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dc.contributor.advisorLøfaldli, Eli.
dc.contributor.authorVagnildhaug, Anniken.
dc.description.abstractDenne bacheloren undersøker hvordan kjønnsroller er fremstilt i Louisa May Alcott's roman "Little Women" fra 1868, og George Cukor sin filmatisering av boken i 1933. Den diskuterer stereotypiske kjønnsroller sett i henhold til datidens sosiale samfunn, og referer mye til hvordan Alcott fremhever hovedkarakterene på en utradisjonell måte, for å bryte med de stereotypiske, sosiale reglene som var plassert på de ulike kjønn. Lesere av boken forstår at forventingene av de ulike kjønn oppstår i og for det sosiale samfunnet. I Cukor sin versjon ser vi også at dette er relevant, da Laurie blir fremstilt annerledes enn i boken.
dc.description.abstractThis bachelor thesis investigates how gender is portrayed in Louisa May Alcott's "Little Women" from 1868, and George Cukor's film adaptation from 1933. The thesis discusses stereotypical gender roles seen in relation to the contemporary societies of the Victorian era and the 1930s. Through the characters of Jo and Laurie, Alcott presents an unconventional portrayal of gender in an attempt to break with stereotypical gendering. Through this, readers of the book learn that characteristics and expectations of each sex are defined by and for society. Discussing Cukor’s version in this regard, it becomes evident that the society and contemporary period have had much effect and result on the adaptation, to which Laurie is portrayed differently than in the book.en
dc.titleGender Portrayals in Louisa May Alcott's Little Women (1868) and George Cukor's Little Women (1933)
dc.typeBachelor thesis

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