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dc.contributor.advisorKaloudis, Aristidis
dc.contributor.authorFlage, Husan Thomas
dc.descriptionFull text not available
dc.description.abstractDenne oppgaven er skrevet av en student som har ulik jobberfaring, blant annet 9 års jobberfaring innen helsetjenesten. Denne bacheloroppgaven markerer slutten på en treårig utdanning innen økonomi, ledelse og bærekraft ved NTNU Gjøvik. Ansatte i helsetjenesten har lenge vært under et stort arbeidspress. Underbemanning og for dårlig lønn er faktorer det har vært snakk om i helsesektoren. Under Covid-19, hvor strenge retningslinjer har blitt en del av hverdag, vil det være spennende å se hvordan dette har påvirket motivasjonen til de ansatte i kommunehelsetjenesten. Det har blitt brukt kvantitativ metode, og datainnsamlingen er gjort med kvantitativ spørreundersøkelse. Funnene i undersøkelsen er knyttet opp mot relevant teori. Konklusjonen viser at helsepersonell opplever noe mindre autonomi under Covid-19 enn ellers, men at Covid-19 ikke har påvirket motivasjonen til de ansatte i særlig stor grad. Tilhørighet og nærvær fra ledelsen anses som en viktig motivasjonsfaktor. Det vil dog være et viktig satsningsområde å fokusere på økt motivasjon blant helsepersonell i kommunehelsetjenesten.
dc.description.abstractThis thesis is written by a student who has different work experience, including 9 years of work experience in the health service. This bachelor thesis marks the end of a three-year education in economics, management and sustainability at NTNU Gjøvik. The bachelor thesis was completed in collaboration with NTNU. Employees in the health service have long been under great work pressure. Understaffing and poor pay are factors that have been discussed in the health sector. During Covid-19, where strict guidelines have become part of everyday life, it will be exciting to see how this has affected the motivation of the employees in the municipal health service. The purpose is to find out what motivates the employees, and whether Covid-19 has had an impact on the motivation among the employees in the municipal health service. Has the motivation been weakened or strengthened? Have there been more challenging tasks? Is the salary good enough? Has there been more or less autonomy? Quantitative methods have been used, and data collection has been done with quantitative surveys. The findings of the study are linked to relevant theory. The conclusion shows that health personnel experience somewhat less autonomy under Covid-19 than otherwise, but that Covid-19 has not affected the motivation of employees to any great extent. Belonging and presence from management is considered an important motivating factor. However, it will be an important focus area to focus on increased motivation among health professionals.
dc.titleMotivasjon i kommunehelsetjenesten
dc.typeBachelor thesis

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