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dc.contributor.advisorZarranz, Libe Garcia
dc.contributor.authorGhezai, Luwam
dc.description.abstractThis FOU thesis examines how gender roles are portrayed in contemporary children’s literature and more specifically in picturebooks. Gender roles and gender representation are thus key terms for this research article. The term gender has taken a new turn in recent years, as studies of gender in children’s literature are often complicated by other intersectional identities, such as race, ability, or class (Marshall, 2021, p. 81). I have in this research conducted a qualitative approach, by choosing three picturebooks that focus on gender identity. In the method I focus on mainly the visual analysis to answer my research questions. This discussion responds to my desire, as a teacher, to advocate diversity and representation, making us less vulnerable to the single man story. The single man Story is a Ted Talk by Adichie (2009), here she describes the danger of only knowing one story of one group (TED Talks, 2009). This describes the results when lack of representation occurs. This for me sat forward an objective to study representation deeper within a topic I myself have had a lack of exposure to growing up.
dc.titleBreaking Gender Norms Through Representation in Picturebooks
dc.typeBachelor thesis

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