• Broadband Wireless Access for the African Rural District 

      Carlsen, Jan-Erik (Master thesis, 2006)
      This thesis have investigated technical and economical challenges for deploying WiMAX networks in rural districts of Africa. Africa has a fixed telephone line penetration of only 3%, which is a significant barrier for ...
    • Browser eavesdropping: how can we prevent our browsers from revealing our private information 

      Gjerde, Randi (Master thesis, 2005)
      NORSK: Våre nettlesere kan benyttes som verktøy for å finne informasjon om oss, kartlegge våre surfevaner, eller enda verre: finne brukernavn og passord. Denne masteroppgaven ser på hvilken informasjon det er mulig å ...
    • Bruk av autostereoskopisk 3D i videosamtaler 

      Grønningen, Sindre Ruud; Smeplass, Håkon (Master thesis, 2010)
      I oppgaven vurderes det om autostereoskopisk 3D er egnet å bruke i videosamtaler.Bruk av 3D-teknikker for å forbedre den opplevde kvaliteten av video er i dag mer aktuelt enn noen gang før, og 3D får stadig nye bruksområder. ...
    • Bruk av pseudonymiseringsteknologi i nasjonale registre 

      Refsdal, Eirik (Master thesis, 2007)
      Denne oppgaven handler om å identifisere problemer av teknisk art som er til hinder for etablering av nasjonale, pseudonyme helseregistre. For å få en mest mulig komplett oversikt over disse problemene har jeg valgt å ...
    • Bruk av rotårsaksanalyse i informasjonssikkerhet 

      Torres, Henrik Miguel Nacarino; Hellesen, Niclas; Brækken, Erlend Lundsvoll (Bachelor thesis, 2016-08-25)
      Tilnærming til problemer i informasjonssikkerhet (IS) er å identifisere risiko og velge et risikoreduserende tiltak basert på en risikovurdering (RV), eller hendelseshåndtering for problemer som forekommer hyppig. Tilnærmingene ...
    • Brukeraksessstyring i 802.11i RSN 

      Molnes, Kenneth Helge (Master thesis, 2007)
      I emnet TTM4137 Mobil sikkerhet er det utviklet en student lab [2] som muliggjør uttesting av sårbarhet i IEEE 802.11 teknologi. Denne oppgaven skal basere seg på dette og videreutvikle dette verktøyet slik at det egner ...
    • Building a prototype of web API honeypot for Electric Vehicle Charging Network operators 

      Mammadov, Alakbar (Master thesis, 2022)
      Critical infrastructure is one of the main targets for malicious actors. Due to the crucial dependencies of public services on electric power, all components of the power generation and distribution process are of great ...
    • Building a Successful Information Security Awareness Programme for NLI 

      Xiong, Peng (Master thesis, 2011)
      NLI is a Norwegian industrial company. Information security, which is crucial for their business success, has gained more and more attention from NLI‘s top management and IT department. Currently the technical side of ...
    • Building Confidence using Beliefs and Arguments in Security Class Evaluations for IoT 

      Shrestha, Manish; Johansen, Christian; Noll, Josef (Chapter, 2020)
      The proliferation of IoT (Internet of Things) though making life easier, comes with security and privacy challenges. We have previously proposed a security classification methodology meant to help in practice build IoT ...
    • Building IDS rules by means of a honeypot 

      Grønland, Vidar Ajaxon (Master thesis, 2006)
      NORSK: Dagens samfunn har blitt veldig avhengig av datasystemer for å være produktive. Det er derfor viktig at disse systemene har en høy grad av tilgjengelighet (oppetid). En faktor som har muligheten til å ...
    • Building Intelligent Transport Systems with Reactive Blocks and OSGi 

      Sandstad, Eivind (Master thesis, 2014)
      Traffic systems are the cause of both significant carbon emissions andinjuries in our world today. In an effort to better the traffic systems,a large amount of work is being put into making them intelligent. Byincreased ...
    • Business Analysis of Communication and IT Service Portfolios 

      Ree, Tormod Ingridsønn (Master thesis, 2007)
      The last decades in the communication and IT industry have been influenced by the introduction of numerous new business actors and technological systems. They have brought with them a wide variety of business actors operating ...
    • Business and Impact Alignment of Questionnaire 

      Piterenko, Kateryna (Master thesis, 2013)
      Survey is a quick common instrument for information gathering. One of the most common forms of the survey is a questionnaire. Questionnaire is “a technique for gathering statistical information about the attributes, ...
    • Business Cases for realization and deployment of ITS, with focus on Cooperative Services 

      Valåmo, Line Bomnes (Master thesis, 2012)
      There is an increasingly interest for implementation of Intelligent Transportation Systems around the world, and in some countries it is already successfully deployed and up and running. The reason for the desire for an ...
    • Business Models for Future Networked 3D Services 

      Bøhler, Marianne (Master thesis, 2011)
      3-Dimensional (3D) technology has seen an increasingly widespread use over the last years, although the concept of 3D has been around for many years. Large studio movies being released in 3D and the development of 3DTVs ...
    • Business Models for GeoPos: A Broker Service for Geographical Position Data 

      Landsverk, Svein Tore (Master thesis, 2008)
      Information about users' locations during a communication session opens up an area of service provision where applications can be developed to serve people according to where they are. The utility of such applications are ...
    • Business models for network slicing in 5G 

      Sze, Tone (Master thesis, 2020)
      Målet med denne masteroppgaven er å utforske potensielle forretningsmodeller for kommende skivedeling i 5G. 5G-nettverket vil forbedre tjenester fra de foregående nettverksgenerasjoner og introdusere nye bruksområder. Ved ...
    • Business potential for next generation of hotel experience 

      Jørgensen, Sebastian (Master thesis, 2017)
      The hospitality industry is growing, at the same time the number of competitors is increasing. The sharing economy and online travel agencies are seizing increasing parts of the profit. In order to maintain the strong ...
    • Business prospect of establishing WLAN in developing countries 

      Frøynes, Mattis (Master thesis, 2011)
      In the developing countries lays a huge business potential for Internet distributors and other Internet service providers. There are certain factors contributing to this and several real life barriers needing to be crossed ...
    • Business Scenarios for the Ecosystem Surrounding Licensed Shared Access 

      Eidsaa, Herman Berget (Master thesis, 2018)
      Licensed Shared Access (LSA) is a regulatory approach in spectrum sharing which aims to meet the requirements of the high demand after frequency spectrum. Allowing incumbent spectrum users (license holders of the frequency ...