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dc.contributor.advisorWollan, Gjermund
dc.contributor.authorLarsen, Kristine Rossbach
dc.description.abstractThis thesis is organised as a case study of two rural local communities in Nord-Trøndelag, Inderøy and Frosta, and explores cultural entrepreneurship in a perspective of geographical local and regional development. The background for the thesis is the claim that the opportunities and limitations for entrepreneurship and innovation latently exists in space and place – and in people. In this thesis, to do research on cultural entrepreneurship in a rural Norwegian context, is to find out more about how one can use what is already in place of resources in new ways within cultural- and experience industries. This can provide part of the solution to difficult challenges with an economic stem, which the Norwegian society currently faces. An example of such a challenge is What will we do when the oil runs out in Norwegian areas? This thesis attempts to provide a nuanced reasoning which argues that such challenges must be met in different ways, and using what is already in place of resources alongside cultural entrepreneurship could be one of the ways in which to meet them. How such entrepreneurial ideas arise and develop in conjunction with motivation, collaboration and knowledge bases, as well as participants and structures, is the core of this thesis. On this basis, it has been particularly interesting to find out whether different aspects and experiences of the development of a successful cultural entrepreneurial project can be extrapolated and implemented on other conceivable cultural entrepreneurial development projects. For this reason, the most important keywords in this study are entrepreneurship, innovation, regional and local development and cultural- and experience industries. The analytical component of this thesis, and the results it discovered, demonstrates that knowledge sharing between cultural entrepreneurs is especially important in order to succeed with cultural entrepreneurship projects. There is also a need to develop a collaborative culture between the cultural entrepreneurs. In addition, the cultural entrepreneurs need to collaborate with the public sector, relevant organisations, and most important of all: The rural local community. Furthermore, the entrepreneurs need to be open and positive towards the rural local community, thusly contributing to a stimulating and innovative process in the community itself. This thesis is based on a qualitative study. The research challenges in this study refer to interpreting the statements of the informants as well as theoretical approaches. In other words, the challenges have lain in unifying real life with acknowledged theory, without making the research intersubjective. Thorough analytical work in the gradual-deductive inductive method IV (stegvis-deduktiv induktiv metode) made this case study very interesting and educational work indeed, considering not only its thesis statement and research hypothesis, but also as an experience in doing research.nb_NO
dc.titleRuralt, kulturelt entreprenørskap : en studie av regional næringsutvikling i nordtrøndersk kontekstnb_NO
dc.typeMaster thesisnb_NO
dc.subject.nsiVDP::Social science: 200nb_NO

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