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dc.contributor.advisorReikvam, Gudrun
dc.contributor.authorTertemiz, Damla
dc.description.abstractBackground: Physical inactivity is one of the major risk factor for lifestyle diseases such as metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes etc. and kill 38 million people worldwide each year. Despite the well-known health benefits gained from being physically active, many do not want to participate in physical activities. By, improving knowledge about psychological factors and exploration of cheap facilities and physical activity offers we might understand which groups participate in such offers and what motivates them to be physically active. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate correlation between NTNUI mosjons physical activity offers and physical activity habits in students of age 18 – 30, and observe who uses the facility offer and why. This thesis will also explore if students take advantage of the offer due to availability and low cost and manifest if the offer changes physical activity habits in inactive students. The results will be determined in a public health perspective. Method: This study employs quantitative research method that is based on self-administered questionnaire. The study design is stratified sampling where the participants are members of NTNUI mosjon. Altogether, 87 men and 64 women aged 18 - 30 years completed questionnaires that assessed different demographic variables, indices of physical activity habit, physical activity level, motivation to do physical activity in leisure time, and reason for participation of physical activity at NTNUI mosjon. The statistical data comprised of descriptive statistics and statistical analysis. Results: Analyses revealed that only 2,81% who attend the offer, had never done physical activity before the offer, while 95% reported to have been physical active more than three years. However the results also reviled that 35,2% of the participants became more physical active in their leisure time after participating at NTNUI mosjon. 27% also reported that they use NTNUI mosjon for motivation to do physical activity in leisure time. Conclusion: The findings suggest that the NTNUI mosjon has an effect on students to maintain their physical activity level for participants with high physical activity habits. A very small percentage who attend the offer had done physical activity for less than 3 years and therefore we can say that it does not influence the inactive students. However, the offer helps to motivate and encourages to be physically active in leisure time. The main reason participants attend NTNUI mosjon is the social aspect of the workout sessions.nb_NO
dc.titlePhysical activity offers and physical activity habits - Quantitative data analysis - A health survey among young adultsnb_NO
dc.typeMaster thesisnb_NO
dc.subject.nsiVDP::Medical disciplines: 700::Health sciences: 800nb_NO
dc.description.localcodeDenne masteroppgaven vil etter forfatterens ønske ikke bli tilgjengelignb_NO

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