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Fakultet for naturvitenskap (NV) [13214]
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Nye registreringer
Exploring GPTs to Assist Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Public Speaking Anxiety
(Master thesis, 2024)Offentlig talefrykt (PSA) er en anerkjent psykisk helseutfordring som kan påvirke en individs personlige og profesjonelle liv (Daly, Vangelisti, & Lawrence, 1989). Kognitiv atferdsterapi (CBT) har vist seg å være effektiv ... -
Effects of the informed health choices secondary school intervention after 1 year: a prospective meta-analysis using individual participant data
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Background: Critical thinking about health choices is essential to avoid being misled by unreliable information and to use reliable information appropriately. The aim of this prospective meta-analysis was to synthesize the ... -
Applying and benchmarking a stochastic programming-based bidding strategy for day-ahead hydropower scheduling
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Aneo is one of the first Nordic power companies to apply stochastic programming for day-ahead bidding of hydropower. This paper describes our experiences in implementing, testing, and operating a stochastic programming-based ... -
Image guided radiotherapy in curative treatment for prostate cancer. 5-year results from a randomized controlled trial (RIC-trial)
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Background: Between 2012 and 2015 we conducted a randomized controlled trial in prostate cancer patients comparing weekly 2-D portal imaging versus daily 3-D verification. Aim: To evaluate the clinical outcomes of image ... -
Soil Micromorphology of Funerary Features at Skeiet, Vinjeøra
(Chapter, 2024)Archaeological excavations in 2019 and 2020 at Vinjefjord in Central Norway uncovered extensive evidence of settlements and graves from societies that thrived in this region during the Iron Age, the Viking Age, and the ...