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dc.contributor.advisorIversen, Ole Jannb_NO
dc.contributor.advisorJohansen, Beritnb_NO
dc.contributor.authorResellmo, Ester Ljonesnb_NO
dc.description.abstractAbstractThe mechanisms causing psoriasis and other autoimmune diseases are not known with certainty, although it has been indicated that the factors behind them are similar. These similarities are, among others, heredity disposition, Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) association and chronic inflammation in localised areas. These factors further lead to local expression of an auto-antigen. The psoriasis-associated antigen, Pso p27 is a protein with MW 27kD and is localised to psoriasis lesions and mast cells. It participates in complement-activating immune complexes in skin lesions as well as in patients with psoriasis. The antigen is produced by tryptase-positive cells in skin lesions and shown to be a major antigen in the immune reduction in psoriasis.Significant amount of research on sequencing Pso p27 has been preformed to identify the gene that code for Pso p27. The results suggest that Pso p27 is a mix of several proteins that belongs to the Squamos Cell Carcinoma Antigen family (SCCA). Pso p27 represents posttranslational modified SCCA-molecules that are cleaved from specific endoproteases. Furthermore, the reason that the monoclonal antigenes against Pso p27 do not recognise SCCA-molecules must therefore imply that the modification results in different epitopes on Pso P27. Pso p27 is mainly localised to mast cells in psoriasis lesions while the SCCA production is localised to epithelial cells in epidermis.nb_NO
dc.publisherInstitutt for biologinb_NO
dc.subjectMBI Biologino_NO
dc.subjectCelle- og molekylærbiologino_NO
dc.titleDetection of Pso p27 in Prostate Cancernb_NO
dc.typeMaster thesisnb_NO
dc.contributor.departmentNorges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Fakultet for naturvitenskap og teknologi, Institutt for biologinb_NO

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