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dc.contributor.advisorTørset, Jomar
dc.contributor.authorFivelsdal, Martin Astrup
dc.description.abstractByggebransjen står overfor et digitalt skifte, og det er et tydelig potensial når det gjelder implementering av ny teknologi. Utviklingen innen kunstig intelligens (KI) kan være innovasjonen bransjen har ventet på, men hvordan skal man implementere slik teknologi? Hensikten med denne oppgaven er å belyse fordelene KI kan ha for byggebransjen, og hva bedrifter burde tenke på ved implementering av KI. Dette innebærer risikohåndtering og implementeringsstrategier. Oppgaven er basert på vitenskapelig litteratur, en spørreundersøkelse sendt ut til bedrifter i byggebransjen, og tre intervjuer. Problemstillingen er som følger: «Hvordan implementere kunstig intelligens i byggebransjen?»
dc.description.abstractThe construction industry is taking strives towards digitalization, and the time for implementation of new technology is at its doorstep. The industry has been called out many times for its lack of innovation. Artificial Intelligence (AI) presents an opportunity and has the potential to be the innovation the industry has been waiting for, and what it needs to catch up to other industries that have already adopted AI. The purpose of this assignment is to map the current use of AI in the industry, to shine a light on the benefits that AI can bring to the construction industry, and what companies should think of when implementing AI. This involves risk management and implementation strategies. The research question is: "How to Implement Artificial Intelligence in the Construction Industry?". To answer this question, there is conducted a survey that was sent to companies in the construction industry, and three separate interviews. In addition to research from scientific literature and other articles about the subject. The findings of this study reveal that despite what the literature says about little, to no use of Artificial Intelligence in the construction industry, some companies in Norway are already using AI. This is particularly evident in the survey, where almost half of the participants responded that they use some type of AI. Still, the industry is a long way from fully adopting it. And implementing new technology is challenging, especially something as complex as AI. There are many factors to consider, and many people are involved in the process. Though, where the literature is almost unanimous, is that the human aspect of implementing new technology is as important, if not more important, than the technology itself. However, the presence of AI in the construction industry is still at an early stage, so whether one can rely on the literature at this moment is uncertain. Time will tell. Companies will have to identify areas where AI is needed the most. An idea is to create a dedicated department that works exclusively with the digitalization and implementation of new technology. This measure will aid in preventing unnecessary risks, and make sure all employees are involved in the implementation process. The fear of being replaced by AI is real among many. However, both the literature and the interviews believe that it’s more likely to be a reorganization and redefinition of roles in the company. Again, communication and openness are key. Managers must explain to their employees the benefits of AI, and they have to spread that mindset throughout the company so that everyone is ready to accept change. What is important to keep in mind is that AI does not solve all problems, but the technology can be of great value if it is implemented and used properly and responsibly. Ultimately, every business is different, so what works for each of them must be up to themselves. This thesis presents theory of AI, implementation and risk, as well as first-hand perspectives and knowledge from people in the industry. But is it enough to construct a plan for implementation of Artificial Intelligence in the construction industry?
dc.titlePlan for implementering av kunstig intelligens i byggebransjen
dc.typeBachelor thesis

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