahman; Wohletz, Simon; Krieger, Waldemar; Tran, The Hai; Liebscher, Christian H.; Scheu, Christina; Dehm, Gerhard; Groche, Peter; Erbe, Andreas (Journal article, 2019)Cold pressure welding of aluminum alloys and steels offers an attractive, cost-effective opportunity of joining the two most important structural materials. Aim of this work is to investigate the bonding mechanism between ... -
Azobenzene-based self-assembled monolayer modified gold electrodes: Thioacetate suppresses, thiole enhances perchlorate adsorption
Pang, Beibei; Iqbal, Danish; Sarfraz, Adnan; Biedermann, Paul Ulrich; Erbe, Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022) -
Behaviour of nickel coatings made by brush plating technology in conditions of cavitation erosion and corrosion
Krella, Alicja K.; Grześ, Jarosław; Erbe, Andreas; Folstad, Marthe (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The basic hypothesis of the research was that the structure of the coating, i.e. the type of defects, affects the mechanical and electrochemical properties, as well as the resistance to cavitation erosion and corrosion. ... -
Carbon-sulfur bond cleavage during adsorption of octadecane thiol to copper in ethanol
Rechmann, Julian; Krzywiecki, Maciej; Erbe, Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The effect of the solvent on the formation of thiol self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) on oxide-covered, reactive metals is more involved than in the well-studied gold–thiol system. In this work, copper covered with a native ... -
Cathodic delamination kinetics of thin polystyrene model coatings bound to zinc via organosilanes
Iqbal, Danish; Rechmann, Julian; Bashir, Ali; Sarfraz, Adnan; Altin, Abdulrahman; Erbe, Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The cathodic delamination of poly(styrene) [PS] model coatings from oxidecovered zinc has been evaluated by scanning Kelvin probe (SKP). Linear and acrylate cross-linked PS model coatings covalently bound to zinc oxide ... -
Charge transfer quantification in a SnOx/CuPc semiconductor heterostructure: investigation of buried interface energy structure by photoelectron spectroscopies
Krzywiecki, Maciej; Grzadziel, Lucyna; Sarfraz, Adnan; Erbe, Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)A tin oxide/copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) layer stack was investigated with two complementary photoemission methods. Non-destructive analysis of the electronic properties at the SnOx/CuPc interface was performed applying ... -
A Children’s Health Perspective on Nano- and Microplastics
Sripada, Kam; Wierzbicka, Aneta; Abass, Khaled; Grimalt, Joan O.; Erbe, Andreas; Röllin, Halina B.; Weihe, Pál; Díaz, Gabriela Jiménez; Singh, Randolph Reyes; Visnes, Torkild; Rautio, Arja; Odland, Jon Øyvind; Wagner, Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background: Pregnancy, infancy, and childhood are sensitive windows for environmental exposures. Yet the health effects of exposure to nano- and microplastics (NMPs) remain largely uninvestigated or unknown. Although ... -
Chromium coatings from trivalent chromium plating baths: Characterization and cathodic delamination behaviour
Prabhakar, J. Manoj; Varanasi, Rama Srinivas; Corrêa da Silva, Cauê; Saba, -; de Vooys, Arnoud; Erbe, Andreas; Rohwerder, Michael (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Novel two-layer chromium-based coatings comprised of a first layer containing chromium, oxygen and carbon (Cr-O-C) and an oxygen rich (Cr-O) topcoat were electrodeposited from trivalent chromium electrolyte. The complex ... -
Comparison of cathodic delamination of poly(n-alkyl methacrylates) on iron
Mondragon Ochoa, Jesus S.; Altin, Abdulrahman; Erbe, Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Cathodic delamination is measured on iron surfaces covered with different poly(n-alky methacrylates), where the alkyl is an n-CnH2n + 1 (n = 1, 4, 18) group. The polymers are prepared by free radical polymerization in ... -
Controlling amphipathic peptide adsorption by smart switchable germanium interfaces
Baumgartner, Laura-Marleen; Erbe, Andreas; Boyle, Aimee L.; Rabe, Martin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)The in situ control of reversible protein adsorption to a surface is a critical step towards biofouling prevention and finds utilisation in bioanalytical applications. In this work, adsorption of peptides is controlled by ... -
Convection induced by illumination-based metal surface heating increases corrosion potential, corrosion rates
Wilson, Håvard; Erbe, Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Illumination may increase corrosion rates of important engineering metals. In addition to the well-known photoelectrochemical mechanism which increases dissolution via generation of electron-hole pairs, induced convection ... -
Corrosion and Cathodic Protection of Steel-Aluminium Galvanic Couples in Subsea Structures
Jacobsen, Kristin (Master thesis, 2018)An increasing interest for use of aluminium in subsea structures has been seen the resent years, considering replacing some of the heavier steel components with aluminium. Due to good corrosion resistance and strength to ... -
Corrosion Properties of Extruded Aluminium Alloys Enabling Post-Consumer Scrap Materials
Hylen, Frida (Master thesis, 2023)Dette prosjektet undersøker hvordan inkorporering av skrapmaterialer (post-consumer scrap, PSC) i aluminiumslegeringer påvirker legeringenes korrosjonsegenskaper. Inkludering av PCS i aluminiumslegeringer kan bidra til en ... -
Crevice corrosion of AISI 316L and 22Cr - the effect of temperature, chloride concentration, pH and oxygen content
Edvardsen, Marie Eugenie (Master thesis, 2020)Korrosjonsresistente legeringer, som for eksempel rustfrie stål, blir ofte brukt i offshore-installasjoner på grunn av deres høye motstand mot generell korrosjon. Rustfrie stål er imidlertid utsatt for lokal korrosjon, som ... -
Cyclodextrin inhibits zinc corrosion by destabilizing point defect formation in the oxide layer
Altin, Abdulrahman; Krzywiecki, Maciej; Sarfraz, Adnan; Toparli, Cigdem; Laska, Claudius; Kerger, Philipp; Zeradjanin, Aleksandar; Mayrhofer, Karl J.J.; Rohwerder, Michael; Erbe, Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Corrosion inhibitors are added in low concentrations to corrosive solutions for reducing the corrosion rate of a metallic material. Their mechanism of action is typically the blocking of free metal surface by adsorption, ... -
Cyclodextrins as carriers for organic corrosion inhibitors in organic coatings
Altin, Abdulrahman; Rohwerder, Michael; Erbe, Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)