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dc.contributor.advisorOla Lædre
dc.contributor.authorSajad Daliri
dc.description.abstractIt is clear that construction projects experience complexity, uncertainty, and interfaces. By introducing the Last Planner® System (LPS), one of the most effective lean construction tools in reducing variability and improving reliability, many construction companies around the world have adopted this method of management. PNC, the company under-study, is one of these organizations that has implemented LPS for the first time on their Minnevika bridge project in Norway. While significant numbers of case studies of implementation of LPS in projects exist, few have investigated the LPS process in an infrastructure project as well as how project participants’ attitudes to LPS implementation can change during the project execution phase. This study explains the implementation of LPS in an infrastructure (railway bridge construction) project. Different involved parties’ perspectives are examined as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the implementation process. Finally, attitude changes towards the LPS during the project were measured and possible measures to overcome the detected challenges of the project are discussed. The required data was collected through literature study, case-specific observations, semi-structured interviews with open-ended questions, and two surveys. The findings revealed that the project benefitted from implementing LPS, but benefits could have been reinforced if critical team members had participated continuously in the necessary meetings, followed the system without resistance and maintained their commitments. Therefore, the main effective solution to overcome the challenges can be to concentrate more on showing the benefits of the system to the project team. However, LPS on the Minnevika bridge project was the novel start, and detected challenges are often experienced by every organization at the beginning of implementing a new system. Indeed, the Minnevika can be considered as the point of departure and being persistent will help the parties to benefit even more in the next project.
dc.titleInvestigation of Last Planner® System Practice on the Minnevika Bridge Project
dc.typeMaster thesis

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